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  • A. B., III, 591.
  • Account for furnishing the ship Supply,
  • Account with Edward Williams for the ship
    Margaret, 384–385.
  • Account of the expenses of the voyage, ren-
    dered to Sir William Throckmorton and
    Associates, 214–215.
  • Abbot, George, Archbishop of Canterbury, 81,
    320, 459, 510.
  • Abbott, Morris, 80, 318.
  • Committee for securing colonists, 97.
  • Abdy, Anthony, 80, 592, 593.
  • Abdy, James (Abdey), 318.
  • Abigall. See under Ships.
  • Acanack-China, 547, 642.
  • Accounts, III, 33.
  • Assessing of Adventurers, 94.
  • Auditors, 364.
  • A. B. with Edward Williams for the ship
    Margaret, 384–385.
  • A. B. for furnishing the ship Supply,
  • Berkley Hundred, 291.
  • Claims—
  • Against the company, 39–41, 41–43, 44,
    45–48, 52–56, 57, 215–216, 262, 443.
  • By the company, 34–39, 43, 45, 49–52,
  • Colony—
  • Customs, 274, 510.
  • Rents, 100–103, 108, 211, 226–227, 255,
    362, 512, 691.
  • Complete list in alphabetical order of the
    Adventurers to Virginia with amounts of
    their holdings, 79–90.
  • Concerning establishment of Berkley Hun-
    dred, 130.
  • Cost of furnishing the Margaret, 178–189.
  • Covenant by company to pay Captain
    Arthur Guy, et al., 499–500, 500–501.
  • Debts—
  • Due company from colony, 687–689.
  • Expenses for plantation sent to Mr. Thorpe,
  • For Mr. Felgate's freight, 435–436.
  • For four servants sent to Virginia, 618–619.
  • Furnishing 35 men for Smythe's Hundred,
  • Gifts—
  • Expended, 539–540.
  • Received, 117, 241, 537–539, 575–577,
  • List of men and land granted them, 396–397.
  • Losses—
  • Of company, 530.
  • From magazine, 503–505.
  • On tobacco, 496, 504.
  • Marriage fees for maids transported by
    company, 494, 505–506.
  • Money spent since William Tracy's depar-
    ture, 402–404.
  • Names of Adventurers with sums adven-
    tured, 317–340.
  • Note of Shipping, men and provisions sent
    to Virginia in 1621
    , 639–640.
  • A Note of the Shipping, Men and Provisions
    Sent to Virginia, by the Treasurer and
    , 115–117.
  • A Note of the Shipping, Men and Provisions,
    sent and provided for Virginia
    , 239–240.
  • Note of tobacco sold, 511.
  • Outfit for family of six, 578–579.
  • Outfit for one man, 577–578.
  • Payments ordered—
  • By warrant, 467, 468, 676.
  • Rendered for supplies sent in the ship
    London Merchant, 260–261.
  • Security granted by adventurers for Berkley
    Hundred, 195.
  • Security granted by company, 466.

  • 712

  • Settlement of wages of tradesmen in Vir-
    ginia, 589–590.
  • Shareholders in Virginia Company from
    1615 to 1623, 58–66.
  • Transportation to Virginia, 132, 214–215.
  • Valuation of the commodities growing and
    to be had in Virginia, 237–239.
  • With adventurers, 423.
  • With planters, 199.
  • See also Company, Accounts of; Voy-
    ages to Virginia, Accounts of.
  • Achamak, 585.
  • Ackland, Sir John, 80, 317.
  • Adams, —, 254.
  • Adams, Daniel, 185.
  • Addison, Thomas, 64, 538.
  • Admiral, Lord, 459.
  • Admiralty Court. See Court, Admiralty.
  • Adventure, Bills of, 273.
  • Adventurers.
  • Encouraged to settle new plantations,
  • Form of patent for adventurers undertaking
    to transport and plant 100 persons,
  • Grants of land for new, 361.
  • Grants of land for old, 362.
  • Lists of, 58–66, 79–90, 317–340.
  • Payments requested by company, 315–316.
  • Securing of, 137, 406.
  • For Smythe's Hundred, 94–95.
  • Adventurers and Planters.
  • Copy of a petition to the council for Virginia,
  • Agreement between Richard Berkeley and Asso-
    ciates, and Robert Pawlett, 401–402.
  • Agreement between Sir William Throckmorton,
    Richard Berkeley, George Thorpe, John
    Smyth, and Captain John Woodleefe, 201–207.
  • Agriculture. See under Commodities.
  • Alden, Robert, 66.
  • Ale. See under Commodities, beer.
  • Alehouses, Limitation of, 428, 430–431.
  • Aleworth, Michael, 567.
  • Aliffe, Sir William 317.
  • Allen, Edmund, 80, 317.
  • Virginia Company contra, et al., 43.
  • Allen, Edward, 80, 317.
  • Allen, John, 80, 317, 566.
  • Allen, Thomas, 80, 317.
  • Allin, —, 619.
  • Allington, Giles, 80, 318.
  • Alport, Jonas, 569.
  • Alredge, Thomas, 539.
  • Amadas, Philip, Explorer, 543.
  • Amsterdam, 530.
  • Andres, John, 80.
  • Andrewes, —, 62.
  • Andrews, John, the elder, 317.
  • Andrews, John, the younger, III, 318.
  • Andrews, Nicholas, 80, 317.
  • Annis seed. See under Commodities.
  • Anthony, Charles, 80, 317.
  • Anthony, Francis, Dr., 58, 62, 80, 317.
  • Council for Virginia, 482, 491, 507, 528.
  • Apomattucke River, 566.
  • Apparel, Law against excess in, 165.
  • Apprentices. See under Planters.
  • Ap-Richard, Thomas, 569.
  • Archard, William, accountant or clerk, 214,
    391, 403, 408. See also Arthard.
  • Archbishop of Canterbury, 81, 320.
  • Member of Privy Council, 459, 510.
  • Archer, Gabriell, Captain, 60.
  • Archer, John, 60.
  • Argall, Samuel, Captain (Argoll), 58, 71, 97, 99,
    103, 121, 122, 123, 159, 164, 217, 219, 244,
  • Case examined, 236–237, 251–252, 417.
  • College land, misappropriation of, 264.
  • Commission as Governor, 68.
  • Commissions for trade and officers, 74, 75,
    75–76, 91.
  • Debts due from his tenants, 175–176.
  • Defense of, with Sir Nathaniel Rich, 234.
  • Defense of by John Rolfe, 247.
  • Dishonesty of, 106, 119–120, 147.
  • Governor's land, misappropriation of, 255.
  • Justice desired for, 372.
  • Letters—
  • To citizens of Bermuda Hundred, 76.
  • To Virginia Company, 73–74, 79, 92.
  • Memoranda, 78.
  • Pardons, 74.
  • Payment made in cattle, 76.
  • Petitioner, 231.
  • Poverty in colony on his retirement, 299.
  • Proclamations or Edicts, 69–70, 93.
  • Receiver of malicious letters from Lord
    Ritch, 152–153.
  • Sailors, order concerning, 90.

  • 713

  • Suit concerning the Treasurer, 422–423.
  • Warrants, 79.
  • Witness against John Bargrave, 521, 522.
  • See also under Governor of Virginia.
  • Argall's gift, 154.
  • Argall Town, 247.
  • Argoll, John, 58.
  • Armenia, 423.
  • Arthard, William.
  • Letter from William Tracy, 291. See also
  • Artisans. See under Colonists.
  • Arundel, Earl of, 60.
  • Member of Privy Council, 459, 460.
  • Arundell, John, 80, 318.
  • Arundell, Peter (Arondelle), 60, 463.
  • Fragment of a letter to John Smyth of
    Nibley, 589.
  • Letter to Sir Edwin Sandys, 534–535.
  • Ascough, James, 318.
  • Ashcroft, Richard, 80, 317.
  • Ashey, III, 629.
  • Ashley, Sir Anthony, 80, 317, 337.
  • Ashly, William, 539.
  • Askew, James, 80, 318.
  • Askwith, Sir Robert, 80, 317.
  • Assembly.
  • A Reporte of the manner of proceeding in the
    general Assembly convented at James City
  • See also General Assembly of Virginia.
  • Asten, Ambrose, 318.
  • Aston, Sir Roger, 80, 317.
  • Astronomy, 584.
  • Atkins, —, 565.
  • Atkinson, William, 80, 317.
  • Attorney General, 524.
  • Atwood, James, 186.
  • Aucher, Lady, 691.
  • Aucher, Sir Anthony, 58, 317.
  • Auditors. See under Company.
  • Austed, John, 538.
  • Austin, Ambrose, 62, 80.
  • Awst, 184, 186.
  • Ayliffe, Sir William, 80.
  • Ayres, —.
  • Committee for Somers Islands Company,
  • Ayscough, James, 592, 593.
  • Azores, Islands, 9, 10.
  • Baal, George, 538.
  • Bache, George, 81, 319.
  • Bacon, Henry.
  • A Warrant for John Fenner, Captain of
    "Silver Falcon," and
    [him] to pass to
    , 135–136.
  • Bacon, Thomas, 571.
  • Badger, John, 80, 319, 592, 593.
  • Badger, Thomas, 538.
  • Bagg, James, 62.
  • Bagwell, William, 593.
  • Bailiffs, Wages of, 100, 101.
  • Baily, William, 566.
  • Baine, —, 435.
  • Bakehouses. See under Commodities.
  • Baker, John, 80, 319.
  • Baker, Robert, 397, 405, 426.
  • Baker, Thomas, 81, 319.
  • Bakers, Company of, 80, 318.
  • Baldwin, Francis, 59, 81, 320.
  • Bale, Alexander, 570.
  • Ballot box, 343.
  • Balmford, —, 64.
  • Baly, William, 539.
  • Bamfield, Sir Amias, 80, 318.
  • Bancks, John, 80, 318.
  • Banester, Thomas, 77.
  • Banister, Richard, 80, 318.
  • Bankes, Miles, 81, 318.
  • Barber, Edward, 81, 320.
  • Barber, Thomas, 80, 318.
  • Barbersurgeons, Company of, 80, 318.
  • Barbor, —, 63.
  • Barbor, Gabriel, 59, 225, 271, 306, 371, 406, 511,
    529, 592, 593, 604.
  • Committee for securing colonists, 97.
  • Court for Somers Islands, 603.
  • Letter to Sir Edwin Sandys, 190–191, 223.
  • Lottery, manager of, 67.
  • Offer of financial assistance to company, 223.
  • Voyage to Virginia supported by, 513, 514,
  • Bargrave, George, 58.
  • Bargrave, John, Captain, 58, 60, 61, 62, 125, 168.
  • Disclaimer of opposition to the present
    management, 615, 616, 637–638.
  • Martin's cattle, 444.
  • Patent, 118.
  • Piracy, accused of, 522.
  • Slander, accused of, 524.

  • 714

  • Suits—
  • Answer by Council for Virginia, 645–
  • Charges against the former govern-
    ment of Virginia, 605–607.
  • Decree in Chancery in his favor, 598–
  • Petition to the Committee for Griev-
    ances, House of Commons, 517–520.
  • Petitions to the Privy Council, 608–
    609, 644–645.
  • Reply of Sir Thomas Smythe and Alder-
    man Johnson, 521–524.
  • Settled, 653–654.
  • Bargrave, Thomas, Minister, 576.
  • Gift of library to college, 643.
  • Barington. See Barrington.
  • Barker, James, 77.
  • Barker, John, accountant or clerk, 183, 384, 392,
    404, 566.
  • Barker, Robert, Printer, 80, 319, 435.
  • Barkham, Sir Edward, Lord Mayor of London,
    65, 559.
  • Barklet, Peter, 81.
  • Barlow, Arthur, Explorer, 543.
  • Barnard, —, Captain, 679.
  • Barnard, John, 592, 593, 677.
  • Court for Somers Islands, 603.
  • Warrant to Deputy John Ferrar by him and
    others, 468.
  • Barnard, William, 80.
  • Barners, Anthony, 80, 318.
  • Barnes, Edward, 80, 319, 338, 592, 593.
  • Barnes, Philip, 565.
  • Barnes, William, 318.
  • Barnstaple, England, 400.
  • Baron, Christopher, 80, 319, 592, 593.
  • Barrett, William, 61, 81, 320.
  • Barrington, Sir Francis, 80, 318.
  • Barry, David, 571.
  • Bartle, Peter, 60, 320.
  • Bartlett, —, Lieutenant, 227.
  • Barton, —, Apothecary, 386.
  • Barwick, Thomas, Captain, 65, 660.
  • In charge of shipwrights for colony, 649–
  • Basingthwayte, John, 569.
  • Basse, —, Lieutenant, 227, 435, 436.
  • Basse, Humfrey, 81, 320, 338.
  • Basse, Nathaniel, Captain.
  • Witness to wager, 695.
  • Basse, Samuel, 539.
  • Basset, William, 566.
  • Bateman, Raphe, 65.
  • Bateman, Robert, 80, 319.
  • Bath and Wells, James Montague, Bishop of, 80,
  • Bathurst, Thomas, 81.
  • Bathurst, Timothy, 319.
  • Bats, Thomas, 570.
  • Baugh, Thomas, 396, 405, 426, 674.
  • Bayly, George, 405.
  • Bayly, John, 396, 426.
  • Bayly, Thomas, 81, 319.
  • Baynam, Richard, 62.
  • Beadle. See under Company, Officers.
  • Beadle, Gabriel, 80, 318.
  • Beadle, John, 319.
  • Beads. See under Commodities; Indians; Trade.
  • Beamond, Richard, 423.
  • Beamont, Sir Thomas, 80, 318.
  • Beaumont, John, 81, 320.
  • Becke, Charles, 81, 320.
  • Becke, William, 81, 319.
  • Beckford, 409.
  • Bedford, Edward, Earl of, 59, 80, 318.
  • Beehives. See under Commodities.
  • Beer. See under Commodities.
  • Beheathland, Robert, Captain, Petitioner, 231.
  • Bel, John, 566.
  • Bell, Robert, 81, 320.
  • Benham, William, 80.
  • Beningfield, Sir Henry, 337.
  • Virginia Company contra, et al., 45.
  • Bennett, David, 62, 339.
  • Bennett, Edward, 63.
  • Council for Virginia, 467.
  • Massacre at his plantation, 571.
  • Patent, 643.
  • Bennett, Elizabeth, 568.
  • Bennett, Henry, 538.
  • Bennett, John, 570.
  • Bennett, Sir John, 80, 318, 337.
  • Bennett, Robert.
  • Commission, 700–701.
  • Bennett, William, 80, 319.
  • Witness in defense against company's suit,
  • Benson, Nicholas, 80, 319.

  • 715

  • Benson, Peter, 80, 319.
  • Berblock, —, 58.
  • Court for Somers Islands, 603.
  • Berblock, James,
  • Order to Mr. Ferrar, 262.
  • Berblock, William, 59, 81, 320.
  • Berkley, Town of (Berkeley), 380.
  • Arrival of planters, 426–427.
  • Governor, 200.
  • Berkley, England (Barkley), 186, 187, 386, 391.
  • Berkley, Edward (Barkley), 80, 319.
  • Berkley, Lady Elizabeth, 63, 64.
  • Berkley, George (Barkley), 80, 320.
  • Berkley, John (Barkley), 651.
  • Council in Virginia, 483, 588, 590.
  • Ironworks, 475–476, 487, 548, 586, 640.
  • Killed in massacre, 555, 565.
  • Berkley, Sir Maurice (Barkley), 80, 318, 403.
  • Restoration of ironworks, 670–671.
  • Saltworks, 586.
  • Berkley, Richard (Barkley, Berkeley), 110, 266,
    290, 367, 369, 370, 415.
  • Accounts, 184, 185, 189, 260, 385, 392, 403,
  • Agreements with associates, 201–207, 376–
  • Commission, 379–381.
  • Commission, party in, 199–201.
  • Indenture, 130–134, 210–211.
  • Letter from John Smyth, 292–294.
  • Letter to John Smyth of Nibley, 137–138.
  • Partner in Berkley Hundred, 272–273.
  • Patent, 118.
  • Revocation of Captain John Woodleefe's
    commission, 374–375.
  • Berkley, Richard, and Associates.
  • Agreement with Robert Pawlett, 401–402.
  • Bond given, 195.
  • Charter party between them and William
    Ewins for the ship Supply, 381–384.
  • Letter to Sir George Yeardley, 212.
  • List of colonists, 213, 230, 405–406.
  • Ordinances direcc̃ons and Instructions to Cap-
    tain John Woodleefe
    , 207–210.
  • Berkley, Thorpe, Tracy and Smyth.
  • Agreement with Richard Smyth and wife
    and others, 393–394.
  • Berkley, Richard, and Smyth, John.
  • Commission to George Thorpe for the gov-
    ernment of the plantation, 397–400.
  • Berkley, William (Barkley), 81, 319.
  • Berkley Hundred.
  • Government, 207–210.
  • Indenture, 271–274.
  • Massacre, 567.
  • Military guard for, 209.
  • Named, 202.
  • Officers, 209–210.
  • Berkley's Plantation.
  • Massacre at, 565.
  • Bermuda City, 93.
  • William Craddock appointed Provost Mar-
    shal of, 91.
  • Bermuda Court, 236.
  • Bermuda Granary, 209.
  • Bermuda Hundred.
  • William Craddock appointed Provost Mar-
    shal of, 91.
  • Letter claiming West and Shirley Hundreds,
  • Letter from Governor Argall sympathizing
    with claims, 76.
  • Bermudas, 73.
  • Sale of, 48.
  • Bernard, Austen, 539.
  • Betton, John, 81.
  • Bibles. See under Religion, or Religious Books.
  • Bickeley, Francis, 66.
  • Biddolph, Anthony, 61.
  • Biggs, Richard, 66.
  • Bill, John, printer, 435.
  • Bingley, John, 80, 318.
  • Bingley, Sir Richard.
  • Sued by company, 34–39, 45.
  • Bisaker, Fayth (Bysaker), 406.
  • Agreement with Richard Berkley and Asso-
    ciates, 393–394.
  • Bisaker, Robert (Bysaker), 403, 406, 411.
  • Agreement with Richard Berkley and Asso-
    ciates, 393–394.
  • Bishop, Edward, 80, 319.
  • Bishop, William, 539.
  • Bishop of London (John King), 61.
  • Blachall, John, 58.
  • Blackmore, Richard, 81, 319.
  • Blades, George, 539.
  • Blake, Henry, 539.
  • Blanchard, John, 213, 230, 293.
  • Agreement with Richard Berkley and Asso-
    ciates, 199.

  • 716

  • Sent to Berkley Hundred, 197.
  • Steward and clerk of Berkley Hundred, 209,
  • Blanchard, Robert, 538.
  • Bland, —, 59, 66.
  • Bland, Benjamin, 81.
  • Bland, John, 592, 593.
  • Council, 467, 468.
  • Blayney, Edward, 508.
  • Letter to Sir Edwin Sandys, 508–509.
  • Magazine, 449, 526, 582, 668, 687.
  • Losses from, 503.
  • Tobacco in payment by colonists for wives,
  • Blewet, John, 569.
  • Blind Margaret, 567.
  • Blockhouses, 75.
  • On Blunt's Point, 647, 685.
  • Building of, ordered by company, 470, 617.
  • Blount, John, 320.
  • Bludder, Sir Thomas, 80, 318.
  • Bluet, —, 269.
  • Bluett, —, Captain (Blevet, Blewet), 453.
  • Iron works, 128–129.
  • Blunt, Edward, 319.
  • Blunt, John 81, 319.
  • Blunt, Richard, 81, 319.
  • Blunt's Point, 647, 685.
  • Blyth, William, 568.
  • Boate, James, 569.
  • Bocket, Thomas, 81.
  • Bohemia, 215.
  • Bohune, Lawrence, Dr., 60.
  • Patent, 118.
  • Petitioner, 231.
  • Silk worm seed for, 407.
  • Boise, John.
  • Killed with wife in massacre, 570.
  • Boise, Thomas.
  • Killed with wife and child in massacre, 570.
  • Bolles, Sir George, 318.
  • Bolton, Francis, Minister, Elizabeth City, 485.
  • Bolton, William, 59, 592, 593.
  • Bolus River, 20.
  • Bona Nova. See under Ships.
  • Bonaventure. See under Ships.
  • Bonoeil, John (Bonnall, Bonnell), 63.
  • Cultivation of silk worms, vines, and trop-
    ical fruits, 661, 662.
  • Land grant, 634–637.
  • Manager of French colonists, 651.
  • Bond, Martin, 80, 318.
  • Bond, Thomas, 339.
  • Bonham, William, 318.
  • Bons, David, 570.
  • Books.
  • Carried by the Margaret, 178.
  • College at Henrico, 643.
  • For colony, 403.
  • Gerard's Herball, 447.
  • Husbandry, etc., 400.
  • Law books needed, 447.
  • For Thomas White, minister, 507.
  • Books of Record. See Company, Records.
  • Books of Common Prayer. See under Religion;
    and Religious Books.
  • Booker, Michael, 567.
  • Book keeper. See Company, Book keeper.
  • Boothby, —, 66.
  • Boothby, Richard, 60.
  • Borne, David, 80, 319.
  • Borne, Ruben, 81.
  • Borough Land. See Land, Common.
  • Boroughs.
  • Four ancient defined, 100, 276.
  • Glebe land, 102.
  • Location of new, 104.
  • Salt works, 280.
  • Tenants of ancient, 101, 105.
  • Boscough, Richard, 565.
  • Boswell—, Apothecary, 391.
  • Boughton House, 33.
  • Boulestrod, Sir William.
  • Sued by company, 43.
  • Bourchiers, Sir John, 318.
  • Patent, 643.
  • Bourton, Christopher, 198, 213, 230.
  • Bowater, John, 64.
  • Bowles, Sir George, 81.
  • Bowry, Joseph, 538.
  • Bowyer, Sir Edmond, 81, 318, 337.
  • Sued by company, 45.
  • Bowyer, Robert, 80, 319.
  • Box, Henry, 61.
  • Boyd, Sir Edmond.
  • Sued by Company, 45.
  • Boyse, John (Boys).
  • Committee, 159.

  • 717

  • Representative of Martin's Hundred, 154.
  • Tobacco taster, 228–229.
  • Warden of Martin's Hundred, 450, 451.
  • Bradshawe, Giles.
  • Killed with wife and child in massacre, 565.
  • Bradway, Alexander, 674.
  • Bradway, Giles, 567.
  • Braford, John, 568.
  • Brand, Benjamin, 320.
  • Brandwell, Edmond, 319.
  • Brasington, Thomas, 565.
  • Bray, —, Mistress, 569.
  • Brearely, James, 80.
  • Bredau, 680.
  • Brett, —, Captain, 59.
  • Brett, Thomas, 81, 319.
  • Bretton, Thomas, 320.
  • Brewer, —, 512.
  • Brewer, John, et al.
  • Petition to the king, 580–581.
  • Brewood, Thomas.
  • Killed in massacre with wife, child, and two
    servants, 571.
  • Brewsey, Ambrose, 80, 318.
  • Brewster, Edward, Captain, 60, 62, 81, 319, 571.
  • Sued by Earl of Warwick, 418–423.
  • Brewster, William, 80, 318.
  • Brian, —, 290.
  • Briarley. See Bryarley.
  • Bridges, John.
  • Letter to John Smyth, 410.
  • Bridges, Robert, 409.
  • Briggs, Henry, 592, 593.
  • Northwest Passage, 541, 548.
  • Briggs, Robert, 60.
  • Bristol, England, 248, 272, 290, 400.
  • Accounts, 183–187, 385, 388–392, 403, 404.
  • Certificate of sailing by mayor, 398, 405–
  • Furnishings for the Margaret, 179–184.
  • King's Road, 193, 194, 195, 377, 378, 380,
    382, 383, 384.
  • Bristol Bridge, 392.
  • Bristol Fair, 386.
  • Britton, Thomas, 80, 319.
  • Broadway, Alexander, 397, 406, 427.
  • Broadway, Giles, 397, 406, 426.
  • Brocket, Thomas, 319.
  • Broker, Hugh, 80.
  • Bromage, Henry.
  • Killed in massacre with wife, daughter and
    man, 570.
  • Bromfield, Arthur, 81, 320.
  • Bromrick, Matthew (Bronericke), 81, 320.
  • Bromridge, Matthew (Bromerighe), 80, 318.
  • Brooke, Christopher, 80, 318.
  • Council for Virginia, 29, 52, 372.
  • Brooke, John, 80, 318.
  • Brooke, Sir John, 367.
  • Patent, 643.
  • Patent form for Adventurers, 624–627.
  • Brooke, Richard, 80, 318.
  • Brooker, Hugh, 318.
  • Brookes, George, 64.
  • Broomfield, —.
  • Committee for securing colonists, 97.
  • Broomeman, William, 433.
  • Brough, John, Captain, 80, 319.
  • Browne, —, 7, 10, 65, 550.
  • Browne, Anthony, 61.
  • Browne, Francis, 538.
  • Browne, George, 539.
  • Browne, Luke, 538.
  • Browne, Robert, 60.
  • Browne, Thomas, 568.
  • Browne, William, 80, 319.
  • Brudenell, Edmund (Brundwell), 64, 80.
  • Brudenell, Francis, 64.
  • Bruice (Edward), Lord, 66.
  • Brunnet, John, 198.
  • Bryarley, James (Briarley), 318.
  • Sued by company, 34–39.
  • Defense in suit by company, 41–43.
  • Brydgeman, John, 44, 48.
  • Buccleuch, Duke of.
  • Council for Virginia, 33.
  • Bucher, John, 80.
  • Bucke, Richard. Minister, 155.
  • Letter to Sir Edwin Sandys, 443, 460–461.
  • Request for money due from company, 443.
  • Buckeridge, Nicholas, 59.
  • Buckingham, 193.
  • Buckingham, —, 569.
  • Buckingham, Marquis of.
  • Letter from Sir Edwin Sandys, 294–296.
  • Budd, William.
  • Commission, 365.
  • Budge, John, 62, 65, 66.
  • Bueket, —, Mistress, 692.

