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[Judges xvi. 30.]

Where is my strength, my faith, my God,
My confidence of boasting now?
Borne down by sin's revolting load,
Beneath its iron yoke I bow,
Again indignantly I groan;
My strength, my faith, my God is gone.
Departed is the Lord from me,
Weak as another man I am;
Spoil'd of my power and liberty,
I bear my punishment and shame;
The world their feeble foe despise,
Their god hath put out both mine eyes.
Into their hands by sin betray'd,
(The sin I cherish'd in my breast,)
Low in the deepest dungeon laid,
Fetter'd in brass, by guilt opprest,
A slave to Satan I remain,
And bite, but cannot burst, my chain.
Now to their idol's temple brought,
A sport I am to fiends and men;
They set my helplessness at nought,
They triumph in my toil and pain;
The' uncircumcised lift up their voice,
And Dagon's worshippers rejoice.
Remember me, O Lord, my God,
If ever I could call Thee mine;
Though now I perish in my blood,
And all my hopes of heaven resign,


Yet listen to my latest call,
Nor suffer me alone to fall.
O, cast not out my dying prayer!
Strengthen me with Thy Spirit's might
This only once: I pray Thee, hear;
Avenge me for my loss of sight;
Avenge it on mine enemies,
For they have put out both mine eyes.
Blind as I am, with both my hands
The pillars let me feel, and seize,
On which the house of Dagon stands,
The pillars of self-righteousness:
'Tis done; with all my might I bow:
Help me, O God, and help me now.
Now let the ponderous ruin fall,
And crush the world, and Satan's head;
O, let it now o'erwhelm us all:
Since I must sink among the dead,
Since I can neither fight nor fly,
Let me with the Philistines die!