  • 718

  • Bulkly, Sir Richard, 63, 64.
  • Patent, 241.
  • Bulkly, Thomas (Buckley), 64.
  • Patent, 643.
  • Bull, Richard, 65, 592, 593.
  • Council for Virginia, 468.
  • Bullocke, —, 571.
  • Bullocke, John, 81, 319.
  • Burch, Thomas, 538.
  • Burdely, John, 674.
  • Burges, Barbara, 569.
  • Burgesse, James, 538.
  • Burgesses.
  • Admission to General Assembly, 155.
  • Election of, 153, 241.
  • Rejection of Captain Martin's, 241.
  • Representatives of Hundreds to General
    Assembly, 483.
  • Sickness among, 176–177.
  • Burgh, John, 66.
  • Burgoney, Peter, 319.
  • Burgoney, Robert, 80, 319.
  • Burgoney, Thomas, 80, 319.
  • Burials, Registration of, 171.
  • Burley, Francis, 80, 319.
  • Burnham, Samuel, 80, 319.
  • Burnham, William, 66.
  • Burre, Walter, Printer, 520.
  • Burrell, —, 306.
  • Burrell, Minion, 81, 319.
  • Burrell, William, 81, 320.
  • Burrouse, William, 538.
  • Burton, George, 81, 319.
  • Burton, John, 571.
  • Busbridge, John, 320.
  • Bushel, Henry, 566.
  • Busteridge, John, 80, 319.
  • Butler, Edward, 65.
  • Butler, George, 81, 319.
  • Butler, John, 538, 570.
  • Butta, Samuel, 538.
  • Button, Thomas, Captain, 80, 318.
  • Button, Sir Thomas, Explorer, 573–574.
  • Buttry, Richard.
  • Servants, accounts, 618–619, 674.
  • Bykar, William.
  • Killed in massacre, 568.
  • Byrde, W., 12.
  • Cabot, John.
  • Patent, 543.
  • Caesar, Sir Julius.
  • Request to him, Master of the Rolls, 702–
  • Cage, Edward, 82, 321.
  • Cage, John, 60, 339.
  • Cage, Nicholas, 539.
  • Caldicott, Mathias, 66.
  • California, an island, 573–574.
  • Calvert, Sir George, Secretary of State, 81, 320,
    365, 491.
  • Privy Council, 459, 510.
  • Cambell, James, 82, 321.
  • Came, 186.
  • Came, Nicholas (Cambe), 396, 405, 426.
  • Accounts, 404, 436.
  • Camp, Lawrence, 82, 321.
  • Campion, Richard, 568.
  • Canada, 575.
  • Canary Islands, 563.
  • Caninge, Paul (Canning, Camming), 82, 322.
  • Caninge, William (Canning, Camming), 82, 217,
    274, 322.
  • Somers Islands Court, 603.
  • Suit, 520.
  • Caninge, William, et al.
  • Defendant in Chancery, 598–602.
  • Petition to Privy Council for Patent, 265–
  • Cannon, Thomas, 82, 338.
  • Canterbury, 416. See also Archbishop of Can-
  • Cantrell, William 81, 322.
  • Cape Bona Speranza (Good Hope), 531, 537,
    574, 576, 577, 642.
  • Cape Cod, 70, 246, 309, 481.
  • Cape Comfort, 18.
  • Cape merchant, 79, 616.
  • Duties defined, 20.
  • Fish trade, ship for, 242.
  • Tobacco trade, 486, 496.
  • Witness, 226.
  • Cape of Good Hope. See Cape Bona Speranza.
  • Capps, William (Capp).
  • Committee, 159.
  • Representative of Kiccowtan, 154.
  • Capps, William, et al.
  • Petition to king, 580–581.
  • Carew, Mat., 39, 41, 44, 45, 52, 57.
  • Carewe, Lord, 253.
  • Privy Council, 459, 510.
  • Carewe, Sir Philip, 61.

  • 719

  • Carey, Lady (Cary), 81, 321.
  • Carey, Lord (Cary).
  • Council for Virginia, 528.
  • Carey, Sir George (Cary), 81, 320.
  • Carey, Sir Henry, Captain, 81, 320, 338.
  • Suit, 43.
  • Caribo Islands, 262.
  • Carles, Robert, 65.
  • Carleton, Sir Dudley, 153.
  • Carman, John, 539.
  • Carmarden, Richard, 82, 322.
  • Carn, Edward, 338.
  • Suit, 45.
  • Carpenter, Abraham, 322.
  • Carpenter, Thomas, 81, 321.
  • Carpenter, William, 82, 321.
  • Carr, Sir Edward, 81, 320, 338.
  • Carter, Francis, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 416, 529, 692.
  • Acting Bcadle(?), 192, 216, 306, 369, 371,
    376, 407, 512, 680.
  • Carter, Giles, 396, 405, 426.
  • Carter, James, 66.
  • Carter, John.
  • Petition to the Privy Council, 675.
  • Carter, Randall, 81, 321.
  • Carter, Randall, Executors of, 321.
  • Carter, Thomas.
  • Accounts, 199, 260.
  • Cartwright, Abraham, 61, 82, 321.
  • Cashier. See under Company, officers.
  • Casson, John, 82, 321.
  • Castle, Roger, 63.
  • Castlett, 410.
  • Caswell, Richard, 81, 321, 512, 592, 593.
  • Council for Virginia, 468.
  • Court for Somers Islands, 603.
  • Cathay, 548.
  • Cathcatapeius, 19.
  • Caththega, 17.
  • Cattle. See under Commodities.
  • Cavell, Matthew, 60, 340.
  • Cavendish, Lord William, 81, 320, 339.
  • Council for Virginia, 534, 652.
  • Court for Somers Islands, 603.
  • Governor of Somers Islands, 651.
  • Cavendish, Thomas.
  • Council for Virginia, 68.
  • Cecil, Sir Edward, 81, 320.
  • Council for Virginia, 29.
  • Celbridge, John, 83.
  • Census of English in Virginia, 1619, 118.
  • Certificate of Arrival of the Margaret in Virginia,
  • Certificate of Passengers for Virginia on the
    Margaret, 213.
  • Challoner, —, 61.
  • Chamberlain, Lord.
  • Privy Council, 459.
  • Chamberlaine, Abraham, 81, 321.
  • Chamberlen, —, Mistress, 571.
  • Chamberlen, George, 81.
  • Chamberlen, Richard, 81, 82, 321.
  • Chamberlen, Robert, 81, 321.
  • Chambers, George, 82, 321.
  • Chambers, Nathaniel, 593.
  • Chambers, William, 539.
  • Champion, Richard, 81, 321.
  • Chancery, Court of, 410, 523, 606.
  • Suit by John Bargrave referred to Privy
    Council, 608.
  • Virginia Company contra Sir Edmond
    Boyd, et al., 45, 45–48.
  • Virginia Company contra William Leveson,
    49–52, 52–56, 57.
  • Virginia Company contra Sir Thomas
    Mildmaye, et al., 34–39, 39–41, 41–43.
  • Virginia Company contra Sir Henry Nevile,
    et al., 43, 44.
  • Chancery, Decree in.
  • Bargrave vs. Sir Thomas Smythe, et al.,
  • Chandler, Richard, 571.
  • Chandler, William, 538.
  • Chandos, Grey Brydges, Lord, 81, 320.
  • Chanterton, —.
  • Suspected of being Roman spy, 304.
  • Charity. See under Ships.
  • Charles. See under Ships.
  • Charles City, 173, 230, 246, 249, 433, 495, 567.
  • Ancient borough of, 100.
  • Boundaries set, 103.
  • Burgesses representing, 154.
  • Commission for military commander, 609.
  • Company's land, 101.
  • Evacuated after massacre, 670.
  • Guest house, 276.
  • Massacre in, 566.
  • School, free, 540, 650.
  • Tenants, 313.
  • Charles V, King, 544.
  • Charles Hundred, 119, 228.
  • Charte, William, 566.

  • 720

  • Charters, 471, 472, 478.
  • To Adventurers, 628, 633.
  • Captain Argall's cancelled, 106–107.
  • Register of, by Company, 353.
  • See also under Company; Letters
    Patents and Patents.
  • Charter Party.
  • Richard Berkeley and Associates for Supply
  • For hire of ship, 398, 687.
  • With Mr. Williams of Bristol, 193–195.
  • See also Commissions.
  • Chatfield, James, 81, 321.
  • Chatterton, —, Dr., 58.
  • Chelsey, Richard.
  • Wages as servant, 451.
  • Chesapeake Bay, 114, 573, 622, 678, 707.
  • Chest, Company's, 354, 359.
  • Chester, —, Captain, 447.
  • Chester, William, 82, 210, 322.
  • Officer over colonists, 138–139, 205.
  • Chetle, Richard, 63.
  • Chettenly, Robert (Chetonly), 63.
  • Chichester, City of, 82, 321.
  • Chichley, Clement, 322.
  • Chickahominies, 164, 245, 285.
  • Enemies, 147, 372.
  • Chickahomini River, 16, 227, 589.
  • Children, Apprentices, 259.
  • Chile, 573.
  • China, 548, 573.
  • Chischiack Indians to be bought out, 451.
  • Chitley, Clemen, 82.
  • Choanocki River, 17.
  • Cholfer, Richard, 570.
  • Christenings, Registration of, 171.
  • Church of England. See under Religion.
  • Churches. See under Religion.
  • Church, Thomas, 82, 321.
  • Chute, Sir George, 81, 321.
  • Chute, Sir Walter, 81, 320.
  • Suit, 43.
  • Cities or Borough Land. See Borough Land.
  • Clanricard, Richard, Earl of, 81, 320.
  • Clapham, John, 82, 321.
  • Clarke, Edward, 61.
  • Clarke, George, 61.
  • Clarke, George Butler, 63.
  • Clarke, John, 64.
  • Clarke, Katherine, 60.
  • Clarke, Laurence, 451.
  • Clarke, William, 65.
  • Clay, James (Cley), 198, 213, 230.
  • Clayborne, William, et al.
  • Petition to the king, 580–581.
  • Surveyor for Virginia, 477, 486.
  • Clement, William, 197, 213, 230, 674.
  • Accounts, 187, 199.
  • Clements, John, 566.
  • Cletheroe, Christopher (Clethrae), 82, 321, 592,
  • Cleeve, 409.
  • Clothworkers, Company of, 82, 321.
  • Clowerwall, 183, 184.
  • Clutterbooke, George, 408.
  • Cockaine, Sir William, 61.
  • Cockwell, Richard, 571.
  • Codrington, Simon, 58, 82, 322.
  • Coker, John, 538.
  • Colby, Edmond, 63, 82, 322.
  • Colby, Thomas, 63.
  • Cole, Edmond, 186.
  • Cole, George, 571.
  • Cole, John, 197, 213, 230.
  • Accounts, 187, 199.
  • Cole, Mistress John, 214.
  • Cole, William, 198, 213, 230.
  • Colethurst, Thomas, 82, 592, 593.
  • College in Virginia.
  • Assistance in building, 161.
  • George Sandys in charge of business, 671.
  • Gift of books to, 241, 643.
  • Gift of Communion Service for, 575.
  • Land. See under Land.
  • Maintenance of minister, 277.
  • Plans for support, 102.
  • Purpose defined, 102.
  • Tenants, 115, 217, 226, 227.
  • Killed in massacre, 566.
  • Minister for, 277, 490.
  • Treatment of new, explained, 257–258.
  • Vines planted for, 447, 448.
  • See also under Indians, Religious educa-
  • College land. See under Land.
  • College tenants. See under College in Virginia.
  • Collett, John, 61.
  • Collett, Thomas, 61.
  • Collier, —, 537.
  • Collier, Stephen, 451.

  • 721

  • Collingwood, Edward.
  • Accounts, 403.
  • Secretary, 536, 673, 690.
  • Collins, —, 565.
  • Collins, Henry, 82, 321.
  • Colmer, Abraham, 322.
  • Colonists. See Tenants, Servants transported.
  • Colthurst, Thomas, 321.
  • Columbus, 560, 574.
  • Combar, Thomas, 570.
  • Combe, Thomas, 61, 400.
  • Accounts, 403, 404.
  • Commissioners of Treasury, Privy Council to, 365.
  • Commissions.
  • Boundaries set, 245.
  • By Virginia Company, 623.
  • Council of state, 158.
  • For free fishing, 513–514, 514–515, 516–517,
    525, 533.
  • For fur trade, 698–699.
  • For new settlement, 656–657, 678–679.
  • For officers in Virginia by Argall, 75, 75–76,
  • For trade, by Argall, 75.
  • For trade with Indians, 535–536, 622,
    654–655, 696–697, 700–701.
  • Governor of private plantation, 202, 381–
    397, 397–400.
  • Investigation of government, 607.
  • Military command for safety after massacre,
    609, 610, 611, 623, 664–665.
  • Sought by William Wye, 281, 286–287.
  • To fight as allies of Potomack Indians,
  • To fight Indians, 678–679, 696–697, 698–699.
  • To masters of ships, 199–201, 368–369,
    498–499, 513–514, 514–515, 516–517, 525,
    533, 591–592, 696–697, 698–699, 700–701.
  • See also under Company; Council and
    Treasurer for Virginia; Council in
    Virginia; Plantation, Government.
  • Committee for Somers Islands, 603.
  • Committee of Council for Virginia.
  • Censure of Alderman Johnson, 149–150,
  • Commodities, 30, 74, 196, 310, 446–447, 502–503,
    544–549, 562–564.
  • Agriculture, 209, 220–221.
  • Annis seed, 166.
  • Bake houses, 475.
  • Beads for trade with Indians, 495.
  • Beehives, 532.
  • Beer or ale—
  • Prices fixed, 430.
  • Selling and making limited, 427–428.
  • Cargo on return trips to England, 466.
  • Cattle—
  • From England, 221, 243.
  • Law concerning preservation of, 171–
  • Prospering, 589.
  • Raising encouraged for home con-
    sumption, 280.
  • Wages, payment in, 76.
  • Chemical experiments by apothecaries en-
    couraged, 476.
  • Copper, 17, 19, 533, 642.
  • Cordage making, 116, 278, 305.
  • Corn, 166, 242, 244, 255, 474.
  • Mills, 475.
  • From Indians by trade or force after
    massacre, 696–697, 698–699, 700–701.
  • Production for own use, 146–147, 280,
  • Customs duties, 510. See also Custom
  • Drought, 120.
  • Fish, 242, 243, 279–280.
  • Fishing, Freedom of—
  • Act for, 439–441, 459–460.
  • Commissions for, 513–514, 514–515,
    516–517, 525.
  • Fishing voyages, 533.
  • Flax, 166, 254.
  • Skilled workers needed for, 257.
  • Foreigners for production of, 240, 257,
    474–475, 477, 502, 532.
  • Fruit trees sent to Virginia, 532.
  • Furnishings for the Margaret, 178–189.
  • Fur trade, 488, 526–527, 530, 641.
  • Ship fitted for, 640.
  • Hemp, skilled workers needed for, 257.
  • Horses from England, 221.
  • Indians to be deprived of, 704–705.
  • Iron works, 129, 497.
  • John Berkeley in charge of, 475–476.
  • Discouraged by planters, 302–303.
  • Flourishing, 464, 640.
  • Restoration after massacre, 670–671.
  • Urged, 116, 278, 487.
  • Metals, 449.

  • 722

  • Mills, 586.
  • Mines, 30, 584.
  • Natural to Virginia, 308–309.
  • Needed in plantation, 98, 442, 455–456.
  • Olive trees, 315.
  • Outfit of 35 men for Smythe's Hundred,
  • Patent, form of, 595–596.
  • Peacocks, 532.
  • Pigeons, 532.
  • Pitch and tar, 116, 278, 476, 642.
  • Unprofitable, 303, 586.
  • Plants sent from Somer Islands, 642.
  • Prices, 69, 79.
  • Proclamation concerning sale of, 703–704.
  • Production encouraged, 17, 442, 448, 532,
  • By George Sandys, 471–472.
  • Rabbits, 532.
  • Salt, 240.
  • Making encouraged, 476.
  • Methods of making, 304.
  • Works planned, 279–280.
  • Works to be restored after massacre,
  • Samples to be sent to England, 26.
  • Sassafras, 689.
  • Trade in restricted, 167, 519–520.
  • Saw mills, 474–475, 487, 497.
  • See also under Timber below.
  • Seed, 400, 512, 532, 581–582.
  • Silk, 116, 166, 240, 254.
  • Encouraged, 279, 474.
  • Flourishing, 581–582.
  • Interest of King, 647, 663.
  • Over valuation of seed, 457.
  • Silk worm seed, 407, 526.
  • Suited to Virginia, 303.
  • Silk grass, 166, 474, 587.
  • Soap ashes, 476, 586.
  • Spain, from, 266.
  • Spices, etc., from Orient, 508.
  • Staples for own use, 134, 360, 473, 684–685.
  • For tenants of company's land, 314–
  • Terra Lemnia (White Earth), 488, 641.
  • Timber, 116, 279.
  • Directions for felling, 496–497.
  • Unprofitable as export, 303.
  • Tobacco, 92, 93, 244, 255, 257, 511, 522, 531.
  • Importation duties on, 365.
  • Patent sought for control of, 265–266.
  • Petition concerning importation into
    England, 424–425.
  • Petition to king for help, 580–581.
  • Planting restrained, 146–147, 263, 278,
    473, 598, 628, 633.
  • Price set, 162.
  • Quality of, 476, 503–504, 648.
  • Refused in trade, 486, 496.
  • Seed requested, 195.
  • Trade restrained, 125, 167–169, 519–
    520, 667.
  • Trade in, 116, 142.
  • Seasons suited to, 78.
  • Tribute from Indians, 19.
  • A Valuation of the Commodities Growing and
    to be had in Virginia
    , 237–239.
  • Vine growing, 116, 220–221, 240, 254, 581.
  • Encouraged, 279, 474, 663.
  • Law concerning, 166.
  • Need of vines, 256.
  • Suited to Virginia, 303–304.
  • Walnuts, 315.
  • Wines, 256.
  • Artificial, 365–367.
  • Workmen sent for production of, 640.
  • See also Planters; Plantation, condition
  • Common Council of City of London, 259.
  • Common Land. See Land, common.
  • Common Law, 51.
  • Communion, 184, 188.
  • Gift of service for, 575.
  • Parties with common interests to receive
    together, 237.
  • Company, Virginia.
  • Accounts, 402–404, 408.
  • Management of, 364.
  • Payments to King, 35.
  • For voyages to Virginia, 115–118, 239–
    241, 639–643.
  • See also Voyages to Virginia.
  • See Accounts.
  • Adventurers, Lists of, 58–66, 80–90, 317–
  • Agreements with individuals, 100–101, 461,
    465–466, 466–467, 499–500, 500–501.
  • Aims of, 98–99.

  • 723

  • Charter, Great—
  • Nov., 1618, 432, 433.
  • Considered and approved by General
    Assembly, 158, 161.
  • Commissions, 368–369, 498–499, 513–514,
    516–517, 525, 591–592.
  • Company's Land, 99, 101, 217, 226, 227,
    277, 310, 314, 585, 670.
  • Boundaries, 245.
  • Company's tenants, 99–101, 115.
  • Council for, 12, 142, 347, 348, 404, 592, 644,
  • Consure of Alderman Johnson, 149–150,
  • Concerning John Bargrave, 645–646.
  • Laws for plantation, 522.
  • Letter from council in, 424–425.
  • Letters to Governor and council in
    Virginia, 526–528, 530–534, 646–652,
  • Letter to Sir Raphe Winwood, 31–32.
  • Petitioned by Adventurers and Planters,
  • Proclamation, 68–69.
  • Reply to Walloons and French, 491–492.
  • Report on state of plantation, 307–365.
  • Sir Nathaniel Rich's defence against,
  • Courts, Privileges of members, 355–356.
  • Decree absolving Wye, 701–702.
  • Demands from plantation, 455–456, 665.
  • Government—
  • Committees, 142, 350–351.
  • Financial transactions, 357–358.
  • Instructions to governor and council
    in Virginia, 98–109, 340–365, 468–
    482, 482–484.
  • See also under Governor of Vir-
    ginia; Laws of Colony; Planta-
    tion, government.
  • Investigation of dishonesty in, 356–
    357, 607, 645.
  • Records, 352–354.
  • Seal, use of, 342.
  • Grants of privileges, 34–35, 359–362, 514–
    515, 634–637.
  • Indians, revenge after massacre, 671–673.
  • See also Indians, relations with.
  • Law making, 358–359.
  • Letters from—
  • Argall, 92.
  • Council in Virginia, 581–588, 611–615.
  • King, concerning silk, 661–662.
  • Letters to—
  • Governor and Council in Virginia, 485–
    491, 492–498, 502–508, 661, 663–664,
  • Mayor of Salisbury, 67–68.
  • Lottery, Proclamation against by King, 434–
  • See also Lotteries.
  • Officers—
  • Auditors, 149, 349–350.
  • Beadle, 143, 355.
  • Book keeper, 143, 354.
  • Cashier, 139–140, 141, 346.
  • Deputy, 141–142, 346–347.
  • Duties of, 143–144, 343–355.
  • Election of, 342–343.
  • Husband, 143, 355.
  • Secretary, 143, 351–354.
  • Treasurer, 50, 140–141, 343–346.
  • Virginia, Officers in, 358.
  • Wages, summary of, 143.
  • Outfit considered necessary for new colo-
    nists, 577–579.
  • Patents—
  • Form of, 592–598, 623–628, 629–633.
  • Granted, 599.
  • John Martin's, 702–703.
  • Poverty of, 503–504, 530–531, 668.
  • Privy Council, order, 509–510.
  • Suits—
  • John Bargrave against company, 517–
    520, 521–524, 598–602, 605–607, 608–
    609, 637–638, 644–645, 645–646, 653–
  • Against Sir Edmond Boyd, 45, 45–48.
  • Decree in Chancery against, 601–602.
  • Against William Leveson, 49–52, 52–56,
  • Against Sir Thomas Mildmay, et al.,
    34–39, 39–41, 41–43.
  • Against Sir Henry Neville, et al., 43, 44.
  • Against William Wye, 281–285, 286–
    287, 288–289, 620–622.

  • 724

  • Trade, 362–363.
  • Tobacco not accepted in, 496.
  • See also Commodities, tobacco; and
  • See also Plantation, condition of; govern-
    ment; officers; Laws of Colony; Governor
    of Virginia; Accounts.
  • A Complete List in Alphabetical Order of the "Ad-
    venturers to Virginia", with the Several Amounts
    of their Holding
    , 79–90.
  • Compton, William; 82, 322.
  • Compton, Lord William, 81, 320.
  • Concord. See under Ships.
  • Conningsby, Sir Thomas (Conisbie), 320.
  • Sued by company, 43.
  • Connock, Richard, 82, 322.
  • Conock, Thomas, 321.
  • Constable, —, 512.
  • Constable, William, 539.
  • Contracts, Law concerning fulfillment of, 167.
  • Conway, Lady, 336.
  • Conway, Sir Edward, 65, 81, 320.
  • Conwey, Thomas, Captain, 82, 322.
  • Cooke, Cisly.
  • Killed in massacre with wife, 570.
  • Cooke, Edward.
  • Sued by company, 38, 39.
  • Cooke, John, Captain, 82, 322.
  • Cooke, Thomas, 566, 571.
  • Cooke, William, 81.
  • Cooper, John, 82, 321.
  • Cooper, Matthew, 82, 321.
  • Cooper, Richard, 82, 321, 322.
  • Cooper, Tobias, 63.
  • Coopy, Anthony, 397, 406, 426.
  • Coopy, Elizabeth, 397, 406, 426, 674.
  • Coopy, Joane, 397, 406, 410, 426.
  • Accounts, 215.
  • Coopy, Robert.
  • Indenture between him and the Four Adven-
    turers of Berkeley Hundred, 210–211.
  • Coopy, Samuell, 198, 213, 230.
  • Coopy, Thomas, 197, 209, 213, 230, 674.
  • Accounts, 187, 199.
  • Arrangements for sending his family to Vir-
    ginia, 399.
  • Coopy, Walter.
  • Accounts, 187.
  • Cope, Sir Anthony, 81, 320.
  • Cope, Sir Walter, 81, 320, 338.
  • Council for Virginia, 29, 32.
  • Copeland, —, 533.
  • Copland, Patrick, 63, 64, 592, 593.
  • Collected gift for East India School on Royal
    , 531, 538.
  • A declaration how the monics (viz, seventy
    pounds eight shillings sixe pence) were dis-
    posed, which was gathered by M. Patrick
    Copland, ... (towards the building of a
    free Schoole in Virginia ... +
    , 537+ 540.
  • Copper. See under Commodities.
  • Coppin, Sir George, 81, 321, 338.
  • Coppin, Robert, 82, 321.
  • Copy of Opinion of Counsel upon the Patents of
    the Virginia Company, 267–269.
  • Cordage. See under Commodities.
  • Cordell, Thomas, 82, 322.
  • Cordell, Thomas the younger.
  • Sued by Company, 45.
  • Corderoy, John, 571.
  • Corn. See under Commodities.
  • Cornellis, John, 81, 321.
  • Cornesbe, Sir Tomas, 81.
  • Cornewallis, Sir William.
  • Sued by Company, 43.
  • Cornish, George, 63.
  • Corn Mills, 475.
  • Cortez, Ferdinando, 558.
  • Costard, John, 571.
  • Cost of Furnishing the "Margaret", The, 178–189.
  • Cotton, Allen, 82, 321.
  • Cotton, Sir Robert (Cotten), 320.
  • Cotton, Sir Rowland, 81.
  • Coulston, William, 539.
  • Couly, Thomas, 571.
  • Council and Company for Virginia.
  • Commissions—
  • To John Huddleston, 516–517.
  • To Captain Thomas Jones, 525.
  • Council of Estate (Etats, State). See Council in
  • Council and Treasurer for Virginia.
  • Commission to William Wye, 144–146.
  • Letter to Sir George Yeardley, 146–148.
  • Council for Virginia. See under Company,
  • Council in Virginia, 153, 154, 173, 241, 275, 291,
    499, 501, 703.
  • Commissions, 158.
  • Controversies, 169, 170.

  • 725

  • Defined, 483.
  • Exploration encouraged by, 488.
  • Funds for entertainment of, 100.
  • Indians, agreement to assist, 228.
  • Instructions by company, 479. See also
    Company, Virginia, instructions to Gover-
    nor and Council in Virginia.
  • Land—
  • To regulate ownership, 131, 133, 160, 597,
    627, 633, 636.
  • Surveying, 108.
  • Letters from—
  • Company, 485–491, 492–498, 502–508,
  • Council for Virginia, 526–528, 530–534,
    646–652, 661, 663–664, 666–673.
  • Letters to—
  • Company, 424–425, 581–588, 611–615.
  • Meetings, suitable times for decided, 478.
  • Members of, in 1619, 119.
  • Ministers, direction of, 171, 172.
  • Ordnance and Constitution for, 482–484.
  • Petitions, 652–653, 682, 695–696, 699.
  • Proclamations, 528, 703–704.
  • Putting out of the Tenantes that came ouer in
    the B. N. wth other orders of the Councell,
    , 226–229.
  • Records, 477.
  • Reproved by company, 502–505.
  • Wages of tradesmen fixed, 589–590.
  • Warrant, 444.
  • Courts, 340–342.
  • Admiralty, 692–695, 701–702.
  • Conduct of, 341.
  • Extraordinary, 340, 342.
  • Ordinary, 340, 341.
  • Preparative, 340, 341, 364.
  • Quarter (General), 341, 342, 592, 628, 690.
  • Somers Islands, 602–603, 603–604.
  • Court book, 224.
  • Covell, Francis, 81, 321.
  • Covell, Thomas, 82, 322, 593.
  • Covenantes and agreementes ... betwene Richard
    Berkeley of Stoke ... George Thorpe late of
    Wanswell, ... William Tracy of Gayles
    John Smyth of Northnibly ..., 376–379.
  • Coventry, 186.
  • Coventry, Sir Thomas, 65, 82, 321.
  • Attorney General, 524.
  • Covert, Sir Walter, 81, 320.
  • Cowell, —.
  • Committee for Somers Islands, 603.
  • Cowes, 465.
  • Cowman, Walter.
  • Testimony against, as witness, 692–694.
  • Cox, Richard, 321.
  • Coxendale, 611.
  • Coyfe, Charles, 198, 213, 230.
  • Accounts, 187.
  • Coyse, William, 81, 321.
  • Craddock, —, 63.
  • Cradock, William.
  • Commission as Provost Marshal, 76, 91.
  • Cranborne, William, Lord, 81, 320.
  • Cranfield, Sir Lionell, 81, 320, 338.
  • Council for Virginia, 372.
  • Lord High Treasurer, 510.
  • Cranmer, William, 60.
  • Crashaw, Rawley, 82, 321.
  • Crashaw, William, 82, 322.
  • Cratford, Charles, 63.
  • Craven, Sir William, 81, 321.
  • Creswell, Robert, 82, 322.
  • Crew, Anthony, 321.
  • Crime.
  • Plea for Pardon by Thomasin Woodshawe,
    681, 682.
  • Punishment of, 268–269, 480.
  • Crockampill (Crookhampill), 391, 392, 402, 403.
  • Croftes, Sir Henry, 61.
  • Crompton, Thomas, 10, 11.
  • Cromwell, Henry, 82, 321, 322.
  • Cromwell, Sir Oliver, 81, 320.
  • Croome, Thomas, 538.
  • Cropen, Humfrey, 571.
  • Crosley, William, 81, 321.
  • Cross, Edward, 59.
  • Crow, William, 82, 322.
  • Crowe, —, 59.
  • Crowe, John, 322.
  • Patent, 643.
  • Croydon, 221.
  • Crue, Anthonie, 81.
  • Cuffe, John, 61.
  • Cullamore, Lady Mabell, 58.
  • Cullemore, James, 322.
  • Culliner, Abraham, 82.
  • Culliner, James, 82.
  • Culpepper, David, 82.
  • Culpepper, Sir Edward, 81, 320, 322.
  • Culpepper, Sir John, 66, 82, 322.

  • 726

  • Culpepper, Thomas, 66.
  • Cumber, Thomas, 451.
  • Cunningham, Alexander, 539.
  • Custom House, 191.
  • Duties owing, 274.
  • Searcher in, 401.
  • Tobacco seized for duty, 599, 600, 601.
  • See also Commodities, customs duties;
    Plantation, economic development.
  • Cuts, Sir John (Cuttes), 338.
  • Cuts, Sir John the younger (Cuttes).
  • Sued by Company, 43.
  • Dade, —, 78.
  • Dale, Lady, 151, 168.
  • Gifts to new planter, 291, 293.
  • Patent, 643.
  • Tobacco, transportation of, 126.
  • Dale, Sir Thomas, 70, 82, 100, 105, 127, 160,
    167, 218, 322.
  • Deceased, 521.
  • Deputy Governor, 99.
  • Land bought from Indians, 304.
  • Magazine, founding of, 519.
  • Marshal of Virginia, 26, 32, 68.
  • Praised by company, 101.
  • Damport, —, 65.
  • Damyron, John, 301.
  • Daniel, Mr. Dombelowe's man, 567.
  • Daniel, John, 538.
  • Danks, Joane, 62.
  • Danvers, Sir John (Davers, Devers), 322, 376,
  • Committees—
  • For censuring Alderman Johnson, 149,
  • For securing colonists, 97.
  • For Somers Islands, 603.
  • Council for Virginia, 68, 482, 498, 528, 534,
  • Court for Somers Islands, 603.
  • Darey, Joshua.
  • Killed in massacre with wife and man, 570.
  • Darlinge. See under Ships.
  • Darmer. See Dermer.
  • Darnelly, Daniell, 58, 83, 323, 593.
  • Dartmouth, 122.
  • Daubny, Clement, 82.
  • Daubny, Henry, 82.
  • Dauncing Point, 246.
  • Daunt, Thomas.
  • Accounts, 403.
  • Dausey, Rowley (Dawsey), 82.
  • David, Roger, 565.
  • Davies, Henry, 60.
  • Davies, John, 569.
  • Davies, Sir John (Danvers?), 82, 372.
  • Davies, Lancelot, 82, 323.
  • Davies, Margaret, 570.
  • Davies, Walter.
  • Killed in massacre with brother, 570.
  • Davis, Arthur (Davice), 539.
  • Davis, James (Davice), 538.
  • Davis, John, 323.
  • Davis, Robert, 566.
  • Davis, Thomas, 157, 197, 213, 230.
  • Accounts, 187, 199.
  • Representative of Martin Brandon in Gen-
    eral Assembly, 154.
  • Davison, Christopher.
  • Council in Virginia, 483, 528, 588, 590.
  • Secretary in Virginia, 6, 485, 609, 610, 611,
    622, 697.
  • Dawes, Abraham, 82, 323, 593.
  • Dawkes, Henry, 82, 322.
  • Dawks, Mary, 571.
  • Dawkney, Clement, 323.
  • Dawkney, Henry, 323.
  • Dawson, Andrew, 538.
  • Dawson, Thomas.
  • Tobacco sale, 511.
  • Deale, 262.
  • Dean, Forrest of, 186.
  • Deane, 390.
  • Deane, Richard, Alderman, 82, 322, 592, 593.
  • A Declaration of the State ... in Virginia. His
    Maiesties Counseil for Virginia
    , 307–365.
  • Decrewe, Benjamin (Decroe), 83, 323.
  • Deer, Gift of to King, 127.
  • De la War. See under Ships.
  • De Lawar, Lady (Cicely), 61, 64, 66, 168.
  • Cattle, 120.
  • Purchases in England, 290.
  • de la War, —, 396.
  • De Lawar, Henry, Lord, 62, 64, 66.
  • Covenant with Lord Zouch, 77.
  • Successor to Thomas, Governor of Virginia,
  • De Lawar, Thomas, Lord, Governor of Virginia,
    29, 32, 76, 89, 159, 164, 231, 232, 248, 328, 420,
    421, 422, 521.
  • Accounts, 97.
  • Cattle, 120.

  • 727

  • Commission, 24–29.
  • Deceased, 1618, 103, 419.
  • Desired to return to plantation as governor,
  • Governor, instructions, 60.
  • Delaware River.
  • Fur trade, 488.
  • de Lawne, Gideon, 66, 85, 329, 592, 593.
  • de Lawne, Gideon, son of, 66.
  • Delbridge, —, 62.
  • Patent, 118.
  • Delbridge, —, the younger, 62.
  • Delbridge, John, 323.
  • Council for Virginia, 528.
  • Letter to Sir Edwin Sandys, 118–122.
  • Voyages to Virginia supported by, 513, 514,
  • Delbridge, Richard, 64.
  • Denmark, 308, 544.
  • Dennis, John, 64.
  • Dennis, Sir Thomas, 82, 322, 338.
  • Denny, Edward, Lord, 82, 322.
  • Denton, Adam, 538.
  • Denton, Thomas, 198, 213, 230.
  • Denton, Sir Thomas, 338.
  • Deputy. See Company, Virginia, officers.
  • DeQuester, Mathew, 87, 323.
  • Sued by company, 34–39, 41–43.
  • Dermer, Thomas (Darmer), 246.
  • Devonshire, William, Earl of, 320.
  • Council for Virginia, 652.
  • Voyage to Virginia supported, 525.
  • Devonshire, colonists from, 309.
  • Diana. See under Ships.
  • Dichfield, Edward, 82, 323.
  • Dichfield, Richard, 82.
  • Dicke, John, 82, 592, 593.
  • Dicke, Thomas, 83.
  • Dickins, Jane, 451.
  • Dickins, Ralph, 451.
  • Digby, Sir John, 82, 322.
  • Digginson, Ralphe.
  • Killed in massacre with wife, 570.
  • Diggs, Sir Dudley, 74, 82, 322.
  • Council for Virginia, 29, 68.
  • Gift of walnut planks from colony, 126.
  • Patent, 643.
  • Discovery. See under Ships.
  • Disputes in Company.
  • Censure of Alderman Johnson, 149–150, 150–
  • Governor Argall, 119–120, 122, 147, 152–
    153, 176, 236–237, 247, 25–252, 372.
  • John Bargrave's disclaimer of opposition to
    present management, May 30, 1622,
  • John Bargrave vs. Sir Thomas Smyth,
    Alderman Johnson, 517–520, 521–524,
    598–602, 605–607, 653–654.
  • Popham vs. Havercombe, 7–12.
  • Sir Nathaniel Rich's defense, 232–235.
  • Sir Thomas Smyth, 216–218, 267–269,
  • Virginia company vs. John Bargrave,
    644–645, 645–646.
  • Virginia company vs. Sir Edmond Boyd,
    et al., 45, 45–48.
  • Virginia company vs. William Leveson,
    49–52, 52–56, 57.
  • Virginia company vs. Sir Thomas Mildmaye,
    et al., 34–39, 39–41, 41–43.
  • Virginia company vs. Sir Henry Nevile, et
    al., 43, 44.
  • Virginia company vs. William Wye, 281–289,
  • Warwick, Earl of, vs. Edward Brustar,
  • Ditchfield, —.
  • Committee for Somers Islands, 603.
  • Dobson, William, 82, 323.
  • Doderidge, Sir John, 82, 322.
  • Dombelowe, —, 567.
  • Dominco, 13.
  • Doncaster, Earl of, 59, 216, 236.
  • Privy council, 459.
  • Donne, Dr. John, Dean of St. Paul's, 65.
  • Donynge, William.
  • Accounts, 214.
  • Dorret, Sir Marmaduke (Dorrel), 82, 322.
  • Dorset, Richard, Earl of, 61, 82, 322.
  • Doule, John, 539.
  • Dover, Town of, 82, 322.
  • Dowler, John, 565.
  • Dowler, Laurence, 565.
  • Downes, —, 63, 66.
  • Downes, John, 82, 323, 568.
  • Downes, Nicholas, 66.

  • 728

  • Downs, The, 507, 691.
  • Dowse, Thomas (Dows).
  • Committee, 159.
  • His grant questioned, 264.
  • Representative of Henrico in General
    Assembly, 154.
  • Drake, John, 82, 323.
  • Dranfield, Avery, 82, 323.
  • Draper, Jasper, 593.
  • Draper, Sara, 83, 323.
  • Draper, Thomas, 82, 323.
  • Drapers, Company of, 82, 322.
  • Drason, John, 423.
  • Drewry, Sir Andrew, 82.
  • Drewry, Sir Drew the elder, 322.
  • Drewry, Sir Robert (Drurie), 82, 322.
  • Council for Virginia, 29.
  • Dring, John, 538.
  • Driver, John.
  • Accounts, 214.
  • Drunkenness.
  • An Act (bill) for the repressing of drunken-
    ness and for preventing inordinate con-
    suming of corn, 427–432.
  • Disposition of fines from ale-houses, 430–
  • Evils of, 429.
  • Law against, 165.
  • Proclamation against, 658–659.
  • To be suppressed by governor, 469.
  • Dubo, Stephen, 567.
  • Ducke, Arthur, 702.
  • Dun. See Donne.
  • Dun, Peter, 674.
  • Dunne, William, 82, 323.
  • Duppa, Jeffery, 82, 323.
  • Durdent, Phillip, 82, 323.
  • Dutchmen.
  • Delayed in their work, 456, 502.
  • Fur traders, 481.
  • For saw mills, 474, 487, 588.
  • Supplies for, 502–503, 582.
  • Dutton, Richard, 397, 406, 426.
  • Duty. See under Ships.
  • Dye, Roger, 82, 323.
  • Dyers, Company of, 83, 322.
  • Dyke, John, 323.
  • Dyke, Thomas, 323.
  • Dyott, Anthony (Diot), 82, 323.
  • Eache, Captain, 690, 691.
  • Blockhouse, building of, 617, 647–648, 685.
  • Payment of, in commodities, 669, 687, 689.
  • Earle, Christopher, 61.
  • Earle, Martin, 59.
  • Earle, Nathaniel, 567.
  • Earle, Sir Walter, 61.
  • Eastern Shore, 656.
  • East Greenwich, 596, 626.
  • East India Benefactors, 540.
  • East India Company, 225, 529, 531.
  • Servants of, to have preference in free
    school, 540.
  • East India School, 673.
  • Gifts for, 531, 537–540, 576, 642, 643.
  • Men sent to build and maintain, 640, 650.
  • Subjects to be taught, 540.
  • East Indies, 512, 543, 547, 548, 576, 577, 642,
    647, 680.
  • Commodities of, 563.
  • Passage to, 574, 575.
  • Eawley, Edward.
  • Council for Virginia, 507.
  • Eden, George, 254.
  • Eden, Thomas, 423.
  • Eden, William, Captain.
  • Commission to him (alias Sampson), 698–
  • Edmondes, Sir Clement, 609.
  • Edmondes, Sir Thomas, Treasurer of the House-
    hold, 510.
  • Edolph, Sir Robert, 338.
  • Education. See College in Virginia; Indians,
    religious instruction; and East India School.
  • Edward, 571.
  • Edward, —, 603.
  • Edward VI, King, 543.
  • Edwards, Captain, 126.
  • Edwards, Arthur
  • Pardoned, 74.
  • Edwards, Robert, 66.
  • Edwin. See under Ships.
  • Effington, —, 139.
  • Egiocke, Sir Francis (Egcocke), 83, 323.
  • Eld, G., Printer, 541.
  • Eldred, John, 83, 323.
  • Eldred, Robert, 538.
  • Eldred, Walter, 60.
  • Elections for Virginia Company, 342–343.

  • 729

  • Elford, —, 301, 302.
  • Elford, Nicholas, 695.
  • Elfrey, —.
  • Of the Treasurer, 421, 422.
  • Elianor (Ellnor). See under Ships.
  • Eliard, Jeremy, 539.
  • Elie, Nathaniel, 569.
  • Elizabeth. See under Ships.
  • Elizabeth, a servant, 566.
  • Elizabeth City, 123, 313.
  • See also Kiccowtan.
  • Formerly Kiccowtan, 276.
  • Preacher for, 485.
  • Elizabeth, Queen, 34, 543, 547, 642.
  • Elkin, John, 83, 323.
  • Ellen, John, 565.
  • Ellesmere, Thomas, Lord.
  • Lord Chancellor of England, 34, 49.
  • Elliot, John, 538.
  • Elliott, —, Captain, 9, 10.
  • Elrye, Richard, 539.
  • Elthrington, Nathaniel, 64.
  • Ember, Edward, 566.
  • Enemies.
  • Lack of protection against, 244.
  • See also Plantation, fortifications.
  • England, John.
  • Massacred with his man, 566.
  • English, Anne, 571.
  • Epps, William, Captain.
  • Commander of Smythes Hundred Com-
    pany, 242.
  • Tried for murder, 242.
  • Eps, —.
  • Crime of, 121.
  • Essington, William, et al.
  • Defendant in Chancery, 598, 602.
  • Etheridge, George, 83, 323.
  • Europe, 572.
  • Evans, —, 64.
  • Evans, Hugh, 83, 323, 593.
  • Evans, Richard, 83, 323.
  • Evans, Thomas, 569.
  • Evans, William, 83, 323.
  • Evelin, Robert (Evolin), 83, 323.
  • Everfield, Sir Thomas, 83, 323.
  • Evins, Raph, 83.
  • Ewens, —, 243.
  • Ewens, Raph, 323.
  • Ewens, William, Captain, 258.
  • Accounts, 389, 404.
  • Charter Party with Richard Berkley and
    Associates, 381–384.
  • Covenant with the company, 465–466, 466–
  • Exchequer, Chancellor of the (Sir Richard Wes-
    ton), 459.
  • Excommunication, 172.
  • Exeter, Dean of (Matthew Sutcliffe), 333.
  • Exeter, Thomas, Earl of, 83, 323.
  • Exploration, 28, 30, 641–642.
  • After massacre, to find place safe for planta-
    tion, 656, 678–679.
  • Ideas of North America, 573–575.
  • See also Voyage of Discovery.
  • Exton, John, 83, 323.
  • Exton, Nicholas, 83, 323.
  • Faldoe, William, 83, 324.
  • Falkland, Viscount, 459.
  • Falling Creek, 548, 565.
  • Falwood, Roger, 539.
  • Fane, Sir Henry (Fanne), 83, 324.
  • Fanshawe, Sir Henry, 83, 324.
  • Farington, Richard (Farrington), 83, 324.
  • Farmer, George, 83, 324.
  • Farmer, John, 83, 324.
  • Farrel, Garret, 568.
  • Farrer, —.
  • Accused of dishonesty, 620–621.
  • Faucet, Edward (Fawcett), 64, 83, 324, 593.
  • Faulcon. See under Ships.
  • Faulkoner, James, 566.
  • Fayne, Sir Henry.
  • Sued by Company, 45.
  • Fearne, Sir John, 83.
  • Felgate, Tobias, 64, 213, 230, 288, 369, 370, 373.
  • Accounts, 178, 183, 199, 385, 388, 389, 391.
  • Freight, 435–436.
  • Master of Supply, 382.
  • Wages as pilot to Virginia, 207, 292, 294, 384,
  • Fellgate, William (Felgate), 64, 83, 324.
  • Fenner, John, Captain, 136, 324.
  • Warrant for voyage to Virginia, 135–136.
  • Fensham, Anthony, 538.
  • Feny, John, 538.
  • Ferdinand, King of Spain, 543.
  • Fereby, Richard (Ferriby), 396, 405, 426, 567.

  • 730

  • Fermer, John, 83.
  • Ferne, John, 83, 324.
  • Ferrar, Mistress (John), 371, 529.
  • Ferrar, John, Deputy, 65, 66, 191, 233, 244, 286,
    298, 300, 306, 340, 449, 464, 492, 535.
  • Accounts, 223, 262, 294, 467, 500, 501.
  • Commission to William Wye, 287.
  • Committee, 149, 150.
  • For supplying colonists, 97.
  • Council for Virginia, 372, 482, 491, 498, 507,
    528, 534, 652.
  • Gift of walnut planks to, 126.
  • Letters from Sir Edwin Sandys, 191–192,
    215–216, 223–224, 224–225, 269–271, 306,
    371–372, 375–376, 406–407, 415–416, 509,
    511–512, 529, 604, 615–616, 616–617,
    617–618, 676–677, 679–680, 690–692.
  • Letter from George Thorpe, 448–449.
  • Volunteers for plantation, 316.
  • Voyage to Virginia supported, 513, 514, 516.
  • Warrant, 468.
  • Ferrar, John, et al.
  • Committee for Smythes Hundred, 94–98.
  • Ferrar, Nicholas, 59, 64, 66, 83, 229, 271, 286,
    324, 371, 442, 448, 454, 464, 509, 593, 604, 617,
    623, 629, 690.
  • Commission to William Wye, 287.
  • Committee for Somers Islands, 603.
  • Council for Virginia, 482, 491, 498, 507, 528,
    534, 652.
  • Court for Somers Islands, 603.
  • Deceased, 576.
  • Deputy in 1622, 652, 690.
  • Gifts for religious teaching of Indians, 117,
  • Letter from Robert Newland, 660–661.
  • Letter from Sir Edwin Sandys, 509.
  • Ferrar, Nicholas, et al.
  • Warrant, 467.
  • Ferrar, William (Farrars), 83, 145, 324.
  • Massacre at his house, 566.
  • Ferrar's Plantation, 226.
  • Ferris, Thomas, 571.
  • Fetiplace, Michael (Fettiplaise), 87, 324.
  • Fetiplace, William (Fettiplaise), 87, 324.
  • Fewater, Richard, 538.
  • Field, William, 324.
  • Fierfax, William, 570.
  • Filder, William, 83.
  • Finch, Elizabeth, 397, 405, 674.
  • Finch, Francis, 397, 405, 426, 674.
  • Finch, Henage, 65.
  • Finch, Margaret, 426.
  • Finch, Sir Moyle, 83, 324.
  • Finch, William, 397, 405, 426, 674.
  • Fishborne, Richard, 83, 324, 338.
  • Fishing.
  • Order for freedom of, 459–460.
  • Value of voyages, 439.
  • See also Commodities, fishing.
  • Fishmongers, Company of, 83, 324.
  • Fitch, Joseph, Apothecary, 565.
  • Accounts, 468.
  • Flax. See under Commodities.
  • Fleete, Katherine, 65.
  • Fleete, William, 65, 83, 324.
  • Fleetwood, —.
  • Council in Virginia, 13.
  • Fleetwood, Edmond, 83, 324.
  • Fleetwood, Sir William, 83, 324.
  • Fletcher, John, 324, 538.
  • Fletcher, John, and company, 83, 324.
  • Flores, John, 569.
  • Florida, 573, 575.
  • Florida, Cape, 543.
  • Flowerdieu Hundred.
  • Abandonned after massacre, 612.
  • Massacre at, 568.
  • Representatives, 154.
  • Floyde, David, 83.
  • Flushing, 125.
  • Flying Hart. See under Ships.
  • Fogg, Ralph, 62.
  • Forrest, Thomas, 83, 324.
  • Fortifications, 533.
  • See also Plantation, fortifications.
  • Fotherby, Henry, 59.
  • Secretary of the company, 134.
  • Fotheringill, James, 66.
  • Fowkes, Edwarde, 77.
  • Fowler, John, 570.
  • Fox, Thomas, 83, 329.
  • Foxall, Thomas, 83, 324.
  • Foxton, Elias, 61.
  • France, 309, 544.
  • Goats, mares, and asses to be imported from,
  • Vignerons to be imported from, 315, 502,
    507, 532.
  • See also Commodities, foreigners for;
    and French.
  • Vignerons' report on vines in Virginia, 548.

  • 731

  • Francis, 567.
  • Francis, Giles, 83, 324.
  • Francis, Thomas, 83, 324.
  • Franke, Arthur, 60.
  • Franke, Peter, 83, 324.
  • Franke, William, 60.
  • Franklin, John, 83, 324.
  • Freake, —, 66.
  • Freake, Sir Thomas, 83, 324.
  • Sued by company, 43.
  • Frechvill, Sir Peter (Fretchvile), 83, 324.
  • Freeman, Martin, 83, 324.
  • Freeman, Raph, 83, 324.
  • Freeman, Thomas, 566.
  • Freeman, William, 83, 324.
  • French, 641.
  • Answer to their request to plant in Virginia,
  • Fear of, 8.
  • Grant of land to, 634.
  • Request by French and Walloons to plant
    in Virginia, 497–498.
  • Supplies for, 582, 651.
  • French boy killed in massacre, 570.
  • French Colony, supplies for, 582.
  • Frith, Richard, 83, 324.
  • Fruit trees. See under Commodities.
  • Fuller, Nicholas, 83, 324.
  • Furtherance. See under Ships.
  • Fur trade. See under Commodities.
  • Gambling, Law against, 164–165.
  • Gape, Henry, 569.
  • Garaway, Sir William, 83, 325, 338.
  • Gardiner, John, 83, 325.
  • Gardiner, Richard, 83, 325.
  • Garland. See under Ships.
  • Garlik, —, 410.
  • Garnett, Thomas.
  • Sentenced to pillory, 169.
  • Garrets, John, 539.
  • Garrett, George, 66.
  • Garset, Robert, 83, 325.
  • Gatcombe, 187, 188, 189, 214.
  • Gate, Cuynter, 409.
  • Gate, Timothy.
  • Letter to Mr. William Tracy, 409.
  • Gates, Daniel.
  • Grant for free fishing, 514–515
  • Gates, Peter, 83, 325.
  • Gates, Sir Thomas, 25, 28, 32, 46, 60, 61, 83, 231,
    324, 521.
  • Builder of Governor's house at Jamestown,
  • Committee, 149, 150.
  • Death and place of burial, 680.
  • Instruccons orders and constitucons to, Gov-
    ernor of Virginia
    , 12–24, 26, 29.
  • See also under Governor of Virginia.
  • Gay, Thomas, 567.
  • Gayny, Henry.
  • Accounts, 184.
  • Gee, Sir William, 83, 325.
  • Geering, John, 325, 592, 593.
  • General Assembly in Virginia, 271, 581.
  • Defined, 483–484.
  • Funds for building Guest House, 587.
  • Petition to Company concerning Grand
    Charter, 159–161.
  • Report of, 1619, 153–177.
  • Restraint of tobacco planting, 586.
  • Reward of officers of, 176.
  • George. See under Ships.
  • Gepanocon, 17.
  • Gerard's Herball, 447.
  • Gerard, Ph., 57.
  • Germany, 308, 544.
  • Geyton, Robert, 539.
  • Gibbens, James, 66.
  • Gibbens, John, 66.
  • Gibbes, —, Lieutenant.
  • Massacred, 567.
  • Representative in General Assembly, 154.
  • Gibbes, Edmund, 60.
  • Gibbes, John (Gybs), 397, 405, 426, 567, 674.
  • Gibbes, Thomas, 59, 60, 83, 325.
  • Council for Virginia, 372, 482, 491, 498, 507,
    534, 652.
  • Gibbes, Thomas the younger, 60.
  • Gibbs, —.
  • Committee for Somer Islands, 603.
  • Gifford, Isabell, 396, 405, 426.
  • Married at sea, 397.
  • Gifford, Phillip, 62.
  • Gift (Guift) of God. See under Ships.
  • Gifts. See East India School; Indians; Religion.
  • Gilbert, John, 83, 325.
  • Gilford, —, 291, 368.
  • Ginnet, Post.
  • Permission to return to England, 23

  • 732

  • Gipps, Thomas, 83, 325.
  • Girdlers, Company of, 84, 325.
  • Girls. See Women.
  • Glanville, Francis, 83, 325.
  • Glebe land.
  • Bounded, 245.
  • For maintenance of ministers, 102, 106, 277,
  • Tenants for, 115.
  • Globe. See under Ships.
  • Gloucester, 109, 266.
  • Goad, Steven, 538.
  • Goare, Robert, 83.
  • Goddard, Richard, 83, 325.
  • Godfrey, Richard, 197, 213, 230, 293.
  • Accounts, 178, 179, 187, 199, 404, 436.
  • Recommended to Governor, 209.
  • Godfrey, Mistress Richard, 293.
  • Accounts, 214, 392, 403, 404.
  • Godolfin, Sir William, 83, 324.
  • Godsspeed. See under Ships.
  • Goffe, Robert.
  • Massacred with wife, 569.
  • Golde, Isaac, 63.
  • Goldsmiths, Company of, 84, 325.
  • Goodale, Peter, 569.
  • Goodwin, Sir Francis, 64, 84, 325.
  • Goodwine, Samuel, 569.
  • Goodyeare, Thomas, 592, 593.
  • Googe, Barnabe.
  • Book on husbandry, 400.
  • Gookin, Daniell, 65.
  • Patent, 643.
  • Trading in cattle for colony, 497.
  • Voyage and supplies from Ireland praised,
  • Goovge, —. See Googe.
  • Gore, Robert, 325.
  • Gorges, Sir Ferdinando, 121, 242.
  • Goring, Sir George, 84, 325.
  • Gosnold, Anthony, 63.
  • Gosnold, Robert, 63.
  • Gourgaing, —.
  • Representative in General Assembly, 154.
  • Gouynge, —.
  • Accounts, 187.
  • Government.
  • Assembly. See under Plantation, govern-
  • Council in Virginia, 13–14.
  • See also Council in Virginia.
  • Instructions to officers—
  • To Governor and Council in Virginia,
  • To Sir Thomas Gates, Governor in
    Virginia, 12–24.
  • To Sir Thomas West, Lord LaWarr,
    Governor of Virginia, 24–29.
  • To George Yeardley, Governor, 98–109.
  • Officers in London, 139–144, 341–358.
  • Officers in Virginia, 13–14, 26, 28, 358.
  • See under Plantation, officers.
  • See also under Plantation, government;
    officers; and Company, government;
  • Governor and Council in Virginia.
  • An Order, 229.
  • Proclamation, 703–704.
  • Proclamation warning Persons going abroad
    Ships, 528.
  • Governor of Virginia. See Plantation, govern-
    ment; officers.
  • Governor's Guard, 99.
  • Governor's House, 101–102.
  • Governor's Land, 176, 277, 310, 584–585.
  • Bounded, 245.
  • Misappropriation of, 255.
  • Purpose of, 99.
  • Rent from, 255.
  • Tenants, 100, 115, 217.
  • See also Governor's Tenants.
  • Governor's Tenants.
  • Captain Argall's Guard, 584.
  • Difficulties concerning, 584–585.
  • Minister for, 277, 485.
  • Gowge, —.
  • Accounts, 389.
  • Gowge, Thomas (Gouge), 83, 325, 338.
  • Sued by company, 45.
  • Gowsh, Francis, 565.
  • Grange, 16.
  • Grant, John, 539.
  • Grantham, Sir Thomas, 338.
  • Grants of Land, 359–363, 432–434.
  • Grapes. See under Commodities, vine growing.
  • Grave, John, 83.
  • Graves, Thomas, Captain, 121, 325.
  • Committee, 159.
  • Representative in General Assembly, 154.
  • Gravesend, 71, 192, 288, 500, 619.
  • Gray, Lady Elizabeth, 83, 324.

  • 733

  • Gray, John, 62, 83, 325, 569.
  • Gray, Sir John, 84, 324.
  • Gray, Robert, 571.
  • Great Seal of England, Lord Keeper of (B. J.
    Williams), 510, 653.
  • Greene, —, 62.
  • Greene, Anne, 568.
  • Greene, Joane, 396, 405.
  • Greene, Laurence, 83, 325.
  • Greenfield, Sir Richard, explorer, 543.
  • Greenwich, 654.
  • Greenige, John, 83.
  • Greenway, Richard, 61.
  • Greenwell, William, 83, 325.
  • Greice, Nicholas (Greece), 83, 325.
  • Grenville. See Greenfield.
  • Gresham, George, 538.
  • Grevill, Sir Foulke, 59.
  • Grevill, Francis, 396, 405, 426.
  • Griffin, John, 571.
  • Griffin, Thomas, 538.
  • Grindal, Thomas, 568.
  • Grobham, Sir Richard, 83, 325.
  • Grocers, Company of, 84, 325.
  • Grosse, Nathaniel, 539.
  • Guest Houses.
  • Building of, 276, 302, 489.
  • At James City, 546, 587, 643.
  • Need of, 310, 493, 532.
  • Lieutenant Whittaker's, 441, 477, 494.
  • Guillam, Christopher, 570.
  • Gulstone, Theodore, Doctor (Galston, Gulson),
    60, 407.
  • Accounts, 386.
  • Council for Virginia, 482, 491, 507, 528.
  • Letter lost, 416.
  • Guy, Arthur, Captain, 507.
  • Commission, 498–499.
  • Covenants with company, 499–500, 500–501.
  • Hacker, Nicholas, 84.
  • Hacket, Edmond, 61.
  • Hacklewt, Richard (Hackleuit), 84, 326.
  • Hackliut, Edmond, 63.
  • Hackshawe, Thomas, 84, 326.
  • Hackwell, William, 84, 327.
  • Hadsor, Richard, 43.
  • Haget, Thomas, 539.
  • Hagh (Hague), 222.
  • Hailes, David, 538.
  • Hakat, —, 660.
  • Hakluyt. See Hacklewt.
  • 1282–33–48
  • Hale, George (Hall), 396, 405, 426.
  • Accounts, 187.
  • Hall, Robert, 64.
  • Hall, Thomas, 538.
  • Hall, William, 44.
  • Sued by company, 43, 57.
  • Halsey, John, 62.
  • Hamburg, Dutch (German), workmen for colony
    from, 240, 315.
  • Hamilton, James, Marquess of, 65.
  • Hamersley, Hugh, 84, 326.
  • Hamond, Susan, 60.
  • Hamor(s), —, 64.
  • Hamor, Ralph, Captain, 58, 64, 84, 326, 441, 550.
  • Commissions, 610, 622, 696–697.
  • Council in Virginia, 483.
  • Order from Governor, 610.
  • Patent, 241, 643.
  • Hamor, Ralph the younger, 84, 326.
  • Hamor, Thomas, 58.
  • Petition, 695–696.
  • Hampton, Thomas, 327.
  • Hampton, Walter, 198, 213, 230.
  • Accounts, 183, 187.
  • Hamyton, Thomas, 84.
  • Hancock, William, 84, 326.
  • Handford, Sir Humphrey, 66, 84, 327.
  • Hanfield, Henry, 539.
  • Hanford, John, 84, 326.
  • Hanger, George, 84, 326.
  • Hanham, Sir John, 84, 325, 338.
  • Sued by company, 45.
  • Hansbie, —, 254.
  • Hanson, John.
  • Council for Virginia, 652.
  • Harber, Edward, 60.
  • Harbert, —, 236.
  • Hare, John, 84, 327.
  • Harefleete, Sir Thomas, 84, 325.
  • Harington, Lord John, 79, 84, 325.
  • Hariot, Thomas (Harryott, Heriott).
  • Book of Virginia, 547, 642.
  • Voyage with Sir Walter Raleigh, 587.
  • Harley, Robert, 66.
  • Harper, —, 62.
  • Harper, John, 84, 326.
  • Harris, Sir Arthur, 84, 326.
  • Harris, John, 84, 326.
  • Harris, Roger, 84, 326.
  • Harris, Thomas, 61.
  • Harris, Sir William 84, 325.


  • Harrison, Ensign, 157, 571.
  • Harrison, Mistress, 571.
  • Harrison, Edward, 62, 84, 326.
  • Harrison, George.
  • Grant of land, 432–434.
  • Harrison, Harmon, 84, 327.
  • Harrison, John, 64, 593, 594.
  • Harrison, Ralph, 84, 327.
  • Harrowhatock, 227.
  • Hart. See under Ships.
  • Hart, Sir Eustace, 59, 84, 325.
  • Hart, John, 63.
  • Hart, Sir Percival, 338.
  • Hartley, Robert, 84, 326.
  • Hartnell, Thomas, 538.
  • Harvey, John, Captain, 62.
  • Harwell, Sir Edmond, 64.
  • Harwell, Francis, 64.
  • Patent, 643.
  • Harwood, —, 583, 651.
  • Council in Virginia, 483.
  • Governor of Martin's Hundred, 495.
  • Harwood, Sir Edward, 59.
  • Committee report, 139–144.
  • Harwood, Leonard, 84, 326.
  • Haselden, William, 84, 327.
  • Haselridge, Francis (Haselrage), 84, 326.
  • Haughton, Lord, 325, 338.
  • Haull, —, 121.
  • Haulsey, John, 58.
  • Hautein. See Haughton.
  • Havercombe, John.
  • Suit, 7–12.
  • Haward. See Howard de Walden.
  • Hawkins, Charles, 84, 326.
  • Hawkins, John, 326.
  • Hawkins, Thomas, 84.
  • Hawkinson, George, 84, 326.
  • Hawthorn, Mathew.
  • Massacred with wife, 568.
  • Haydon, Jeromie, 84.
  • Hayles, 392.
  • Haynes, Henry, 569.
  • Hayward, Sir George (Haiward), 325.
  • Hayward, James (Haiward), 84, 327.
  • Hayward, John (Haiward), 84, 327.
  • Hayward, Sir John, 84.
  • Hayward, Richard, 538.
  • Hazard, Michael, 539.
  • Head, William, 569.
  • Heale, Sir Warwicke, 84, 325, 338.
  • Heals, George, 674.
  • Hearne, Richard, 84.
  • Hearst, Gregory (Herst), 84, 326.
  • Heath, Sir Robert, Recorder of London.
  • Patent, 118.
  • Heiborne, Sir Ferdinando, 326.
  • Heidon, Jeremy, 326.
  • Heightley, Peter, 326.
  • Hemp. See under Commodities.
  • Henley, Christopher, 566.
  • Henrico, City or Borough of, 100, 101, 147, 154,
    173, 246, 264, 313, 453, 495, 566, 573, 576, 670.
  • To build Guest House, 276.
  • Site of College for Indians, 102.
  • Henrico College, 540.
  • Henrico Island, 611.
  • Massacre at, 565.
  • Henry, a Welshman, 570.
  • Henry VII., King, 543.
  • Henshawe, Thomas, 84, 326.
  • Henton, Tilman.
  • Testimony against, as witness, 692–694.
  • Heron, Sir Edward, 84, 326.
  • Heron, Richard, 326.
  • Herrick, Sir William, 84, 325, 338.
  • Heskyns, Alice (Heskins), 397, 426.
  • Hewet, Edward, 538.
  • Hewit, Sir Thomas, 84, 325.
  • Hewtys, Richard.
  • Testimony against, as witness, 692–694.
  • Heydon, Edward, 566.
  • Hibbert, Eliz.
  • Accounts, 187.
  • Hickaton, 293.
  • Hicks, Sir Baptist (Hickes), 84, 316, 325, 337,
  • Council for Virginia, 29.
  • Hicks, William (Hickes), 84, 327.
  • Hickford, Henry, 62.
  • Hide, Sir Lawrence (Hyde), 84, 326, 592, 593,
  • Treatment of servants, 450–451.
  • Hide, Nicholas (Hyde), 84, 327, 592, 593, 594.
  • Council for Virginia, 528.
  • Treatment of servants, 450–451.
  • Hiet, John.
  • Accounts, 408.
  • Higglet, John, 567.
  • Highlie, Peter, 84.
  • Hill, Robert, 84, 326.
  • Hill, Tristram, 84, 326.

  • 735

  • Hilles, John, 538.
  • Hinson, Tobias, 84, 326.
  • Hinton, Anthony, 327.
  • Hinton, Griffith (Griffin), 84, 326.
  • His Maiesties Counseil for Virginia. A Declara-
    tion of the State ... in Virginia
    , 307–365.
  • His Majesty's Councell for Virginia. A Procla-
    mation Giving License to Any Who Are in
    Virginia to Return Home
    , 68–69.
  • Hitch, John, 65.
  • Hobson, —.
  • Massacred with wife, 568.
  • Hobson, Thomas, 245, 566.
  • Hodgis, John, 326.
  • Hodgis, Thomas (Hodges), 60, 84, 326.
  • Hodgis, William, 84, 326.
  • Hodgsall, John (Hodsall), 84, 327.
  • Hodgson, John, 59, 326.
  • Hogan, Gressam (Hoogan), 84, 327.
  • Hoge, John, 84.
  • Hogsall, John, 84, 327.
  • Holborne Bridge, 386.
  • Holdcroft, Thomas, 84, 325.
  • Holeman, George, 326.
  • Holiland, William, 327.
  • Holland, 466, 504, 574, 588.
  • Holland, Gabriell, 396, 405, 426.
  • Holland, Richard, 396, 405, 426.
  • Holland, Thomas, 565, 571.
  • Holland, William, 326.
  • Hollanders, 508.
  • Holliland, Samuell, 84.
  • Hollis, Sir John, 84, 325, 338.
  • Holloway, John, 60.
  • Holmeden, John, 396, 397, 405, 426.
  • Holt, John, 326.
  • Hooker, George, 84, 327.
  • Hooker, Nicholas, 327, 338.
  • Hope, John, 60.
  • Hopewell. See under Ships.
  • Hopkins, Fabian, 539.
  • Hopkins, John, 570.
  • Hopkins, Richard, 405, 410.
  • Accounts, 402.
  • Agreement with Adventurers, 393–394.
  • Hopton, William.
  • Accounts, 387.
  • Horne, 588.
  • Horner, Robert, 565.
  • Horses. See under Commodities.
  • Horwell, Sir Thomas, 84, 325.
  • Horwood, Sir Edward, 592, 593.
  • Houghton, Lord. See Haughton.
  • Houlden, William, 84.
  • Houleman, George, 84.
  • Hoult, John, 84.
  • House of Commons.
  • Draft of an Act for Free Fishing, 439–441.
  • Petition to Committee for Grievances, 517–
  • House of Lords.
  • An Act (Bill) for the repressinge of the odious
    sinne of Drunkenesse, and for preventinge
    the onordinate Consuminge of Corne
  • How, Edward.
  • Massacred with wife and child, 570.
  • Howard, John, 571.
  • Howard, Judeth, 565.
  • Howard, Thomas.
  • Council for Virginia, 32.
  • Howard de Walden, Theophilus, Lord, 84.
  • Council for Virginia, 652.
  • Howell, Richard, 84, 326.
  • Howlett, John the elder, 397, 405, 426.
  • Massacred with son, 565.
  • Howlett, John the younger, 397, 405, 426.
  • Howlett, William, 397, 406, 426.
  • Howsdon, Nicholas, 568.
  • Huddleston, John, 375, 376, 436, 525.
  • Complaint against, 457–458.
  • Commission, 516–517.
  • Hudson Bay, 573, 574.
  • Hudson, John.
  • Banished from colony, 69–70.
  • Hudson, Leonard.
  • In charge of building East India School, 650.
  • Hudson, Robert, 59.
  • Hudson River.
  • Fur trade, 488.
  • Hudson Strait, 541, 542.
  • A Treatise of the Northwest Passage to the
    South Sea, through the Continent of Vir-
    ginia, 572–575.
  • Huggins, —.
  • Accounts, 188.
  • Hugh, 571.
  • Hughes, Thomas, 539.
  • Hull, Richard.
  • Sued by company, 43.
  • Humble, Peter, 66.
  • Humble, Richard, 84, 326.

  • 736

  • Hun, Edmund, 65.
  • Hungerford, Sir John.
  • Sued by company, 38, 39.
  • Hunkly, John, 84.
  • Hunt, John, 565.
  • Hunt, Nicholas, 571.
  • Huntingdon, Henry, Earl of, 84, 281, 325.
  • Huntley, Sir George, 338.
  • Sued by company, 43, 44.
  • Huntley, John, 326.
  • Hunton, Anthony, Doctor, 84, 327.
  • Hurd, Edward, 65.
  • Hurd, John, 198, 213, 230.
  • Accounts, 188.
  • Hurdman, Francis.
  • Commission, 365.
  • Hurt, —, 569.
  • Husband of Virginia Company. See Company,
  • Hutchins, Thomas, 539.
  • Hutchinson, Henry, 64.
  • Hyborne, Sir Ferdinando, 84.
  • Hyde. See Hide.
  • I-anson, William, 328.
  • Imbroyderers, Company of, 85, 327.
  • Incorporation, Grants of, 133.
  • Indentures, 353, 359.
  • Agreement with new colonists, 393–394.
  • Company and Adventurers for Berkley
    Hundred, 130–134, 200, 202.
  • Concerning shares in Berkley Hundred, 210–
    211, 271–274, 412–415.
  • Indentured Servants.
  • Law concerning, 174.
  • India, 547.
  • Indian Ocean, 573.
  • Indians, 110.
  • Anecdote concerning, 438.
  • Astronomy of, 584.
  • Character of, 372, 549.
  • A Declaration of the State of the Colony
    and ... a Relation of the Barbarous Mas-
    ..., 541–579.
  • Deprived of commodities, 704–705.
  • Education of children, 14.
  • Fire arms, 93, 555–556.
  • Friendly relations with, 19–21, 71, 73–74, 79,
    128–129, 163, 164, 165, 172, 446, 469, 470,
    487, 550, 552, 584.
  • Land sale to Sir Thomas Dale, 304.
  • Laws to regulate relations with, 706–707.
  • Leagues with, 228, 245, 584, 655.
  • The Manner Howe to Bringe the Indians into
    , by John Martin, 704–707.
  • Massacre, 537, 612–613.
  • Colonists' revenge, 671–673.
  • Mines, 533.
  • Poverty and sickness, 92.
  • Precautions against, 161, 171, 227, 669–670,
  • Reasons for not extirpating them, 705–706.
  • Refuge for colonists, 74.
  • Religious education, 128–129, 228, 552.
  • Conversion to Church of England faith,
    14–15, 116, 446.
  • First care of government, 348, 468–469,
  • Gift for, 117, 576.
  • Law concerning, 165–166.
  • Support for, 102, 363.
  • Teachers for, 116.
  • Religious opinions, 584.
  • Robbed and illtreated, 522.
  • Spanish estimate of, 3, 562.
  • Trade, 19–20, 31, 35, 551.
  • Beads as currency, 495.
  • Commission, 622.
  • Corn, 157, 244.
  • Forced, 157, 696–697, 698–699, 700.
  • Interpreters for fur trade, 527.
  • Laws, 170, 173.
  • Restraint of, 20–21, 93, 522.
  • Treachery of, 147, 174–175, 245, 247,
  • Tributary, 18–19.
  • See also Massacre; Opochankano; Pow-
  • Infidells, 38. See Indians.
  • Ingram, Sir Arthur, 85, 327, 338.
  • Sued by Company, 43.
  • Innholders, Company of, 85, 327.
  • Iniococks, 27.
  • Iniocasocks (priests), 14.
  • Inland Sea, 246.
  • Insects, 560.
  • Instrucc̃ons orders and constituc̃ons to Sir Thomas
    Gates knight, Governor of Virginia
    , 12–24.
  • Instructions orders and constituc̃ons ... to
    ... Sir Thomas West knight Lo: La Warr
  • Ipswich, Bailiffs of, 327.

  • 737

  • Ipswich, Town of, 85.
  • Ireby, Anthony (Irby), 61, 85, 328.
  • Ireland, 185, 188, 396, 397, 403, 466, 546, 587,
    620, 699.
  • Cattle from, 488.
  • Deputy of (Lord Falkland), 710.
  • Iron, 240. See also Commodities, iron works.
  • Ironmongers, Company of, 85, 327.
  • Ironside, Richard, 85, 327.
  • Iron works. See under Commodities.
  • Isabella of Spain, 543.
  • Isle of Wight, 192.
  • Isham, George (Isam), 85, 327.
  • Isop, Christopher, 539.
  • Italians, 587, 640.
  • For glass furnace, 477, 494, 495.
  • Italy, 309, 544.
  • Jackson, Henry, 85, 327.
  • Jackson, John.
  • Child of, 570.
  • Committee, 159.
  • Representative in General Assembly, 154.
  • Jacob, Abraham.
  • Commission, 365.
  • Jacobson, James, 64.
  • Jacobson, Peter, 85, 327.
  • Jacobson, Philip, 64, 85, 327.
  • Jadwin, Thomas, 85, 327.
  • James. See under Ships.
  • James I. See King.
  • James City, 158, 162, 169, 172, 173, 176, 227,
    228, 229, 230, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246,
    262, 298, 313, 424, 443, 444, 465, 495, 499,
    528, 535, 546, 554, 555, 565, 570, 581, 585,
    590, 591, 594, 609, 610, 611, 612, 619, 622,
    623, 655, 657, 659, 665, 679, 697, 698, 699, 704.
  • Bridge for, 302.
  • General Assembly report, 153–177.
  • Guest house for, 276, 576, 643.
  • Site questioned, 583.
  • See also James Town.
  • James Fort, 17.
  • James River, 465, 481, 499, 553, 591.
  • King James River, 595.
  • James Town, 13, 71, 75, 93, 99, 100, 101, 119,
    208, 209, 700.
  • Condemned, 16.
  • See also James City.
  • James, Edward, 85, 328.
  • James, Thomas, 148.
  • Janson, William, 85.
  • Japan, 548, 573.
  • Japazous, 244, 247.
  • Jaques, Gabriell, 85, 328.
  • Jarman, Sir Thomas F., 85.
  • Jarret, Samuel, 568.
  • Jaxson, Thomas, Senior, 327.
  • Jefferie, Mistress Nathaniel, 570.
  • Jefferies, Robert, 64.
  • Jefferson, John.
  • Committee, 159.
  • Representative in General Assembly, 154.
  • Jefferson, John, tobacco taster, 228–229.
  • Jelfe, James, 397, 406, 426.
  • Jenings, Henry, 538.
  • Jermyn, Phillip (Jermine), 62.
  • Jermyn, Sir Thomas, 327.
  • Jewell, James, 85, 327.
  • Joakley, Robert, 501.
  • Covenant with Company, 499–500.
  • Jobson, Humfrey, 85, 328.
  • Jobson, Walter, 85, 328.
  • Jobson, William, 85, 327.
  • John, 571.
  • Johnes, Thomas, 538.
  • Johns, Thomas, 538.
  • Johnson, —, 289.
  • Johnson, Cornelius, 588.
  • Johnson, Robert, Alderman, 85, 264, 327.
  • Accused by John Bargrave, 518–520.
  • Accused of being party to Sir Thomas
    Smyth, 605.
  • Censured by company, 139–144, 149–150,
  • Cleared of accusations by John Bargrave,
  • Defendant in Chancery, 598–602.
  • Letter to Sir Edwin Sandys, 274.
  • In suit, 41, 42.
  • Tobacco auction, 274.
  • Johnson, Robert, Alderman, and Sir Thomas
  • Reply to the petition of John Bargrave,
  • Johnson, Sir Robert, 327.
  • Johnson, Syruss.
  • Committee for securing colonists, 97.
  • Johnson, Thomas, 327.
  • Jolly, Edward, 571.
  • Jonathan. See under Ships.
  • Jones, Alice, 571.
  • Jones, Sir Francis, 85. 327.

  • 738

  • Jones, George, 570.
  • Jones, Sir Henry, 60.
  • Jones, John, 198, 213, 230.
  • Jones, Owen, 565.
  • Jones, Thomas, Chief Justice, 598.
  • Decree in favor of John Bargrave, 601.
  • Jones, Captain Thomas, 65, 85, 136, 327, 527,
    530, 566.
  • Commission, 525.
  • Jones, Zachary, 85, 328.
  • Jonson, Thomas, 85.
  • Jope, —, Captain, 243.
  • Jordan, Peter, 569.
  • Jordan, Robert, 567.
  • Jordan, Samuel, 65.
  • Committee, 159.
  • Representative in General Assembly, 154.
  • Jordan, William, 566.
  • J-oson, William, 66.
  • Joseph. See under Ships.
  • Josua, John, 85, 327.
  • Jourdes, Samuel, 612.
  • Jtoyatin, 228.
  • A Justification for Planting Virginia, 1–3.
  • Juxson, Thomas, 85.
  • Kaile, Sir John, 85, 328.
  • Kay, Robert, 371.
  • Keane, Richard, Lieutenant, 570.
  • Commander of new members of Martin's
    Hundred, 506.
  • Keene, George, 396, 401, 405, 426.
  • Keeper, Lord (Bishop John Williams), 510, 598–
    602, 653.
  • Keightley, Thomas (Kightly), 236.
  • Voyage to Virginia supported by, 513, 514,
  • Kelke, Sir Charles, 85, 328.
  • Kemis, Arthur, 396, 405, 427.
  • Kemis, Thomas, 396, 398, 405, 426, 674.
  • Kendall, Miles, Captain, 145.
  • Kenis, Thomas.
  • Accounts, 388.
  • Kent, 444.
  • Kent, Henry, 85, 328.
  • Kerby, Edward, 62, 254.
  • Kerridge, Thomas, 65.
  • Kettlebee, John (Kettleby), 85, 328.
  • Keyme, —, 449.
  • Kiccowtan (Kecketan, Kequoughtan, Keycotan,
    Kiquotan), 100, 101, 114, 173, 227, 612, 623,
  • Commander addressed by governor, 90.
  • Guest house for, 276.
  • Refused food to needy ships, 243.
  • Renamed Elizabeth City, 161, 276.
  • Representatives to General Assembly, 154.
  • Warrant by governor prohibiting sailors
    from landing at, 79.
  • Kiduile, Joseph, 538.
  • Killegrew, Sir Robert, 85, 328, 512, 604.
  • King (James I), 18.
  • Letter to the Privy Council, 653–654.
  • Letter to Virginia Company, 661–662.
  • Oath of Allegiance to, 4–5.
  • Proclamation to Virginia Company pro-
    hibiting Lottery, 434–435.
  • King, John, Bishop of London, 61.
  • King, John, 538.
  • In suit, 38, 39.
  • King, Raphe, 85, 328.
  • Kingfall, 403.
  • King's Road, 187, 193, 194, 195, 382, 383.
  • Kingrode, 187, 193, 194, 195, 382, 383.
  • Kings Lynne, Town of, 85, 328.
  • Kings River, 13, 16, 204, 208.
  • Kirby, John, 63.
  • Kirkham, Walter, 85, 328.
  • Kirrell, John, 85, 592, 593.
  • Kirrill, Richard, 328.
  • Knaresborough, Richard, 85.
  • Knightley, Sir Valentine, 85, 328.
  • Konwan, 103.
  • Kyngston, Felix, Printer, 540, 579, 661.
  • Lambe, John, 62.
  • Lambe, Richard, 62.
  • Lambert, —, 92.
  • Lampin, Jeremy, 539.
  • Land.
  • Assigned—
  • To Adventurers for Berkley Hundred,
    130–132, 134.
  • To Ancient Adventurers and planters,
  • To artizans or tradesmen for their
    support, 103.
  • By inheritance, 64.

  • 739

  • To planters who paid own transporta-
    tion, 101.
  • College, 102, 217, 226, 227, 310, 671.
  • Deserted, 670.
  • Disputed, 264.
  • Common or Borough.
  • Defined, 102.
  • Disposition of, 106, 310.
  • Dispute about, 76, 176, 255.
  • Granted to Somers Islands Company,
  • How settled, 226–228, 229.
  • Officers' tenants, 99–102, 115, 217, 240,
    313, 471, 486, 584–585.
  • Revenue of, 100–103, 218.
  • Stock for, 276.
  • Tenants of, 101–103, 115, 240, 313,
  • Company's, 227.
  • Disputed, 248–249, 264.
  • Granted—
  • For personal share, 63.
  • For planters of 100 or more persons,
    625, 630.
  • For Public Land to Somer Islands Com-
    pany, 62.
  • For services to Berkley Hundred, 211.
  • For support of church and school, 131.
  • For support of officers, 99–102.
  • Reward of services to Sir George
    Yeardley, 102–103.
  • To a school, 63.
  • To George Harrison by governor,
  • To John Bonnall for private plantation,
  • To planters, 396–397.
  • Grants, 107–108, 359–362, 394.
  • Not to be given up after massacre, 670.
  • Land owners, 62, 197–198.
  • Landman, Christofer, 85, 328.
  • Landman, John 85, 329.
  • Lane, Sir Ralph, explorer, 543.
  • Langford, Richard, 538.
  • Langhton, Thomas, 85.
  • Langly, —, 674.
  • Accounts, 184, 185, 187, 215.
  • Langly, John, 85, 329.
  • Languedoc, 240, 548, 549, 641.
  • Lapworth, Michael.
  • Commended, 463, 487.
  • Council in Virginia, 483.
  • Larkin, John 568.
  • Larkum, William, 569.
  • Latham, Peter, 85, 328.
  • Latham, Thomas, 66.
  • Laughton, Thomas, 328.
  • Laurence, William, 85, 329.
  • Lawarre, Lord. See De Lawar, Lord.
  • Lawer, Thomas, 85.
  • Lawford, Robert.
  • Accounts, 388, 404.
  • Lawley, Sir Edward, 61.
  • Lawn, Christopher, Captain (Lawne), 103, 121,
    190, 227.
  • Burgesses representing his plantation, 154.
  • Commended as foreman of jury, 242.
  • Committee, 159.
  • Death, 246.
  • Patent, 163.
  • Represents own plantation in General As-
    sembly, 154.
  • Lawne, —, Preacher, 65.
  • Lawnes Hundred, 168.
  • Lawrence, John, 61.
  • Laws of Colony.
  • Agriculture, 166.
  • Cattle, 171–172.
  • Communications, 171, 173.
  • Contracts, 167.
  • Defense of, 521.
  • Indentured servants, 174.
  • Indians, 164, 165–166, 170.
  • Making of, 159, 164–169, 241, 348, 358–359,
  • Morals, 164, 165, 172, 173.
  • Proposed to avoid danger from Indians,
  • Record of, 353.
  • Registration, 171.
  • Religious observances, 171, 172, 173, 174.
  • Trade, 167–169, 173.
  • Lawson, Thomas, 85, 329.
  • Layer, Thomas, 328.
  • Laziness, Law against, 164.
  • Leach, —, 585.
  • Leate, —.
  • Petition, 265–266.
  • Leate, Nicholas, 85, 329.
  • Leate, William, Minister, 651.

  • 740

  • Leech, —, 65, 493.
  • To choose land for Earl of Pembroke's
    plantation, 480.
  • Council in Virginia, 483.
  • Leech, Sir Edward, 598.
  • Leeke, Simon, Captain.
  • Patent, 643.
  • Legate, John.
  • In suit, 38, 39.
  • Leicester, Earl of, 328.
  • Leigh, Sir Francis, 85, 328.
  • Leigh, Henry, 85, 328.
  • Leigh, Mistress, 386.
  • Leman, John, 538.
  • Leming, Joseph.
  • Patent, 643.
  • Lemis, Thomas, 400.
  • Lennox, Duke of, 460.
  • Leonard, Sampson, 85, 328.
  • Leonard, Sir Samuel, 85, 328, 339.
  • Leathersellers, Company of, 85, 328.
  • Letters.
  • From—
  • Bermuda Hundred, 76.
  • Bristol, 148, 151, 212, 369–370, 373,
    373–374, 395, 401, 410–411.
  • Castlett, 410.
  • Clowerwall, 138–139.
  • Crookampill, 411–412.
  • Deal, 508–509.
  • Elizabeth City, 122–129, 455–458, 534–
  • Exeter, 190–191, 223.
  • Harrowhattocke, 262–266.
  • Hayles, 266, 289–290, 291, 367–368.
  • Jamestown, 29–31, 70–73, 73–74, 76, 79,
    92, 152–153, 219–222, 248–249, 249–
    253, 254, 297–300, 300–306, 436–438,
    443, 445, 446–448, 448–449, 449–450,
    450–451, 452–453, 454, 460–461, 462,
    462–464, 581–588, 611–615.
  • London, 31–32, 33, 67–68, 136–137,
    146–148, 190, 259, 274, 485–491, 492–
    498, 502–508, 526–528, 530–534, 646–
    652, 653–654, 661–664, 666–673, 683–
  • Newport, 660–661.
  • Northborn, 191–192, 215–216, 216–219,
    223–224, 224–225, 269–271, 294–296,
    306–307, 375–376, 406–407, 415–416,
    509, 511–512, 529, 604, 615–616, 616–
    617, 617–618, 676–677, 679–680, 690–
  • Ockle, 409.
  • Paspehayes, 464.
  • Rochester, 371–372.
  • Southampton Hundred, 417–418.
  • Stoke, 137–138.
  • Virginia, 118–122, 241–248, 255–258,
    424–425, 441–443, 589.
  • To—
  • Bermuda Hundred, 76.
  • Bristol, 409.
  • Jamestown, 76.
  • London, 29–31, 31–32, 33, 70–73, 73–74,
    79, 92, 118–122, 122–129, 152–153,
    190–191, 191–192, 215–216, 216–219,
    219–222, 223–224, 224–225, 241–248,
    249–253, 254, 255–258, 259, 262–266,
    269–271, 274, 289–290, 291, 294–296,
    297–300, 300–306, 306–307, 367–368,
    371–372, 375–376, 401, 406–407, 415–
    416, 424–425, 436–438, 441–443, 443,
    445, 446–448, 448–449, 449–450, 450–
    451, 452–453, 454, 458–459, 460–461,
    462, 462–464, 464, 508–509, 509, 511–
    512, 529, 534–535, 581–588, 589, 604,
    611–615, 615–616, 616–617, 617–618,
    653–654, 660–661, 676–677, 679–680,
  • Nibley, 137–138, 138–139, 148, 151,
    248–249, 266, 369–370, 373, 373–374,
    395, 410, 410–411, 411–412, 417–418.
  • Northborn, 223, 455–458.
  • Salisbury, 67–68.
  • Virginia, 136–137, 146–148, 190, 212,
    485–491, 492–498, 502–508, 526–528,
    530–534, 646–652, 661–664, 666–673,
  • See also Names of important people; Com-
    pany; King; Council in Virginia.

  • 741

  • Letters Patent, 25, 106, 140, 235, 344, 360, 484,
    518, 520, 703.
  • Of company, 352.
  • Lotteries, 49, 52.
  • Terms, 34–36.
  • Three times renewed, 310.
  • See also Charters and Patents.
  • Lever, Thomas, 85, 328, 593.
  • Leveson, Thomas,
  • Patent, 643.
  • Leveson, William.
  • Answer to company's Bill of Complaint,
  • Receiver of lottery books and monies, 50–51.
  • Sued by company, 49–52, 57.
  • Levitt, John, 329.
  • Lewellin, Morris, 85, 328.
  • Lewet, John, 85.
  • Lewis, —.
  • Court for Somers Islands, 603.
  • Lewis, —, Mistress, 392.
  • Lewis, Edward, 85, 328.
  • Lewis, Richard, 571.
  • Lewis, William, 214.
  • Lewkin, Edward, 85, 328.
  • Lewson, Sir John, 85, 328, 339.
  • Lewson, William, 328.
  • Leydon, Nathaniel, 569.
  • Lichfield, Nicholas, 85, 329.
  • Lidny, 186.
  • Lighborrow, Peter, 570.
  • Ligorno (Leghorn), 315.
  • Lincoln, George Montaigne, Bishop of, 86, 329.
  • Lincoln, Henry, Earl of, 85, 328.
  • Committee for securing new colonists, 97.
  • Linde, —, 416.
  • Lindsey, Richard, Captain, 85.
  • Linley, Richard, Captain, 329.
  • Linsell, Augustine, 61.
  • Linsey, John, 397, 405, 427.
  • Linsey, Roger, 397, 405, 426.
  • Lisle, R.
  • Council for Virginia, 32.
  • Lisle, Robert, Lord, 85, 328.
  • Lister, Edward, 568.
  • A List of Men Nowe sent for plantac̃on in Vir-
    , 396–397.
  • List of Requisites.
  • For new colonists to bring from England,
  • A List of Servants remaining in Virginia, 674.
  • List of Skilled Workers in Virginia, 317.
  • See also Lyst.
  • Liste, George, 23.
  • Littleton, 186.
  • Litton, Sir William, 62, 339.
  • Lizard. See under Ships.
  • Lloyd, David, 62.
  • Lodge, Francis, 85, 329.
  • Lodge, Joice, 63.
  • Lodge, Luke, 85, 329.
  • Lodge, Peter, 85, 328.
  • London, City of, 138, 187, 281, 285, 286, 293,
    316, 408, 435, 502, 522, 540, 541, 574, 576,
    579, 581, 593, 598, 606, 621.
  • Cost of board in, 185.
  • Cost of transportation and freight to and
    from, 183, 186, 188, 388, 403.
  • Crime in, 675.
  • Customs duties, 393.
  • Lottery, 49–50.
  • Sent 100 new colonists, 559.
  • Supplies purchased in, 178, 385–386, 400.
  • London, Lord Mayor of, 236, 675.
  • London, Port of, 282, 283, 287, 382, 383, 418, 419.
  • Long, John, 539.
  • Long, Robert, 396, 405, 426.
  • Lothbury, 512.
  • Lotteries, 606.
  • Accounts, 50, 141, 520, 607.
  • Income, 47–48, 520.
  • Management, 49–50, 52–55.
  • Prizes, 67, 271.
  • Proclamations suspending, 434–435.
  • Receiver, 50, 53.
  • In Salisbury, 67.
  • Tickets, 50, 54, 56.
  • Lottery Books, 53.
  • Lottery House, 51, 56.
  • Building and furnishing of, 54–55.
  • Lovelace, Sir Richard, 339.
  • Lovelace, Sir William, 58, 680.
  • Lower, Sir William, 85, 328.
  • Lowson, William, 85.
  • Lukin, Edward, 59.
  • Lulles, Arnold, 85, 329.
  • Lupo, Aliano, 60.
  • Lymington, 304.
  • Lyst, A, of the Men nowe sent for Plantacon under
    Captayne Woodleefe, governor
    , 197–199.
  • Macar, Owen.
  • Killed in massacre, 568.

  • 742

  • Macock, Samuel, Captain.
  • Killed in massacre, 568.
  • Maddison, Isaac, Captain, 63, 76.
  • Commissions, 654–655, 700–701.
  • Complaint settled, 445.
  • Maddox, Thomas (Maddocks), 62, 86, 330.
  • Madite, Otho (Mauduit), 86, 329.
  • Magazine, 79, 526, 530, 651.
  • Complaints of, by John Bargrave, 599, 601.
  • Customs avoidance, 510.
  • Founding of, 519.
  • Free trade limited to, 519.
  • Laws, 167, 169, 362–363.
  • Management in colony, 78.
  • Misused by company, 519–520.
  • Prosperous, 582, 640.
  • Ships, 78, 493, 519, 606.
  • Transportation of colonists, 192, 495.
  • Tobacco in trade, 486, 496, 503–504.
  • Well stocked, 503, 640.
  • Maids. See Women.
  • Maile, Thomas, 330.
  • Mainwaring, Sir Arthur (Manwaring).
  • Sued by company, 43.
  • See also Mannering.
  • Mainwaring, Sir Henry (Mannering), 61, 64.
  • Mainwaring, Thomas, 64.
  • Man, Joseph, 59.
  • Manahockes, 19.
  • Mand, Josias, 86.
  • Mandeville, Lord President, 510.
  • Mangolleffild, 186.
  • Mangopeesomon (Opechankano), 584.
  • Manguahaian (Great Bear), 584.
  • Manhood, Sir Peter, 86, 329.
  • Manner, The, Howe to Bringe the Indians into
    , 704–707.
  • Mannering, Sir Arthur, 86, 329. See also Main-
  • Manqueocke, 17.
  • Mansell, —, Captain, 534.
  • Mansell, Sir Robert (Maunsell), 85, 329.
  • Council for Virginia, 29, 32.
  • Mansell, Sir Thomas, 86, 329.
  • Mansfield, Sir Robert, 40.
  • Mansion House, 433.
  • Map of Colony, 477.
  • Mapcock Creek, 103.
  • Mapes, Francis, 86, 330.
  • Maplesden, Richard, 86, 330.
  • Margaret. See under Ships.
  • Margaret and John. See under Ships.
  • Marget, Lionel, 291.
  • Marigold (Marygold). See under Ships.
  • Markham—
  • Accounts, 389.
  • Book on husbandry, etc., 400.
  • Markham, Richard, 64.
  • Marmaduke. See under Ships.
  • Marmaduke, —, Pilot, 243.
  • Marret, Humfrey, 86, 330.
  • Marriage.
  • Directions for marriage of maids sent to the
    colony, 494.
  • Laws, 171, 173–174.
  • Marseilles, 315, 403.
  • Marten, Sir Henry, 281.
  • Decree in case of the Virginia Company
    against Wye, absolving Wye, 701–702.
  • Martial law, 15, 310.
  • Commissions, 609, 610, 611, 623, 664–665.
  • Martin Brandon.
  • Captain John Martin's plantation, 154, 444.
  • Massacre at, 569.
  • Martin, Christopher, 58, 61, 593.
  • Martin, Hans, 539.
  • Martin, John, Captain, 58, 65, 71, 73, 86, 103,
    329, 521.
  • Accounts, 436.
  • Accused by John Rolfe, 170.
  • Cattle, 444.
  • Commission for trade, 78.
  • Council in Virginia, 13.
  • How Virginia may be made a Royal Planta-
    tion, 707, 710.
  • The Manner Howe to Bringe the Indians into
    , 704–707.
  • No representation in General Assembly,
    155–156, 163.
  • Patent rights, 155–156, 163, 702–703.
  • Patent transferred, 599.
  • Request to Master of the Rolls concerning
    Patent, 702–703.
  • Suit against Bargrave, 522.
  • Summoned to come before General Assem-
    bly, 157–158, 162–163.
  • Treatment of Indians, 157, 163.
  • Martin, John (Martine), 62, 330.
  • Martin, John, the Persian, 423.
  • Martin, Richard (Martyn), 86, 329.
  • Council for Virginia, 68.
  • Martin, Thomas, 86, 330.

  • 743

  • Martin's Hundred, 450, 495, 668, 691.
  • Commodities, encouragement of, 168.
  • Fortifications, 686.
  • Martial law, 610.
  • Massacre at, 537, 570, 670.
  • Minister, 651.
  • New colonists, 506, 583, 594, 689.
  • Patent granted, 643.
  • Prospering, 247.
  • Rent, 255.
  • Representatives to Assembly, 154.
  • Society of Smith's and Martin's Hundreds,
  • Surveying, 451.
  • Marvel, Roberts, 566.
  • Mary, a servant, 566.
  • Mary and John. See under Ships.
  • Masawoymekes, 19.
  • Mason, George, 86, 330.
  • Mason, John, 538, 570.
  • Massacre, 537, 612–613, 652, 656, 666, 678.
  • Beneficial results of, 556–560.
  • A Declaration of the State of the Colony
    and ... a Relation of the Barbarous
    Massacre ...
    , 541–579.
  • See Planters, massacre.
  • Massam, William, 538.
  • Massituppamohtnock, 228.
  • Massoamacks, 438.
  • Master of the Rolls.
  • Request to by John Martin, 702–703.
  • Masterson, Lawrence, Captain, 61.
  • Masterson, Thomas, 61.
  • Mathew, 565.
  • Mathew, a maid, 571.
  • Mathew, a Polander, 569.
  • Mathews, Samuel, Captain, Planter, 227, 246,
  • Maude, Josias, 330.
  • Mauduit (Mawdite), Otho, 86, 329.
  • Maxwell, James, 676.
  • May, Sir Humphrey, 86, 329.
  • Sued by company, 45.
  • May, John, 539.
  • Mayall, Thomas, 330.
  • Maycock, — (Macock), Cambridge scholar,
    92, 119.
  • Maycock, —, Captain.
  • Killed in massacre, 555.
  • Maycock, Samuel (Macock).
  • Council in Virginia, 424, 483, 588.
  • Maycott, Sir Caveliero, 86, 329, 337.
  • Sued by company, 45.
  • May Flower. See under Ships.
  • Maynard, Sir William, 86, 329, 339.
  • May-umps, King of, 73. See also Moyomps.
  • Meakins, William. 569.
  • Meddus, James, Doctor, 86, 329.
  • Medicine, 23.
  • Medland, Nicholas, 539.
  • Meins, 13.
  • Melling, —, 66.
  • Mellinge, Thomas (Melling), 61, 64, 306, 416,
    529, 604, 692.
  • Associate of Bargrave, 524.
  • Committee for Somers Islands, 603.
  • Court for Somers Islands, 603.
  • Melton, Clement.
  • Servant's account, 618–619, 674.
  • Memoriall, A, of Religious Charitie Exercised on
    Virginia to the Glory of God and Good Example
    of Men
    , 575–577.
  • Menevell, —.
  • Court for Somers Islands, 603.
  • Menis, 262.
  • Meoles, Henry, Captain, 86, 330.
  • Mercers, Company of, 86, 329.
  • Merchant. See under Ships.
  • Merchant Tailors, Company of, 86, 329.
  • Merrick, Sir John, 85, 329.
  • Mesford, Sir Thomas, 89.
  • Metallina, 262.
  • Metals. See under Commodities.
  • Methusalem, 565.
  • Mettrickes, William.
  • Accounts, 198.
  • Meverell, Francis, 59, 592, 593.
  • Mexico, 558.
  • Michel, Remember, 571.
  • Michelborne, Sir Edward, 85, 329.
  • Middelburg, 222.
  • Middleton, —, 66.
  • Middleton, Francis, 86, 330.
  • Middleton, Robert, 86, 330.
  • Middleton, Sir Thomas, 85, 329.
  • Planter, 264.
  • Middletonne, John, 86, 330.
  • Milburie, —.
  • In suit, 286, 287.
  • Mildmay, Sir Henry, 65.
  • Mildmay, Robert, 86, 330.

  • 744

  • Mildmay, Sir Thomas, 86, 329.
  • Defense against suit, 39–41.
  • Sued by company, 34–39.
  • Miller, John, 86, 330.
  • In suit, 38, 39.
  • Miller, Sir Robert, 86, 329.
  • Millet, William, 86, 330.
  • Mills. See under Commodities.
  • Milton, Richard, 397, 406, 426, 674.
  • Milward, Henry.
  • Massacred with wife, child, and sister, 566.
  • Miners, German, 305.
  • Mines.
  • Agreement concerning on Patent form, 631.
  • Royal and company rights in, 626.
  • Shares in gold and silver reserved to Crown
    and company, 360.
  • See also under Commodities.
  • Minister.
  • For each borough or plantation, 276–277.
  • See also under Planters.
  • Mitten, James, 539.
  • Mogol's Country, 641.
  • Moise, Timothy, his man, 570.
  • Mole, George, 64.
  • Moles, Richard, 86.
  • Molton, Thomas, 198, 213, 230, 674.
  • Moluccas, 573.
  • Monday, Jarvis, 86.
  • Monger, James, 86, 330.
  • Monhegan (Monahigon), 242, 246.
  • Monnington, Richard.
  • Sued by company, 43.
  • Monocons (Monocane, Monakin), 19, 30, 705,
  • Monsell, Peter, 86, 330.
  • Montague, James, Bishop, 80, 318.
  • Montaigne, George, Bishop, 86, 329.
  • Montgomery, Philip, Earl of, 85, 329, 339.
  • Council for Virginia, 29, 32.
  • Moone, Churchill, 63.
  • Moone, Nicholas, 86, 330.
  • Moore, Adrian (More), 86, 329.
  • Moore, Sir George, 85.
  • Moore, Henry, 571.
  • Moore, Jarrat, 566.
  • Moore, Jd., 56.
  • Moore, John, 63.
  • In suit, 43.
  • Moore, Richard, 86, 330.
  • Moore, Robert, 538.
  • Moorer, Richard (Morer), 86, 330.
  • Moores, William, 198.
  • Mootham, James, 65.
  • Mordent, George, 66, 592, 593.
  • Morden, Oliver (Mordon), 64.
  • More, Sir George, 329, 339.
  • Morewood, Gilbert, 592, 593.
  • Morgayne, Edward, 61.
  • Morley, Lord, 329.
  • Morris, Thomas (Morrice), 86, 329, 592, 593.
  • Morrisson, Sir Richard, 665.
  • Morse, Thomas, 66.
  • Morton, Ralph (Moorton), 86, 330.
  • Morton, Richard (Mooreton), 62, 86, 330.
  • Mosse, Richard, 568.
  • Moston, Robert.
  • Patent, 643.
  • Mounson, Sir William.
  • Patent, 241.
  • Mountain. See Montaigne.
  • Mounteagle, William, Lord, 85, 329.
  • Mountford, Thomas, 329.
  • Mountfort, William, 569.
  • Mouse, Arthur (Mowse), 86, 329, 592, 593.
  • Mousley, William, 539.
  • Moyomps River, 19, 20. See also Mayumps.
  • Mulberry Island, 570.
  • Mumford, Thomas, 86.
  • Mundz, Jarvis, 330.
  • Murry, Sir David (Murrey), 86, 329.
  • Mutes, Philip, 330.
  • Mylbourne, Robert, 541.
  • Naunton, Sir Robert.
  • Letter from Sir Edwin Sandys, 259.
  • Negroes, bought, 243.
  • Nelme, Christopher, 197, 213, 230.
  • Accounts, 187.
  • Nelme, Christopher, his wife.
  • Accounts, 199, 214.
  • Nelme, Margery.
  • Accounts, 402.
  • Nelson, —, 453.
  • Neman, —, 121.
  • Neptune. See under Ships.
  • Nesse, 406.
  • Neuemettanan, alias English Jack, 228.
  • Nevill, John, 592, 593.
  • Neville, Sir Henry, 86, 330.
  • Sued by company, 43, 44.
  • Newborne, Joseph (Newberow), 86, 330.
  • Newce, Mrs. (Nuce), 129.

  • 745

  • Newce, George, 86, 330.
  • Newce, —, Captain (Nuce), 123, 125, 129, 375,
  • Newce, Thomas, Captain (Nuce), 453, 463, 485,
  • Council in Virginia, 424, 444, 528, 588, 590.
  • Deputy for company in council in Virginia,
    483, 534.
  • French youths for, 507.
  • Instructions regarding Terra Lemnia (white
    earth), 488.
  • Letter to Sir Edwin Sandys, 455–458.
  • Project concerning tenants, 588, 647.
  • Proposed by governor Sir George Yeardley
    to be his successor, 452.
  • Services rewarded with land, 488.
  • Newce, William, Captain and Marshall of
    Virginia (Nuce), 472, 699.
  • Patent, 241.
  • Council in Virginia, 483.
  • Newcomb, James, 538.
  • New England, 573.
  • Fishing off, 439–440.
  • North course best passage to, 302.
  • Order regarding freedom of fishing, 459–460.
  • Newfoundland, 400, 709.
  • Discovery of, 543.
  • Draft of Act regarding freedom of fishing,
  • Fishing, 309, 315, 454, 545.
  • Trade with, for fish, 242–243.
  • Newgate, Christopher, 86, 330.
  • Newland, —, 63.
  • Commended, 190–191.
  • Newland, Robert.
  • Letter to Nicholas Ferrar, 660–661.
  • New Magazine Company.
  • Letter from Sir George Yeardley, 449–450.
  • Newman, Francis, 453.
  • Newport, 191, 660.
  • Newport, —, Captain.
  • Viceadmiral of Virginia, 26, 28.
  • Newport, —, Mrs., 63.
  • Newport News, 227, 242, 587, 595, 612, 664.
  • New Spain, 573.
  • Newtall, Jonathan, 86.
  • Newton, Thomas, 64, 593, 594.
  • Nibley, 186, 386, 389, 392, 403.
  • Nichols, Christofer (Nicols), 86, 330.
  • Nichols, Thomas, 86, 330.
  • Nichols, William, 86, 330, 593.
  • Norburne, Nicholas.
  • Commission, 498–499.
  • Norincourt, Thomas (Norncot), 59, 86, 330.
  • Norris, Francis, Lord, 86, 330.
  • North, Sir Charles.
  • Patent, 643.
  • North, Dudley, Lord, 86, 330.
  • Northampton, Earl of, 320.
  • Northborn, 191.
  • Northern Colony for Virginia, 242, 459, 460.
  • Plymouth, 242, 301.
  • Northwest Passage, 541, 548.
  • Treatise on, 572–575.
  • Norton, Thomas, 86, 330.
  • Norton, William, Captain.
  • In charge of glass furnace, 477, 489.
  • In charge of Italians for glass works, 494–
    495, 587.
  • Supplies for glass works, 651.
  • Norway, 308, 544.
  • Norwood, Richard, 66.
  • Note of Arms in the Tower for which the Virginia
    Company are Suitors
    , 665.
  • Note, A, of the Shipping, Men, and Provisions,
    sent and provided for Virginia
    , 239–241.
  • Note, A, of the shipping, men, and prouisions sent
    and prouided for Virginia, ... in the
    yeere 1621
    , 639–643.
  • Nufon, Thomas, 568.
  • Nugate, Christopher, 86, 330.
  • Nuttal, Charles, 538.
  • Nuttall, Jonathan, 330.
  • Oath of Office, 343.
  • Oath of the Secretary of the Colony, 6.
  • Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance, 4–5.
  • Ocatan (Sasawpen), 584.
  • Ockle, 409.
  • Oconahoen, 17.
  • Officers in Virginia, 358.
  • Allotments for, 472.
  • Fees limited, 478, 490.
  • Officers of Virginia Company, 342–355.
  • See also under Company; Plantation.
  • Officers' Tenants. See under Land.
  • Oftley, Robert (Ofley), 86, 331.
  • Ogle, Sir John, Colonel, 66.
  • Ohonahorn, 17.
  • Okanahone River, 710.

  • 746

  • Oldisworth, Arnold, 396, 397, 405, 426.
  • Accounts, 403.
  • Umpire between George Thorpe and William
    Tracy in Virginia, 378–379.
  • Oldisworth, Michael.
  • Accounts, 408.
  • Oldisworth, Robert.
  • Indenture, 412–415.
  • Olive trees. See under Commodities.
  • Oliver, Francis, 86, 331.
  • Opochankano (Opechancano), 74, 92, 128, 704,
    706, 707.
  • Alias Mangopeesomon, 584.
  • Appeal to Governor Yeardley, 157.
  • Concerning Poole, the interpreter, 245, 253.
  • Friendly, 73, 244, 462, 550.
  • Influenced by Spellman's treachery, 174–
    175, 251.
  • Island of, 710.
  • Requests English assistance, 228.
  • Reward offered for his capture, 673.
  • Treachery, 556.
  • Opinion of Counsel upon the Patents of the Vir-
    ginia Company (copy of), 267–269.
  • Opposition to the company.
  • Sir Thomas Smyth, 294–296.
  • Orders.
  • Freedom of Fishing, 459–460.
  • By governor in Virginia, 90.
  • For precautions after massacre, 610.
  • By Privy Council concerning trade, 509–510.
  • See also Laws of Colony.
  • Orders and Constitvtions, Partly collected out of
    his Maiesties
    Letters Patents, and partly
    ordained vpon mature deliberation, by the Treas-
    vror, Covnseil and Companie of Virginia, for the
    better gouerning of the Actions and affaires of the
    said Companie here in
    England residing,
  • Ordinances direcc̃ons and Instructions to Captaine
    John Woodlefe.
    Sir William Throckmorton,
    Richard Berkeley, et al., 207–210.
  • Ormerod, Mr., death of, 246.
  • Osborne, Humphrey, 197, 213, 230.
  • Accounts, 187.
  • Overseers, Duties defined, 21.
  • Owen. David, 567.
  • Owen, Richard.
  • Massacred at his house, 567.
  • Owen, Robert, 539.
  • Oxenbridge, William, 86, 331.
  • Oxford, 186.
  • Oyster bank, 647.
  • Pace, —.
  • Experiences in massacre, 555.
  • Pace, Richard, 494.
  • Petition, 682.
  • Packsall, John (Packesall).
  • Covenant with company, 499–500, 500–501.
  • Pacomunky River, 595.
  • Page, Mistress Francis, 397, 405.
  • Page, John, 396, 405, 426.
  • Paget, William, Lord (Padgett), 86, 331.
  • Adventurer, 525.
  • Council for Virginia, 68, 528, 530.
  • Paine, Thomas, 567.
  • Painter, Edward, 567.
  • Painter, Rowland, 197, 213, 230, 293.
  • Accounts, 185.
  • Recommended to governor, 209.
  • Sergeant in Virginia, 210.
  • Palavicine, Edward, 60.
  • Palavicine, Toby, 62.
  • Pallet, —, 290.
  • Palmer, —, 63.
  • Palmer, Edw., 65, 66.
  • Palmer, Miles, 87, 331.
  • Palmer, William, 87, 331, 592, 593.
  • Paly, John, 567.
  • Pamunkey River, 16, 228, 244, 554, 678, 679, 708,
  • Pardons, by governor in Virginia, 74.
  • Parice, Tobias, 538.
  • Parington, Sir Francis, 62.
  • Parker, Sir Nicholas, 86, 331.
  • Parker, Thomas, Mayor of Bristol.
  • Certificate for sailing of ship Supply, 405–
  • Parker, William, 198, 213, 230, 567.
  • Accounts, 188.
  • Parkhurst, John, 64.
  • Parkhurst, Robert, 87, 331, 339, 592, 593.
  • Parkinson, Lieutenant Marmaduke, Explorer,
    547, 549.
  • Parnel, a maid, 571.
  • Parrott, James, 86.
  • Parry, Henry, Bishop of Worcester, 89, 335.
  • Partridge, Charles.
  • Accounts, 260.
  • Partridge, Richard, 87, 151, 331.
  • Accounts, 179, 185, 186, 199, 214, 260.

  • 747

  • Partridge, Thomas, 195, 417, 418.
  • To be bailiff of husbandry in Virginia, 210.
  • Paspahey, 99, 157, 255, 612, 623.
  • Alias Martin's Hundred people, 175.
  • Patawamack, 242, 244, 245, 247.
  • Patawamack River, 73. See also Potomac.
  • Patche, Thomas, 198, 213, 230.
  • Accounts, 188.
  • Patche, William, 198, 213, 230.
  • Accounts, 188.
  • Patent, a Petition to the Privy Council for, by
    Sir Thomas Rowe, Mr. Leate, Mr. Caning,
    et al., 265–266.
  • Patents.
  • Book for registry of, 353.
  • Captain Martin's special privileges, 156.
  • Company's, 186, 311, 433, 544.
  • Law making, 267–268.
  • Opinion of council upon, 267–269.
  • Punishment of criminals, 268–269.
  • Complaint by John Martin, 702–703.
  • Controlled by Treasurer and Committee,
    141, 344, 359.
  • Fishing rights, 460.
  • For plantation in Virginia, 136.
  • For transporting people and cattle, 241.
  • Form of, 592–598.
  • Form of, for Adventurers undertaking to
    transport and plant 100 persons, 623–628.
  • Form of a patent for a planter only, 629–
  • Free trade, 518, 605, 608.
  • Granted in colony, 532.
  • Granted by company, 546.
  • Granting of limited after massacre, 613.
  • Land, 394.
  • List of granted in 1619, 118.
  • List of granted in 1620, 241.
  • List of granted in 1621–2, 643.
  • None owned by John Bargrave, 522.
  • Payment for, 188, 189.
  • Throckmorton, Sir William, and Associates,
  • To John Cabot, explorer, 543.
  • Transferred to George Thorpe, 413.
  • Patent, Letters. See Letters Patent.
  • Patent owners, 118, 136, 241, 643.
  • Patricksbourne, 444.
  • Paulet, George, 538.
  • Paulett, —, 585.
  • Paulett, Robert (Pawlet), 368, 395, 396, 405, 426.
  • Accounts, 391, 403.
  • Council in Virginia, 483, 651.
  • Minister for Berkley Hundred, 401–402,
  • Umpire between George Thorpe and Wil-
    liam Tracy in Virginia, 378–379.
  • Paulson, Richard (Powlson), 59, 62, 87, 332.
  • Paulsteed, —, 64.
  • Pauson, —, 416.
  • Pauy, John, 539.
  • Pawlett, —.
  • Committee, 159.
  • Representative in General Assembly, 154.
  • Pawlett, John, 87, 332.
  • Pawmet, William, 570.
  • Payne, John, 60, 87, 331.
  • Payne, Sir Robert (Paine), 86, 331.
  • Payne, William 87, 331, 592, 593.
  • Paynter, Edward, 198, 213, 230.
  • Peace, —, Lieutenant, 243.
  • Peacocks. See under Commodities.
  • Pearce, —, Lieutenant (Peirce), 571.
  • Pearse, Henry (Perce, Peerse), 197, 213, 230.
  • Recommended to be Usher, 210.
  • Pearson, John, 539.
  • Peashall, Edmund, 87, 332.
  • Peate, Peter, 331.
  • Peatlie, George, 87.
  • Peccarecamicke, 17.
  • Peere, Lott, 63.
  • Deputy, 67.
  • Peirce, Abraham (Pierse, Persey, Percy, Piersey),
    60, 87, 331, 443.
  • Cape merchant, 162.
  • Letter to Sir Edwin Sandys, 454.
  • Massacred, 566.
  • Order regarding tobacco price, 162.
  • Peirce, Edmund, 87, 331.
  • Peirce, Edward, 568.
  • Peirce, Richard (Peirse, Perse, Peers), 405, 410.
  • Accounts, 389, 402.
  • Peirce, Thomas (Peirse, Pierse), 197, 213, 230,
  • Accounts, 187.
  • Massacred, 570.
  • Sergeant of General Assembly, 154.
  • To be taught carpentry, 196.
  • Peirce, William (Peirse, Peers, Perse), 410.
  • Accounts, 186, 402.
  • Peirce, William, the elder (Peirs), 405.

  • 748

  • Peirce's Plantation, massacre at, 566.
  • Pelham, Henry, Captain.
  • Patent, 643.
  • Pelham, Thomas 87, 332.
  • Pell, Sir Anthony and his lady, 64.
  • Pelton, George.
  • Servant's account, 618–619, 674.
  • Pemberton, —, Minister, 65.
  • Pemble, Thomas, 64.
  • Pembroke, Dowager Countess of, 129.
  • Pembroke, William, Earl of, 86, 281, 331.
  • Adventurer in Virginia, 480, 587.
  • Council for Virginia, 29, 68.
  • Patent, 241.
  • Pennington, Robert (Pennyngton), 87, 331.
  • Pennyman, —, 45, 52.
  • Penry, Henry, 193.
  • Peram, Bartholomew, 565.
  • Peram, Giles, 565.
  • Percival, Richard, 87, 331.
  • Percy, Allen, 87, 331.
  • Percy, George (Persey), 61, 331.
  • Perigo, William, 565.
  • Perkins, Adams, 87, 331.
  • Perkins, Sir Christopher (Parkins), 86, 331.
  • Perkins, Edward (Parkins), 87, 331.
  • Perkins, Edward, widow of, 331.
  • Perkins, Thomas, 87, 331.
  • Perrot, Sir James, 331.
  • Perry, —, 555.
  • Perry, John, 566.
  • Persia, 309, 423, 544.
  • Peru, 558, 573.
  • Peter, Peter, 87.
  • Peterson, Henricke.
  • Massacred with wife, Alice, and her son,
    William, 566.
  • Petitions:
  • About wages, 695–696.
  • To company—
  • Awarding of shares, 160.
  • Debts of colonists, 175–176.
  • Land grants in Charter, 159–160.
  • Patent rights, 163–164.
  • Rename Kiccowtan, 161.
  • Rent payments, 161.
  • Request for workmen, 160, 161.
  • To governor and council in Virginia—
  • For help after massacre, 652–653, 682.
  • For pardon, 681–682.
  • For recovery of debt, 699.
  • To King—
  • For help after massacre, 580–581.
  • For tobacco importation, 424–425.
  • For new governor in Virginia on death of
    Lord De La Warr, 231–232.
  • To Privy Council—
  • By John Bargrave, 608–609, 644–645.
  • By John Carter, 675.
  • For Patent, 265–266.
  • Petre, Lord John (Peeter), 86, 331.
  • Pett, Phenice, 87, 331.
  • Pettus, Sir John, 86, 331.
  • Petty larceny defined, 172.
  • Pewrifie, Sir Nicholas (Pewriffie), 86, 332.
  • Peyton, Sir Henry (Payton), 86, 331.
  • Letter from Sir George Yeardley, 29–31.
  • Sued by company, 45.
  • Philips, John, 568.
  • Philips, Thomas (Phillipps), 87, 331, 568.
  • Philpott, Henry, 87, 331.
  • Physician's tenants, 585.
  • Pierce, —.
  • Patent, 118.
  • Piercy, Henry, 65.
  • Piffe, William, 397, 405, 410.
  • Pigeons. See under Commodities.
  • Piggott, Richard, 87, 332.
  • Pike, —, 416.
  • Pillory, 169.
  • Pindelton, John, 539.
  • Piracy, 470, 545, 582.
  • John Bargrave accused of, 522.
  • Pitch. See under Commodities.
  • Pitt, George, 87, 331.
  • Pizarro, Francis, 558.
  • Plant, Humphrey, 197, 213, 230.
  • Accounts, 186, 187.
  • Plantation, 44.
  • Accounts. See Accounts.
  • Advantages of, 30, 455, 464, 544–549, 562–
    564, 572, 589, 641.
  • Condition of—
  • Praised, 68–69, 71, 243, 245, 307–311.
  • Wine drinking in, 366–367.
  • Conduct of, 441–442, 476.
  • Controversies concerning, 104–106.
  • Complaint of Governor Argall's man-
    agement, 92.
  • Complaint against management of,

  • 749

  • John Bargrave's disclaimer of opposi-
    tion to present management, 637–
  • Suit of Captain John Bargrave against
    Sir Thomas Smyth, et al. (former
    government), 517–520, 521–524, 598–
    602, 605–607, 608–609, 644–645,
    645–646, 653–654.
  • Economic development—
  • Customs duties, 362, 510, 580, 599–602.
  • Freedom in fishing; commissions, 459–
    460, 513–514, 514–515, 516–517,
    525, 533.
  • Freedom of trade, 486.
  • Limited to magazine, 519–520.
  • Patents granting, 518, 608, 626.
  • Natural advantages for trade, 572.
  • Restraint of trade, 28, 510.
  • Road making, 477.
  • Supplies from England, 36–39, 312–315.
  • Surveying, 477.
  • Tobacco in trade, 496, 580–581, 582–
  • Wages in, 457, 589–590.
  • See also Commodities; Trade; Maga-
  • Fortifications—
  • Arms sent for, 148, 447, 676, 689.
  • Building and cost of, 470, 583, 647–648,
  • Captain Each's plan, 647–648.
  • Instructions for defense, 21–22, 93.
  • Needs for, 36, 614.
  • Planned after massacre, 613, 656–657,
    669–670, 684–685.
  • See also Block houses.
  • Government—
  • Administration of justice, 469.
  • Boundaries and management of private,
  • Census, 1619, 118.
  • Census of domestic animals, 1619, 118.
  • Commissions by governor, 74, 75, 75–
    76, 91, 535–536, 609, 610, 611, 622,
    623, 654–655, 664–665, 696–697, 698–
    699, 700–701.
  • Commission for corn trading, 535–536.
  • Commissions to find new sites for plant-
    ing, 656–657, 678–679.
  • Commission for federation with Pato-
    macks, 654–655.
  • Commissions for forced trading with
    Indians after massacre, 622, 696–697,
    698–699, 700–701.
  • Commissions for free fishing, 514–515,
    516–517, 525.
  • Commissions for martial law after mas-
    sacre, 609, 610, 611, 623, 664–665.
  • Council. See Council in Virginia; Gen-
    eral Assembly in Virginia.
  • Instructions to governor. See under
    Governor of Virginia.
  • Laws of, 311. See also Laws of Colony.
  • Need of officers, 74, 121, 451.
  • Officers (see below).
  • Order by governor, 90, 229, 610.
  • Order for precautions after massacre,
  • Organization of, 309–311.
  • Pardons by governor, 74. See also
  • Petitions—
  • To governor, 652–653, 681–682.
  • For help after massacre, 682.
  • For pardon, 681–682.
  • For recovery of debt, 699.
  • About wager, 695–696.
  • Proclamations of governor, 69–70, 93,
    528, 658–660.
  • See also Proclamations.
  • Records, 21.
  • Report of proceedings in General As-
    sembly, 153–177.
  • Tobacco planting restricted, 146–147.
  • Warrants by governor, 79, 444. See also
  • See also Commissions.
  • Guest houses—
  • Built by Jabez Whittaker, 441, 489, 494.
  • Ordered by company to be built, 276,
    493, 532.
  • How Virginia may be made a Royal Planta-
    tion, 707–710.
  • Justification for Planting, 1–3.
  • Massacre—
  • Beneficial results of, 556–560.
  • Report after, 541–579.

  • 750

  • Needs, 30, 46, 92, 581–582.
  • Officers—
  • Fees to be limited, 490.
  • General Assembly's, 154–155.
  • Governor, authority of, 359–360.
  • Governor, colonists' requirements in,
  • Governors, commissions to, 68, 471,
  • Governors, instructions to, 468–482.
  • See also below under governors' names.
  • Governor, rewards of, 102–103, 255.
  • Gates, Sir Thomas, Governor.
  • Discretionary powers, 14, 15, 24.
  • Instructions from company, 12–24.
  • Organization of government, 13–
  • Voyage to Virginia, 12–13.
  • West, Sir Thomas, Governor.
  • Discretionary powers, 27–29.
  • Instructions from company, 24–29.
  • Organization of government, 25–27.
  • Voyage to Virginia, 25.
  • Wyatt, Sir Francis, Governor.
  • Appointment, 462, 463, 471, 485.
  • Instructions from company, 473–
  • Organization of government, 471,
    473, 480.
  • Yeardley, Sir George, Governor.
  • Instructions from company, 98–
  • Suitable sites for, 15, 208.
  • See also Planters; Letters; Company.
  • Planters.
  • Accommodation of new, 147–148, 226–227,
    297–300, 441, 506, 532.
  • Activities on arrival, 109.
  • Agreement between company and tenants,
  • Agreement with some new, 451.
  • Apparel of, 221–222.
  • Restricted, 469.
  • Apprentices—
  • Children to be, 259.
  • Needed, 618.
  • For tenants, 313.
  • Training of, 278–279.
  • Transportation of, 115.
  • Blamed by company, 503–505.
  • Commodities—
  • Agreement to raise other than tobacco,
  • Encouraged toward, 646.
  • Encouraged to be self-supporting in,
    399–400, 495–496, 504.
  • Death rate high, 275, 396–397.
  • Dividends paid in land, 245.
  • Encouraged to settle new plantations, 103–
  • Enticements for new, 564.
  • Form of Patent—
  • Commodities other than tobacco, 628,
    633, 637.
  • Courts, 597.
  • Minerals, 635.
  • Minister, 628, 633.
  • For Planter only, 629–633.
  • French and Walloons, 491–492, 497–498.
  • Governor, kind desired, 231–232.
  • Health of, 127–128, 298, 299, 417.
  • Hire, rate of, 457, 589–590.
  • Indians. See Indians, Relations with; Re-
    ligious education.
  • Land grants for new, 360–361.
  • Laws of—
  • Governor to be notified of all journeys,
  • Registration, 171.
  • Tobacco planting limited, 586.
  • See also Laws of Colony.
  • List of those killed in massacre, 565–571.
  • List of requisites for new, 577.
  • List of servants, 674.
  • Lists (Notes from) showing total number of
    emigrants to Virginia, 536–537.
  • Lists of new, 197–199, 213, 230, 396–397,
    405–406, 426–427.
  • List of trades, 317.
  • Massacre, Jan. 22, 1622.
  • Famine due to, 613–614.
  • Petition to be allowed to return to
    scene of, 682.
  • Revenge ordered by company, 671–673.
  • Ministers—
  • Agreement with one, 401–402.
  • Need of, 583.

  • 751

  • Needs of—
  • Apparel, etc., 448.
  • Arms, 614.
  • Food, 263, 455–456, 613–614.
  • Outfit of 35 men, 95–97.
  • Permission to return to England, 68–69.
  • Planting, instructions for, 93.
  • Provisioning of, 94–95, 226–227, 259.
  • Complaint, 534–535.
  • Diet, 298–299.
  • Public or officers' land, rules for tenants, 479.
  • Servants for, 313.
  • Servants' transportation, 115.
  • Sort needed, 301.
  • Supplies for, 117.
  • Trade—
  • By force with Indians, 696–697, 698–
    699, 700–701.
  • Tobacco not to be used in making pay-
    ments, 486.
  • Transportation of, 68–69, 77, 254, 313–314,
  • Appeal for authority to transport for-
    cibly, 259.
  • Apprentices, 115.
  • Charges, 618–619.
  • Servants, 115.
  • Shipwrights, 496, 531, 640, 649–650.
  • Wives for, 115.
  • See also Voyages to Virginia.
  • Tradesmen, 266.
  • Artizans encouraged to practice their
    trades, 103, 474, 586.
  • Carpenters, 496, 531, 647.
  • Dutchmen for saw mills, 474–475.
  • Italians for glass furnace, 477, 640.
  • Needed, 195, 256, 264.
  • Need of carpenters, 128, 583, 587.
  • Need of ironworkers, 128.
  • Need of shipwrights, 587–588.
  • Shipwrights sent, 496, 531, 640, 649–650.
  • Smyth's Hundred, 97.
  • Treatment by company, 21, 489.
  • Treatment of those not sent by company,
  • Walloons and French, 491–492, 497–498.
  • Wives for tenants, 115, 313, 493–494, 505,
    526, 583, 640, 648–649.
  • Payment for, 505–506, 530, 648.
  • See also Plantation.
  • Ploughs, need of, 220.
  • Plymouth, England, 70, 71, 190.
  • Plymouth, Massachusetts. See Northern Colony
    for Virginia.
  • Plymouth Company, 246.
  • Pocoughtowonough, 20.
  • Poe, —, 463.
  • Poe, Madame, 463.
  • Point Comfort, 70, 73, 243, 255, 262.
  • Building of a fort, 302.
  • Pointell, Richard, 86, 331.
  • Points, —.
  • Patent, 118.
  • Polackers, 315.
  • To be encouraged in their specialties, 278.
  • Poland, 303, 308, 544.
  • Polentine, John.
  • Representative in General Assembly, 154.
  • Pollard, William, 62.
  • Pomucke, 584.
  • Pond, Edward.
  • In suit, 38, 39.
  • Pool, Nathaniel, Captain.
  • Sergeant-Major-General, 75.
  • Poole, Robert.
  • Accusation of Captain Henry Spellman,
  • Interpreter, 242.
  • Treachery of, 244–245, 253.
  • Poole, Thomas, 565.
  • Poole, Sir William, 86, 331.
  • In suit, 38, 39.
  • Pope, repudiation of his power in Virginia, 4.
  • Popham, Anna.
  • Sued by John Havercombe, 7–12.
  • Popham, Francis.
  • Sued by John Havercombe, 7–12.
  • Popham, George.
  • Sued by John Havercombe, 7–12.
  • Popham, John.
  • Sued by John Havercombe, 7–12.
  • Porter, —(Portar), 62, 395.
  • Portugal, 543.
  • Pory, John (Porey), 126, 647.
  • Council in Virginia, Secretary, 424, 444, 528.
  • Letter, 219–222.
  • Letters to Sir Edwin Sandys, 249–253, 254,
    255–258, 300–306, 445, 446–448.
  • Praise of Virginia, 306.

  • 752

  • A Reporte of the Manner of Proceeding in the
    General assembly convented at James City
  • Request from news from England, 222.
  • Secretary, 230, 258, 305, 306, 427, 434, 450,
  • Secretary of State for Plantation, 220.
  • Voyages of discovery, 549, 587, 641–642.
  • Pory, Robert (Poory), 87, 332.
  • Potomacks (Patomechs), 705.
  • Potomack River, 438, 547, 654, 697, 707. See
  • Potter, Henry, 74.
  • Pottes, John, Doctor (Pott), 468, 565, 695.
  • Council in Virginia, 483, 528, 588, 590.
  • Physician's provision, 485–496.
  • Potts, Richard, 23.
  • Pountis, John (Pountice, Powntesse, Pountys),
    59, 495, 508, 527, 571, 584.
  • Aid in making new settlement after massa-
    cre, 657.
  • Council in Virginia, 424, 483, 528, 588, 590.
  • Fishing, 243.
  • In charge of arrangements for maids sent to
    be wives of planters, 493–494, 648–649.
  • Petition, 652–653.
  • Vice admiral in Virginia, 486, 533.
  • Powell (Powle)-brooke.
  • Massacre at, 569.
  • Powell, Nathaniel, Captain (Powle), 60, 396, 435.
  • Council in Virginia, 483, 424, 444, 588.
  • Massacred with wife, 555, 569.
  • Powell, Sir Stephen, 86, 331.
  • Powell, William, Captain, 87, 119, 244, 332.
  • Accuses Thomas Garnett, 169.
  • Captain of the Guards, etc., 75.
  • Committee, 159.
  • Debts owed him by planters, 175–176.
  • Letter to Sir Edwin Sandys, 436–438.
  • Quarrel with Sir George Yeardley settled,
  • Representative in General Assembly, 153.
  • Powhatan, 17, 18, 19, 73, 92, 438, 707.
  • Powhatan River, 228.
  • Pratt, John, 87, 331.
  • Massacred with brother, 566.
  • Prayer Books, 178.
  • President, Lord, of the Council (Viscount
    Mandeville), 510.
  • President, The, and Council of the Virginia Com-
    pany vs. The Master of the Guift of God
    , 7–12.
  • Preston, Sir Amias, 86, 90, 331.
  • Prettie, George (Pretty), 87, 331.
  • Price, Henry, 87, 332, 571.
  • Price, Richard, 592, 593.
  • Prickett, Miles, Saltworker, 507, 586.
  • Prime Rose. See under Ships.
  • Prinn, Martin, Captain, 538.
  • Privy Council, 645, 667.
  • A Commission to the Commissioners for the
    Treasury, 365.
  • Letter from the King, 653–654.
  • Order regarding freedom of fishing, 459–460.
  • Order to the Virginia Company, 509–510.
  • Petition to by Captain John Bargrave, 608–
    609, 644–645.
  • Petition to by John Carter, 675.
  • Privy Seal, Lord (Edward, Earl of Worcester),
  • Proclamations.
  • Church attendance, 93.
  • By governor in Virginia, 69–70, 93, 658–660.
  • By King against tobacco importation, 424,
  • By King prohibiting Lottery, 434–435.
  • License to any who are in Virginia to return
    home, 68–69.
  • Warning persons going aboard ships, 528.
  • Proctor, George, 87, 331.
  • Prosperous. See under Ships.
  • Prosser, Walter, 397, 406, 426.
  • Proud, William, Captain, 86, 332.
  • Prowse, —, 571.
  • Pruson, Hildebrand, 64.
  • Public Armory.
  • Establishment of with King's gifts, 683–684.
  • Public Land. See Land, common; granted.
  • Purcas, —, 65.
  • Purefoy. See Pewrifie.
  • Pusset, William, 569.
  • Putting out of the Tenants that came ouer in the B. N.
    wth other orders of the Councell, The
    , 226–229.
  • Quarter Court, 105, 107, 142, 162, 224, 267, 311,
    365, 472, 485, 488, 512, 525, 532, 533, 539, 540,
    546, 576, 602, 603, 634, 643, 668, 680.
  • Defined, 340, 341.
  • General, 432.
  • Queens Creek, 103.
  • Queens River: Pacomunky, 595.
  • Quicke, William, 87, 332.

  • 753

  • Rabbits. See under Commodities.
  • Radcliffe, John, Captain, 22–23.
  • Council in Virginia, 13.
  • Radcliffe, Sir John, 87, 332.
  • Sued by company, 43.
  • Rainsford, Sir Henry (Raynsford), 59, 61, 63,
    87, 332.
  • Rainton, Nicholas, 332.
  • Raleigh, Sir Walter (Rawleigh).
  • Explorer, 543, 587.
  • Son of, 66.
  • Survivors of his expedition, 17.
  • Ramsden, Millisent, 60, 87, 332.
  • Rand, —, 301.
  • Ratcliffe, Thomas, 567.
  • Raymell, Humfrey, 87, 332.
  • Rayner, Mistress Adam, 569.
  • Raynton, Nicholas, 87.
  • Read, —, 289.
  • Read, Christopher, 539.
  • Read, George, 539.
  • Read, Joane, 64.
  • Read, Thomas, 65, 538.
  • Rebecca, 571.
  • Records.
  • Lists of Adventurers, 58–66, 80–90, 317–340.
  • Register book to be kept of persons landed
    in Virginia, 598, 628, 633, 637.
  • Redhead, Goodwife, 566.
  • Reeve, John, 565.
  • Reeve, Samuel, 565.
  • Reeve, William, 567.
  • Register Book. See under Records.
  • Regnes, —, 59.
  • Religion.
  • Bibles, 178.
  • Books for, 178, 576, 643.
  • Communion, 184, 188.
  • Church of England:
  • Conformity, 14, 277, 491.
  • Ritual, 469.
  • Church of Rome—
  • Repudiation of, 4–5.
  • Spy suspected, 304.
  • Churches, building of, 17, 131.
  • Encouragement of, 49, 208, 348, 468–469.
  • Excommunication, 172.
  • Gifts for, 117, 575–577.
  • Heresy, 2.
  • Indians, conversion of. See under Indians.
  • Laws concerning, 172, 173.
  • Ministers, 485.
  • Agreement in Patent that each bor-
    ough or plantation maintain one,
    310, 598, 628.
  • Agreement with Robert Paulett, 401–
  • Instructions to, 277.
  • Instructions for converting Indians,
  • Need of, 74, 583.
  • Support of, 102, 106, 276–277.
  • Opinions of Indians, 584.
  • Pope, repudiation of, 4–5.
  • Profaneness, Schism, 14.
  • Regulation of by punishments, 27, 93, 172,
  • Sacrament to celebrate reconciliation, 445.
  • Schism, 14.
  • Spaniards in Virginia, 2–3.
  • Thanksgiving Day ordered, 207.
  • Remembrances for Captain Woodleefe, 195–196.
  • Rent, paid in kind, 255.
  • Reporte, A, of the manner of proceeding in the
    general assembly convented at James City
  • Retheram, Edward, 87.
  • Reyman, Benomy, 567.
  • Reymer, Adam, 396.
  • Reynell, Richard, 87.
  • Reynolds, —, 62.
  • Reynolds, Henry (Reignolds), 65, 87, 332.
  • Reynolds, Humphrey, 60.
  • Reynolds, John (Reignolds), 87, 332.
  • Rhine, 315.
  • Rice, Henry, 569.
  • Rich, Lord.
  • Letter from Sir George Yeardley concern-
    ing Argall, 152–153.
  • Rich, Sir Henry and his lady, 65.
  • Rich, Sir Nathaniel, 59, 87, 536, 537.
  • Committee, 149, 150.
  • Notes for defense in suit, 232–235.
  • Rich, Sir Nathaniel, et al.
  • Draft of committee report, 139–144.
  • Rich, Robert, 87, 332.
  • Rich, Sir Robert, 332, 598, 602.
  • Riche, Sir Thomas, 87.
  • Richard, 566, 571.
  • Richards, John.
  • Accounts, 408.

  • 754

  • Richmond, William, 570.
  • Richmond, Duke of, Lord Steward, 459.
  • Rider, Edward.
  • Patent, 643.
  • Riddleson, Sir Stephen, 87, 332.
  • Risely, Thomas, 62.
  • Ritanoc, 17.
  • Ritch. See Rich.
  • Road making, 477.
  • Roanocke, 17.
  • Roanoke River, 228.
  • Robert, 569, 571.
  • Roberts, Elias, 58, 60, 65, 87, 332, 340, 593.
  • Roberts, Elias the younger, 65.
  • Roberts, Hugh, 539.
  • Roberts, John.
  • Suit in Admiralty Court, 692–695.
  • Roberts, Theodore (Tedder), 87, 332.
  • Robins, George (Robbins), 87, 332, 592, 593.
  • Robins, Richard (Robbins), 87, 332.
  • Robinson, Arthur, 87, 332.
  • Robinson, Henry, 87, 332.
  • Robinson, John, 87, 332.
  • Robinson, Marke, 538.
  • Robinson, Mary.
  • Founder of a church in Virginia, 117, 575.
  • Robinson, Robert, 87, 332.
  • Rochell, 240, 304.
  • Roe, John, 539.
  • Roe, Sir Thomas (Rowe), 60, 87, 332.
  • Accounts, 403, 404.
  • Commission, 365.
  • Umpire between Richard Berkeley and
    John Smyth, 379.
  • Roe, Sir Thomas (Rowe), et al.
  • Petition to the Privy Council for a Patent,
  • Roe Bucke. See under Ships.
  • Roecroft, Edward, Captain, alias Stallenge, 242.
  • Rogers, Edward, 570.
  • Rogers, Richard, 87, 332.
  • Rolfe, Henry, 87, 332.
  • Rolfe, John (Rolph).
  • Accuses Captain John Martin, 170.
  • Care for child, 71–72.
  • Council in Virginia, 424, 483, 528.
  • Letters to Sir Edwin Sandys, 70–73, 241–
  • Secretary in Virginia, 78, 91.
  • Rolles, —. See Rowles.
  • Rolls, Master of the, 459, 510.
  • Rome, Church of. See under Religion.
  • Romney, Sir William, 87, 332.
  • Roscarrock, William, 87, 332.
  • Rossingham, —, Captain (Rostingham), 125.
  • Rossingham, —, Ensign (Roffingham).
  • Committee, 159.
  • Representative in General Assembly, 154.
  • Rotheram, Edward, 332.
  • Rothermaker, Henry, 539.
  • Rough Draft of a Proposition affecting the
    Virginia Company concerning Captain Argall,
  • Rowe, John.
  • Letter to Sir Edwin Sandys, 464.
  • Rowland, Henry, 62.
  • Rowles, Benedict (Rolles), 397, 406, 426.
  • Rowles, Mistress Francis (Rolles), 427.
  • Rowles, Mistress Jane (Rolles), 397, 406, 426.
  • Rowles, John, 567.
  • Rowles, Richard (Rolles), 397, 406, 426.
  • Massacred with wife and child, 567.
  • Rowsse, William, 55.
  • Royal, Roger, 566.
  • Royall James. See under Ships.
  • Rumney, Will, 29.
  • Russell, Lord.
  • Accounts, 408.
  • Russell, Delionel, 593.
  • Russell, John 87, 332.
  • Russell, Maximilian, 570.
  • Russell, Thomas, 539.
  • Russell, Sir William, 87, 332.
  • Mr. Russell's Project touching Artificial Wine in
    , 365–367.
  • Russia, 308, 544.
  • Sabin, John.
  • Accounts, 436.
  • Sacawpen (Ocatan), 584.
  • Sackville, Sir Edward (Sackfield), 61, 675.
  • Council for Virginia, 652.
  • Sacrament, to celebrate reconciliation, 445.
  • Sade, Stephen, 88, 334.
  • Sagadahoc. See Sakadahoc.
  • St. James Fair, 391.
  • St. John, Lord, 65.
  • St. John, Sir John, 88, 333.
  • Sued by company, 43.
  • St. John, Oliver, 60.
  • St. John, Sir William, 333.
  • St. Katherine, 185.
  • St. Michaell's Islands, 420.

  • 755

  • Sakadahoc, 8, 9, 10.
  • Salaries. See Accounts; Plantation, officers;
    Company, officers.
  • Salisbury, City of.
  • Lottery in, 67.
  • Salisbury, Robert, Earl of, 87, 333.
  • Salisbury, William, Earl of, 59, 81, 328.
  • Salisbury, Mayor of.
  • Letter from Virginia Company, 67.
  • Salt. See under Commodities.
  • Salter, Sir Nicholas, 88, 333, 339.
  • Salters, Company of, 88, 333.
  • Saltingston, Sir S., 59.
  • Sammes, Sir John (Sames), 88, 333.
  • Answer to suit, 45–48.
  • Sued by company, 45.
  • Samon, John, 570.
  • Sampson, —, Captain.
  • Master of the Furtherance, 618.
  • Petition concerning wager between him
    and Thomas Hamour, 695–696.
  • Samson, Thomas, 539.
  • Samuel. See under Ships.
  • Sandbache, William, 88, 334.
  • Sanders, —, Lieutenant, 569.
  • Sandford, Thomas, 198, 213, 230.
  • Sandwich, 191, 270.
  • Sandys, David, 269.
  • Sandys, Sir Edwin, 63, 64, 66, 88, 136, 195, 291,
    293, 333, 339, 592, 593.
  • Accounts, 389.
  • Coachman attacked by thieves, 270.
  • Committee for securing colonists, 97.
  • Committee for Somer Islands, 603.
  • Council for Virginia, 32, 68, 372, 482, 491,
  • Court for Somers Islands, 603.
  • Defense against slander of Sir Thomas
    Smyth, 295–296.
  • Effort to keep Sir George Yeardley gover-
    nor of Virginia, 216–218.
  • Election as Treasurer of company, 268.
  • Figuring in Sir Nathaniel Rich's defense,
  • House robbed, 416.
  • Illness of wife, 270, 376.
  • Insulted by Alderman Johnson, 149–150,
  • Letter from Peter Arondelle, 534–535.
  • Letter from Gabriel Barbor, 190–191, 223.
  • Letter from Edward Blayney, 508–509.
  • Letters from Richard Bucke, 443, 460–461.
  • Letter from Council for Virginia, 118–122.
  • Letter from Alderman Johnson, 274.
  • Letter from Captain Nuce, 455–458.
  • Letter from Abraham Piersey, 454.
  • Letters from John Pory, 249–253, 254, 255–
    258, 300–306.
  • Letter from William Powell, 436–438.
  • Letters from John Rolfe, 70–73, 241–248.
  • Letter from John Rowe, 464.
  • Letter from Francis Smith, 458–459.
  • Letter from George Thorpe, 462.
  • Letters from George Thorpe and John Pory,
    445, 446–448.
  • Letter from William Weldon, 262–265.
  • Letter from Jabez Whittaker, 441–443.
  • Letters from Sir George Yeardley, 122, 297,
    450–451, 452–453, 462–464.
  • Letter to Marquis of Buckingham, 294–296.
  • Letters to John Ferrar, 191–192, 215–216,
    223–224, 224–225, 269–271, 306, 371–372,
    375–376, 406–407, 415–416, 511–512, 529,
    604, 615–616, 616–617, 617–618, 676–677,
    679–680, 690–692.
  • Letter to John or Nicholas Ferrar, 509.
  • Letter to Sir Robert Naunton, 259.
  • Letter to the Earl of Southampton, 216–219.
  • Letter to Sir George Yeardley, 190.
  • Receiver of charitable gifts for Virginia, 576.
  • Rules of Auditors of company, 143.
  • Treasurer, 97.
  • Voyage to Virginia supported by, 513, 514,
  • Sandys, Sir Edwin, et al.
  • Draft of a Report of a Committee, 139–144.
  • Meeting of a Committee for Smyth's Hun-
    dred, 94–98.
  • Sandys, George, 62, 88, 128, 333, 495, 651, 691.
  • Council for Virginia, 482.
  • Council in Virginia, 483, 588.
  • Iron works, 548.
  • Management of College affairs, 671.
  • Management of shipwrights, 650.
  • Massacre, 554.
  • Petition, 699.
  • Treasurer in Virginia, 471–472, 485, 687, 688.
  • Warrant for his payment by Nicholas
    Ferrar et al., 467.
  • Sandys, Henry, 66, 333.
  • Sandys, Sir Samuel, 64, 88, 97, 333.

  • 756

  • Sandys, Thomas, 333.
  • Sarier, John, 538.
  • Sassafras. See under Commodities.
  • Saunders, —, 44, 57.
  • Saunders, Edmond, Lieutenant.
  • Warrant for, 444.
  • Savage, Thomas, Ancient, 705.
  • Savill, William, 64.
  • Savoy, Duke of, 219.
  • Saw Mills, 240, 588. See also under Commodi-
  • Sawyer, John, 565.
  • Scarff, John, 88.
  • Scarpe, John, 334.
  • Schoolmaster, 539.
  • School, 63.
  • Schoolhouses, 131.
  • Scotchmore, John, 571.
  • Scotland, 573.
  • Scott, —, 64, 66.
  • Scott, Edmund, 334.
  • Scott, Edward, 88.
  • Scott, George, 88, 333.
  • Scott, Thomas, 88, 334.
  • Scrivenor, Mathew, 88, 333.
  • Secretary of Council in Virginia, 13.
  • Seabright, William, 88, 334.
  • Seabrooke, John, 538.
  • Seaflower. See under Ships.
  • Seal of Virginia Company, 344.
  • Searles, James, 538.
  • Seaward, Isaak, 60.
  • Seaward, Samuel, 65.
  • Secretary's Tenants, 585.
  • Secretary of Company. See under Company,
  • Servants. See Planters, apprentices or servants.
  • Shackley, William (Sheckley), 60, 88, 334.
  • Shareholders in the Virginia Company from
    1615 to 1623, 58–66.
  • Sharpe, Samuel.
  • Committee, 159.
  • Representative in General Assembly, 154.
  • Sharpe, William 88, 334.
  • Sharples, Edward, 6.
  • Shatford, Philip, 565.
  • Shaw, —, 298.
  • Shawe, Walter, 569.
  • Sheffield, Edmund, Lord, 87, 333.
  • Council for Virginia, 68, 372, 498.
  • Sheffield, Rachel, 565.
  • Sheffield, Thomas.
  • Massacred with wife Rachel, 565.
  • Sheffield's Plantation.
  • Massacre at, 565.
  • Shelf, —, 617.
  • Shelley, Henry, 88, 334.
  • Shelley, Walter, 88, 334.
  • Committee, 159.
  • Died, 162.
  • Representative in General Assembly, 154.
  • Shelton, Sir Raphe, 88, 333.
  • Shepheard. See Sheppard.
  • Shepheard, Mathew (Shepard), 88, 334.
  • Shepheard, Richard (Shepard), 88, 334.
  • Shepherd, Rowland, 538.
  • Sheppard, Ferdinando.
  • Accused of misappropriating passengers and
    goods of Garland, 620–621.
  • Sheppard, Thomas (Shepheard), 59.
  • Council for Virginia, 372, 498, 507, 534,
  • Sheppard, Thomas (of Virginia), 571.
  • Shepy, Thomas (Sheepy), 396, 405, 426.
  • Sherbrooke, Humfry, 289, 571.
  • Sherife, Richard, the elder, 197, 213, 230.
  • Accounts, 187, 260.
  • Died, 199.
  • Sherife, Richard, the younger, 197, 213, 230, 674.
  • Accounts, 187.
  • Sherley, —, Ensign, 569.
  • Sherwell, Nicholas, 88, 334.
  • Sherwell, Thomas, 88, 334.
  • Shingleton, Robert, 88, 333.
  • Shipley, Hugh (Shepley), 88, 334.
  • Shipping, Men, and Provisions, Sent to Virginia,
    by the Treasurer and Virginia Company
    , 115–
  • Ships.
  • Abigall, 239, 403, 462, 647, 649, 667, 668,
    673, 680, 687, 689.
  • Bona Nova, 115, 123, 127, 129, 215, 226, 239,
    245, 249, 252, 254, 257, 302, 406, 442, 447,
    448, 449, 450, 451, 454, 485, 502, 516, 517,
    528, 533, 594, 611, 639.
  • Bonaventure (Francis Bonaventure), 115, 270,
    302, 594, 639.
  • Bristoll, a ship of, 115, 261.
  • Captain Lawn's ship, 217.
  • Captain Ward's ship, 244.
  • Charity, 639.
  • Charles, 466, 467, 508, 527, 639.

  • 757

  • Concord, 639.
  • Darlinge, 514, 515.
  • De la War, 48.
  • Diana, 152, 192, 215, 218, 241, 247, 251, 301.
  • Discovery, 525, 526, 530, 532, 611, 639, 668.
  • Fitted for fur trade, 640.
  • Dutch man of war, 243.
  • Duty, 115, 279, 301, 306, 502.
  • East India ships, 78.
  • Edwin, 456, 599.
  • Elianor (Ellnor), 535, 639.
  • Elizabeth, 239.
  • Faulcon, 115, 302.
  • Flemish man of war, 219, 222, 252, 305.
  • Flying Hart, 639.
  • Furtherance, 618, 639, 668, 673, 674, 698.
  • Garland, 115, 145, 281, 282, 283, 287, 288,
  • Lost at Somers Islands, 620–621.
  • George, 228, 258, 302, 465, 466, 467, 492, 502,
    591, 612, 639, 646, 648.
  • Fishing voyages to Newfoundland,
    242–243, 454.
  • Gift (Guift) of God, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 152, 594,
  • Globe (Gloab), 508.
  • Godsspeed, 639.
  • Hart, 577.
  • Hopewell, 513, 528, 533, 639.
  • Irish ship, 588.
  • James, 639.
  • Jonathan, 115, 301, 441, 594.
  • Joseph, 639.
  • Lizard (Lyzard), 70, 73.
  • Margaret, 110, 193–195, 200, 201, 212, 213,
    230, 377, 379, 384–385.
  • Cost of furnishing, 178–189.
  • Margaret and John, 239, 452, 463, 502, 534,
    639, 674.
  • Marigold (Marygold), 227, 251.
  • Marmaduke, 492, 493, 502, 505, 530, 583,
    594, 639, 679.
  • Mary and John, 8, 9.
  • May-Flower, 239.
  • Merchant, 115, 260, 297, 298, 300, 301, 377,
  • Neptune, 418–422.
  • Prime-Rose, 639.
  • Prosperous, 152, 174, 218, 252.
  • Provisioning of for voyages to Virginia, 351.
  • Roe-Bucke, 577.
  • Royall James, 508, 521, 537, 576, 642.
  • Samuell, 700.
  • Sea-flower, 554, 639, 691.
  • Sent to Virginia, 1620, 239–240.
  • Silver Falcon, 135, 136.
  • Somers Islands frigate, 244.
  • Sturgeon, 243.
  • Supply, 239, 368, 378, 380, 385, 404, 448.
  • Charter party for, 381–384.
  • Certificate for sailing, 405–406.
  • Swan, 115, 122, 126, 300, 301.
  • Temperance, 424, 448, 639.
  • Tiger (Tyger), 505, 526, 530, 594, 622, 639,
    695, 696.
  • Escape from Turks, 640.
  • Taken by Turks, 582.
  • Treasurer, 251, 418–422.
  • Account of attacks on Spaniards,
  • Triall, 115, 126, 217, 243, 302, 441, 454.
  • Warwicke, 498, 499, 500, 501, 502, 503, 507,
    526, 530, 581, 583, 594, 639, 668, 688.
  • White Lion, 639.
  • Will and Thomas, 152.
  • Shipton, Thomas, 88, 333, 592, 593.
  • Shipway, Thomas, 674.
  • Shirley, Hundred, 76, 249, 612.
  • Shrewsbury, Mary, Countess of, 87, 333.
  • Shuker, Jeremy, 538.
  • Sickness.
  • Among colonists, 220, 244.
  • Among Indians, 220.
  • At Captain Lawne's plantation site. 246.
  • Indian disease, 560.
  • Silk. See under Commodities.
  • Silk grass. See under Commodities.
  • Silver, John, 538.
  • Silver Falcon. See under Ships.
  • Singer, John, Surgeon, 213, 292.
  • Accounts, 186, 199, 392, 404.
  • Skinksconce, (Schenkenschanz) 680.
  • Skinners, Company of, 88, 333.
  • Slacey, Thomas, 88.
  • Slade, James, 538.
  • Slany, Humphrey, 60.
  • Slaughter, John, 568.
  • Smaleman, Francis, 88, 334.
  • Smith. See also Smyth.

  • 758

  • Smith, Anthony (Smyth), 406.
  • Agreement with Richard Berkley and Asso-
    ciates, 393–394.
  • Smith, Cleophas, 88, 333.
  • Smith, Edmund, 88, 334.
  • Smith, Edward, 88, 334.
  • Smith, Francis.
  • Letter to Sir Edwin Sandys, 458–459.
  • Smith, George, 593.
  • Court for Somer Islands, 603.
  • Smith, Henry, Purser, 538.
  • Smith, Humphrey, 88, 334.
  • Smith, Joane (Smyth), 406.
  • Agreement with Richard Berkley and As-
    sociates, 393–394.
  • Smith, John, 60, 63, 88, 334.
  • Sued by company, 43.
  • Smith, John, Captain (Smyth), 88, 333.
  • Command of defense against Indians, 18.
  • Council in Virginia, 13.
  • Smith, Sir John, 88, 333.
  • Accounts, 188, 189, 260, 261, 385, 386, 389,
    391, 404.
  • Accounts of expenses for Virginia plantation,
  • Agreement concerning the ship Supply, 382–
  • Agreement with Richard Berkley and Asso-
    ciates, 376–379.
  • Agreement with Associates, 201–207.
  • Commission, party in, 199–201.
  • Commission to George Thorpe and William
    Tracy as Governors of Berkley Planta-
    tion in Virginia, 379–381.
  • Committee for Somers Islands, 603.
  • Council for Virginia, 534, 652.
  • Fragment of letter from Peter Arundle, 589.
  • Indenture, party in, 130–134, 210–211, 412–
  • Letter from Richard Berkley, 137.
  • Letter from John Bridges, 410.
  • Letters from George Thorpe, 148, 151, 417–
  • Letter from Sir William Throckmorton, 138–
  • Letters from William Tracy, 266, 289–290,
    291, 367–368, 369–370, 373, 373–374,
    395, 401, 410–411, 411.
  • Letter to Mr. Berkley, 292–294.
  • Letter to Sir George Yeardley, 212.
  • List of Servants remaining in Virginia, 674.
  • Partner in Berkley Hundred, 272–273.
  • Revocation of Captain John Woodleefe's
    commission, 374–375.
  • Smith, John, of Oldminster.
  • Accounts, 408.
  • Smith, John, son-in-law of John Rowe (Smyth),
  • Smith, Jonathan, 88, 334.
  • Smith, Matthew (Smyth).
  • Accounts, 408.
  • Smith, Nicholas, 539.
  • Smith, Othowell, 88, 333.
  • Smith, Richard (Smyth), 88, 334.
  • Accounts, 403, 411.
  • Agreements with Richard Berkley and Asso-
    ciates, 393–394, 399.
  • Smith, Richard, and Company.
  • Departure to Virginia postponed, 410.
  • Smith, Sir Richard, 88, 333.
  • Smith, Robert (Smyth), 65, 88, 334, 538.
  • Committee for Somers Islands, 603.
  • Council for Virginia, 372, 507, 652.
  • Court for Somers Islands, 603.
  • Smith, Roger, Captain (Smyth), 463, 617.
  • Commissions, 609, 611, 623.
  • Council in Virginia, 483.
  • Members of his company killed in massacre,
  • Petition, 231.
  • Smith, Thomas (Smyth), 254, 264.
  • Commission for free fishing, 513–514.
  • Smith, Sir Thomas. See Smythe.
  • Smith, William (Smyth), 62, 406.
  • Agreement with Richard Berkley and
    Associates, 393–394.
  • Smith, Sir William, 59, 88, 333.
  • Smith, Sir William of Hill Hall, 339.
  • Smith, Sir William of London, 339.
  • Smith's Hundred, 121, 152, 301.
  • Cattle needed, 120.
  • Colonists for, 97, 249, 254, 256.
  • Committees for, 94–98, 192, 604.
  • Commodities encouraged, 168.
  • Outfit of 35 men for, 95–97.
  • Representatives to General Assembly, 154.
  • Sickness, 246.
  • Supplies for, 226, 262.
  • Supplies needed, 98.
  • Sir George Yeardley, manager, 217.
  • Smith's Hundred Company, 152, 242.

  • 759

  • Smith's Hundred and Martin's Hundred Society,
  • Smith's Island, 279, 304.
  • Smyrna, 693.
  • Smyth, John, and Berkeley, Richard.
  • Commission to George Thorpe for the gov-
    ernment of their plantation, 397–400.
  • Smyth, John, of Nibley, and Associates.
  • Bond given, 195.
  • Smyth, John, of Nibley (Smith), 109, 110, 114,
    137, 138, 139, 197, 213, 214, 230, 405, 618.
  • Smyth, Thorpe, Berkley, and Tracy.
  • Agreement with Richard Smyth and wife
    and others, 393–394.
  • Smythe, Sir Thomas (Smith), 59, 88, 333, 537.
  • Accusations, 518–520, 605–607, 637–638,
  • Accuser of Sir Edwin Sandys, 295–296.
  • Council for Virginia, 29, 32, 68.
  • Dispute with John Bargrave ordered
    settled, 653–654.
  • Interpretation of patents concerning treas-
    urership, 267.
  • Letter to Sir Raphe Winwood, 33.
  • Quarrel with Sir George Yeardley, 216–218.
  • Treasurer of company, 53, 55, 70, 237, 317.
  • Smythe, Sir Thomas, et al.
  • Defendant in Chancery, 598–602.
  • Smythe, Sir Thomas, and Alderman Johnson.
  • Reply to the petition of John Bargrave,
  • Snarsborow, Richard, 334.
  • Snow, John.
  • Massacred with his boy, 569.
  • Soan, Sydrac (Sidrake), 59.
  • Soap ashes. See under Commodities.
  • Soldan, George, 566.
  • Some, Joseph (Sone), 88, 334.
  • Some, Sir Stephen (Somes), 88, 333.
  • Somer. See Summer.
  • Somers Islands, 115, 661, 677.
  • Accounts, 416.
  • Best passage to Virginia by way of, 301.
  • Consideration of new colonists for, 603–604.
  • Loss of ship Garland at, 620–621.
  • Plants brought to Virginia from, 642.
  • Provision of colonists for, 145, 371, 559.
  • Shipping to, 546, 639–640.
  • William Wye sued by company for manage-
    ment of voyage to, 281–286.
  • Somers Islands Company, 62.
  • Court for Somers Islands, 602–603, 603–604.
  • Governing officers shared with Virginia,
    343, 644.
  • New members for, 684.
  • Tobacco trade, 667.
  • Southampton, 629.
  • Southampton, Henry, Earl of, 62, 66, 87, 122,
    127, 128, 239, 271, 300, 312, 333, 455, 502,
    512, 639, 661, 662, 664.
  • Committees, 149, 150.
  • Council for Virginia, 29, 32, 68, 482, 491.
  • Letter from Sir Edwin Sandys, 216–219.
  • Reappointed treasurer of company, 651.
  • Sponsoring sending of maids for colonists'
    wives, 493.
  • Treasurer of company, 467, 539, 661, 662.
  • Voyage to Virginia supported by 513, 514,
    516, 525.
  • Southampton, Earl of, et al.
  • Letter from council in Virginia, 424–425.
  • Southampton House, 149, 150, 458.
  • Southampton Hundred, 433, 612.
  • Accounts, 512.
  • Care of governor, 124, 691.
  • Fifth of members to work on colony forti-
    fications, 686.
  • Massacre, 569.
  • Petition for supplies after massacre, 652–
  • Society of (Adventurers of), 463, 649, 651.
  • Directions for trading, 668, 687.
  • Patent, 118.
  • Ship sent by, 527.
  • Southampton River, 664.
  • Southerne, John, 444.
  • Southern Colony, 525, 587.
  • Southern Plantation, 459, 460.
  • Southerton, Elias, 66.
  • Southey, Henry.
  • Patent, 643.
  • South River, 641.
  • South Sea, 30, 541, 548, 572, 642.
  • Southwark, 695.
  • Southwest Passage, 533.
  • Southwicke, John (Southick), 88, 334.
  • Spain, 12, 25, 309, 544, 709.
  • Claim to Virginia discussed, 2–3.
  • Spain, King of, 422.

  • 760

  • Spaniards, 1, 560, 562, 618, 670.
  • Charges against Virginia Company, 615.
  • Threat of, 244, 447.
  • Spanish Dominions, 615.
  • Sparrow, Stephen, 60, 88, 334.
  • Speckard, Abraham (Speckhard, Speckers), 88,
    334, 339.
  • Spelman, Henry, Captain (Spellman, Spilman).
  • Accused of treachery, 174–175, 242.
  • Dealings with Indians, 245, 251.
  • Massacre, 569.
  • Punishment, 175.
  • Spence, William, Ensign (Spense), 443.
  • Committee, 159.
  • Massacred at his house, 570.
  • Representative in General Assembly, 153.
  • Spencer, Robert, Lord, 87, 333.
  • Spencer, Urion, 88, 334.
  • Spencer, William, Tobacco Taster, 228–229.
  • Spices. See under Commodities.
  • Spranger, Henry, 88, 334.
  • Springham, Matthew, 88, 334.
  • Sprint, Gregory, 88, 334.
  • Spruson, Hildebrand, 88, 333.
  • Spy, 304.
  • Stacey, Thomas, 334.
  • Stacy, —,58.
  • Stacy, Robert.
  • Representative in General Assembly, 154.
  • Staffordshire, Colonists from, 309.
  • Stallenge, alias Captain Edward Roecroft, 242.
  • Stalling, —, Captain, 121.
  • Stanfield, Humfrey, 539.
  • Stanhope, John, Lord, 87, 333.
  • Stannerd, William, 88.
  • Stapers, Hewett, 88, 333.
  • Stapers, Richard, 88, 333.
  • Staples, Richard.
  • Massacred with wife and child, 570.
  • Star Chamber, 524.
  • Stationers, Company of, 88, 333.
  • Stauely, John, 538.
  • Stealing.
  • Proclamation against stealing boats, etc.,
  • Stephens, Richard, 64.
  • Stephens, Thomas (Stevens), 88, 334, 569.
  • Accounts, 262.
  • Steward, Lord (Ludovick, Duke of Richmond),
  • Steward, Augustine, 60, 88, 334, 339.
  • Stewkley, Sir Thomas, 88, 333.
  • Stile, Thomas, 88, 334.
  • Stockley, John, 334.
  • Stockton, —, Preacher, 485.
  • Stoke, 186, 187, 386, 400.
  • Stoke, William, 539.
  • Stokeley, John, 88, 333.
  • Stokes, John, 88.
  • Stokes, Thomas, 88, 334.
  • Stone, George, 88, 334.
  • Stone, William, 198, 213, 230.
  • Accounts, 188.
  • Stonnard, William, 334.
  • Store houses recommended, 496.
  • Storks, Richard, 568.
  • Strachey, William, 88, 334.
  • Stradling, Sir John, 339.
  • Straits, 709.
  • Strange, John, 60.
  • Stratford, John.
  • Note of tobacco sold him by Thomas Daw-
    son, 511.
  • Stratford, Richard, 88, 333.
  • Stringer, Samuel, 566.
  • Strongtharm, Richard, 88, 333.
  • Stubbins, Thomas, 61.
  • Stubbs, 62.
  • Stukely, Sir Lewes, 71.
  • Sturgeon. See under Ships.
  • Sturgeons, 26.
  • Sturton, Robert, 58.
  • Stutfeild, Sir Martin (Stutevill), 88, 333.
  • Styward, Austen, 423.
  • Suersby, John, 569.
  • Suffield, Arthur, 538.
  • Suffolk, Thomas, Earl of, 87, 333.
  • Suits. See under Chancery, court of.
  • Summers, Sir George (Somers), 28.
  • Admiral of Virginia, 26.
  • Council in Virginia, 13.
  • Sunnybank, —, Doctor (Sunnibanck), 65.
  • Suodham, Thomas, printer, 307.
  • Supplies, adjustments due to lack of, 246.
  • Supply. See under Ships.
  • Surgeon of Bristoll, 137.
  • Surveyor, 477.
  • Sussex, Colonists from, 309.
  • Sutcliffe, Matthew, Doctor, 88, 333.
  • Swaine, —, 65.
  • Swaine, Thomas (Swayne), 61.
  • Swan. See under Ships.

  • 761

  • Swandal, William, 565.
  • Swayne, Arthur, 61.
  • Swayne, Arthur, et al., 643.
  • Swayne, William, 61.
  • Swearing.
  • Law concerning, 173.
  • Proclamation against, 659.
  • Sweet, Robert, et al.
  • Petition to the King, 580–581.
  • Swift, James, Ensign, 88, 333.
  • Petition, 231.
  • Swinhow,—, 542.
  • Swinhowe, —, Mistress (Swinhow), 568.
  • Swinhowe, —.
  • Massacre at his house, 568.
  • Swinhowe, George (Swinehow), 88, 334, 568.
  • Swinhowe, John (Swineho), 88.
  • Swinhowe, Thomas, 568.
  • Swye, John.
  • Certificate of the Men who Shipped in the
    Margaret under Captain Woodleefe, 213.
  • Tachus, John, 539.
  • Talbot, Thomas, 702.
  • Tar. See under Commodities, pitch and tar.
  • Tatcombe, 184.
  • Tate, Francis, 89, 335.
  • Taverner, John, 59, 89, 335.
  • Cape Merchant, 23.
  • Taylor, John (alias Stokeley), 198, 213, 230.
  • Massacred with his wife, 569.
  • Taylor, Robert, 198, 568.
  • Taylor, Thomas, 565.
  • Taylor, William, 89, 335.
  • Taylour, James, 433.
  • Taxes, 99, 102.
  • Temperance. See under Ships.
  • Tenants. See under Planters.
  • Instructions for care of new public tenants,
  • Tenants, Company's, 313.
  • Tennants, Officers', 313.
  • Terra Australis, 573.
  • Terra Lemnia, 488.
  • See also under Commodities.
  • Terry, Frances, 538.
  • Thacker, Robert, 538.
  • Thames River, 465, 466, 467, 547.
  • Thanksgiving Day, 207.
  • Thomas, —, Captain, 64.
  • Thomas, a servant, 566.
  • Thomas, Richard, 539.
  • Thomson, William, 592, 593.
  • Thorley, James, 570.
  • Thorne, —, 410.
  • Thornborough, Sir John (Thorneburrough), 61.
  • Thornhill, Sir Timothy, 66.
  • Thornton, Robert (Thorneton), 89, 335.
  • Thorpe, George, Captain, 89, 109, 110, 138, 139,
    197, 213, 230, 265, 335, 397, 405, 490, 495, 567.
  • Accounts, 199, 260, 385, 388, 389, 403.
  • Expenses for Virginia Plantation, 408.
  • Furnishing the Margaret, 178, 183, 187,
    188, 189.
  • Agreement between him and Associates and
    Robert Pawlett, 401–402.
  • Agreement with Richard Berkeley and
    Associates, 376–379.
  • Agreement with Sir William Throckmorton
    and Associates, 201–207.
  • Bond given, 195.
  • College affairs, 552–553, 671.
  • Commended and rewarded by company,
  • Commission, party in, 199–200.
  • Commission to be governor of Berkley
    Plantation, 379–381, 397–400.
  • Committee—
  • For censuring Alderman Johnson, 149–
  • For securing colonists, 97.
  • Council for Virginia, 190.
  • Council in Virginia, 424, 444, 483, 528, 588,
  • Dealings with Indians, 584.
  • Efforts against drunkenness, 447.
  • Indentures, party in, 130, 131, 210–211,
  • Letter to Mr. John Ferrar, 448–449.
  • Letter to Sir Edwin Sandys, 462.
  • Letters to John Smyth of Nibley, 148, 151,
  • Letter to Sir George Yeardley, 136–137,
  • Massacred, 552–553, 555.
  • Note ffor Mr. Ffelgate to receaue his ffraight,
  • Partner in Berkley Hundred, 272–273.
  • Praised by John Pory, 305.
  • Recommended for governor, 123–124, 452–
  • Revocation of Captain John Woodleefe's
    commission, 374–375.

  • 762

  • Thorpe, George, and Pory, John.
  • Letters to Sir Edwin Sandys, 445, 446–448.
  • Thorpe, Berkley, Tracy and Smyth.
  • Agreement with Richard Smyth and wife
    and others, 393–394.
  • Thorpe, Thomas, 198, 213, 230, 567.
  • Throckmorton, Sir William (Throgmorton), 88,
    110, 148, 163, 190, 213, 230, 266, 291, 335, 339,
  • Accounts, 188, 189, 408.
  • Expenses of Voyage, 214.
  • For supplies sent in London Merchant,
  • Agreement with Associates, 201–207.
  • Bond given, 195.
  • Commission, party in, 379, 380.
  • Committee for securing colonists, 97.
  • Indentures, party in, 130–134, 210–211,
    271–274, 377–378, 412–416.
  • Letter to John Smyth, 138–139.
  • Transfer of rights in Virginia Plantation by
    Indenture to William Tracy, 377–378.
  • Umpire between Richard Berkeley and
    John Smyth, 379.
  • Throckmorton, Sir William, and Associates.
  • Commission to Captain John Woodleefe,
  • Letter to Sir George Yeardley, 136–137, 212.
  • Ordinances direcc̃ons and Instructions to
    Captaine John Woodlefe
    , 207–210.
  • Revocation of Captain John Woodleefe's
    commission, 374–375.
  • Throughton, Andrew, 89.
  • Tiffen, Christopher, 539.
  • Tiger (Tyger). See under Ships.
  • Timber. See under Commodities.
  • Timberlake, Henry (Timberlie), 89, 335.
  • Committee for securing colonists, 97.
  • Timberlake, Henry, et al.
  • Meeting of a committee for Smythes Hun-
    dred, 94–98.
  • Tite, Lewis, 89, 335.
  • Title to Virginia, 3.
  • Tobacco. See under Commodities.
  • Tobacco Point, 103.
  • Tobacco Tasters, 228, 229.
  • Oath of, 229.
  • Tod, William, 538.
  • Tolling, Thomas, 570.
  • Tomakin, Treachery of, 73.
  • Tomkins, Humfrey, 60.
  • Tomlins, Richard, 89, 335, 339.
  • Tomlinson, —, Accountant or Clerk, 384, 392,
  • Tooke, John, Tobacco Taster, 228–229.
  • Torfet, Stephen (Torphet), 197, 213, 230.
  • Tower, 665.
  • Towler, Charles, 89, 335.
  • Towns, Directions for building, 209.
  • Townsend, Henry, 199.
  • Accounts, 260.
  • Townson, Leonard (Towneson), 89, 335.
  • Towse, Edward, 571.
  • Tracy, Joyce, 396, 405, 426.
  • Tracy, Mary, 396, 405, 426.
  • Tracy, Thomas, 396, 405, 426.
  • Tracy, Sir Thomas, 89, 335.
  • Umpire between Richard Berkeley and John
    Smyth, 379.
  • Tracy, William, 123, 261, 375, 396, 397, 398, 399,
    405, 426, 569.
  • Accounts, 385, 389, 390, 391, 392, 403, 404.
  • Account of money expended since his de-
    parture, 402–404.
  • Agreements with his Associates, 376–379,
  • Agreement with his Associates and Robert
    Pawlett, 401–402.
  • Arrest at Bristol, 409, 410.
  • Commission to him and George Thorpe as
    Governors of Berkley Plantation in Vir-
    ginia, 379–381.
  • Commission as master of the Supply, 368–
  • Distress over delayed voyage to Virginia,
    369–370, 373–374.
  • Indenture assigning Sir William Throck-
    morton's share of Berkley Hundred to
    him, 271–274, 377–378.
  • Killed in massacre, 555.
  • Letter from Timothy Gate, 409.
  • Letters to William Arthard and John Smith,
  • Letters to John Smyth of Nibley, 266, 289–
    290, 367–368, 369–370, 373, 373–374, 395,
    401, 410–411, 411–412.
  • Patent granted, 118.
  • Share of expense of voyage to Virginia, 292–
  • Tracy, Mistress William, 391.

  • 763

  • Tracy, Berkley, Thorpe and Smyth.
  • Agreement with Richard Smyth and wife
    and others, 393–394.
  • Trade, 362–363.
  • Agreement concerning in Patent form, 596,
  • Duties on commodities, 362.
  • Magazine, 167, 169, 519–520.
  • Natural advantages of Virginia for, 572.
  • Patents for free trade, 518, 608, 626.
  • Restraint of, 28, 173, 510.
  • Ships to return to England in 30 days laden
    with all commodities possible, 481.
  • Tobacco in, 496, 580–581, 582–583, 599–602.
  • Unlawful trade with Indians, 522.
  • See also Commodities, customs duties;
    Custom House; Plantation, economic
  • Tradesmen.
  • Encouragement of, 103.
  • Law concerning, 167.
  • Treasurer. See under Ships.
  • Treasurer, Lord, (Viscount Mandeville), 459,
    (Earl of Middlesex), 510.
  • Treasurer, Mr., (of the Household, Sir Thomas
    Edmondes), 510.
  • Treasurer and Companie of Adventurers and
    Planters of the Cittie of London for the first
    Colonie in Virginia
    , 34.
  • Treasurer and Company of Virginia.
  • Covenant to pay Captain Arthur Guy,
  • Covenant to pay Captain Arthur Guy,
    Robert Joakley and John Packesall,
  • Letter to Governor and Council in Virginia,
  • Ordinance and Constitution for Council
    and Assembly in Virginia, 482–484.
  • Treasurer and Council for Virginia.
  • Answer to Privy Council concerning Cap-
    tain John Bargrave's Petition, 645–646.
  • Commission to William Wye, 144–146.
  • Letter to Governor and Council in Virginia,
  • Letter to Sir George Yeardley, 146–148.
  • Treasuror, Councell and Company for Virginia.
    A Broadside
    , 275–280.
  • Treasurer of Company. See under Company,
  • Treasurer's Tenants, 585.
  • Tredescant, John, 58.
  • Tresham, Sir Lewis.
  • Sued by company, 45.
  • Truelove, Rowland, et al.
  • Patent, 643.
  • Trever, Sir John, 88, 335.
  • Triall, See under Ships.
  • Trinity House, 89, 335.
  • Trotman, John.
  • Accounts, 408.
  • Trotman, Sam.
  • Accounts, 386.
  • Trotman, Thomas.
  • Accounts, 408.
  • Troughton, Andrew, 335.
  • Trulove, Rowland, 63.
  • Tubman, Samuell, 59.
  • Tucker, Daniel, Captain, 62, 89, 335.
  • Court for Somers Islands, 603.
  • Patent, 643.
  • Petition, 231.
  • Tucker, George, 89, 335.
  • Tucker, John, 60.
  • Tucker, William, Captain, 58, 89, 335.
  • Commissions, 535–536, 623, 664–665.
  • Committee, 159.
  • Representative in General Assembly, 154.
  • Tufton, Lord.
  • Council for Virginia, 528.
  • Tufton, Sir Nicholas (Tuston), 59, 61, 121, 335.
  • Colonists secured by, 191.
  • Gift of walnut planks to, 126.
  • Tue, Mary, 65.
  • Turkey, 549, 641.
  • Turks, 582, 640.
  • Turner, Christopher, 567.
  • Turner, Edward, 538, 571.
  • Turner, Richard, 89, 335, 592, 593.
  • Turner, William, Doctor, 89, 335.
  • Twine, John, Clerk of General Assembly, 154.
  • Twisden, Sir Roger, 66.
  • Twisden, Sir William, 66, 88, 335.
  • Tyler, Robert, 565.
  • Tyler, William, 565.
  • Tyler, William (Senior?), 565.
  • University.
  • For Indians, 102.
  • Lands bounded, 245.
  • See also College.
  • Upfall, James, 567.
  • Valentia, 647.

  • 764

  • Valete, Mistress Collier, 529.
  • Valuation, A, of the Commodities growing and to
    be had in Virginia
    , 237–239.
  • Van Loare, Peter, 89, 328.
  • Van Metkerk, Alphonsus, Captain (Van Med-
    kerke), 86, 330.
  • Vassall, John, 89, 335.
  • Vaughan, John.
  • Sued by company, 43.
  • Vaughan, Sir Walter, 339.
  • Sued by company, 45.
  • Venne, Arthur, 89, 335.
  • Venne, Richard, 89, 335.
  • Vere, Sir Horatio (Veere), 89, 335.
  • Vertew, Christofer (Vertue), 89, 335.
  • Vesy, William, 65.
  • Vincent, Henry, 89, 335.
  • Vine growing. See under Commodities.
  • Viner, —, 66.
  • Viner, Thomas (Vyner), 61, 593.
  • Virginia.
  • Fishing off, 439–440.
  • How it may be made a Royal Plantation,
  • Virginia, Coast of, 70.
  • Pirates to be kept from, 470.
  • Virginia Council.
  • Extract from a letter, 372.
  • Settlement of the Wages of tradesmen in
    Virginia, 589–590.
  • See also Council in Virginia.
  • Virginia Council and Company.
  • Letter to Governor and Council in Vir-
    ginia, 502–508.
  • Virginia Court, 236.
  • Virginia, Government of.
  • Charges against by John Bargrave, 605–607.
  • Vivian, Christopher, 66.
  • Voyage of Discovery.
  • Accounts of several, 547–549.
  • Plymouth Company, 246.
  • Sir Walter Raleigh, 587.
  • See also Exploration.
  • Voyage, The ... to Verginia 1619, 109–114.
  • Voyage to Virginia, 70, 145–146, 545–546, 660-
  • Accounts of, 292–293, 355.
  • Account of A. B. of the Expenses of the
    Voyage, rendered to Sir William Throck-
    morton and Associates, 214–215.
  • Account of A. B. for furnishing the ship
    Supply, 385–392.
  • Account of A. B. with Edward Williams for
    the ship Margaret, 384–385.
  • Accompt, The, of the charge of the .4. serv-
    ants sent into Virginia in the Ship called
    furtherance, 618–619.
  • Account Rendered to Sir William Throck-
    morton and Associates for Supplies sent
    in the Ship London Merchant, 260–261.
  • Agreement with Mr. Williams of Bristol,
  • Best conditions for, 301–302.
  • Best routes, 301.
  • Commissions for, 368–369, 498–499, 591–
  • Commodities for, 385–392.
  • Contract with William Ewens for the
    George, 465–466.
  • Distress of William Tracy over delays,
    369–370, 373–374.
  • Loading of the ship, 410–411, 501.
  • Northern course recommended for trans-
    porting seeds and colonists, 582.
  • Provisioning of, 351.
  • Seasons suited to shipping and trading, 78.
  • Vrange, Philip, 426.
  • Vrine, Thomas, 539.
  • Wade, Nathaniel, 89, 336.
  • Wade, Sir William, 89, 335.
  • Wadsworth, Theodore.
  • Commission, 591–592.
  • Waind, Richard.
  • Bailiff for Sir Edwin Sandys, 371.
  • Wainham, Richard, 567.
  • Wakeman, —, 409.
  • Walden, Lord, 89, 325.
  • Walden, Robert, 570.
  • Waldoe, Richard, Captain.
  • Council in Virginia, 13.
  • Wale, Thomas, 90, 337, 592, 593.
  • Walker, George, 90, 337.
  • Walker, Thomas, 89, 336.
  • Walker, William, 539, 569.
  • Waller, John, 337.
  • Waller, Rouse, 539.
  • Waller, William, 61.
  • Walloons, 498.
  • Answer to their request to plant in Virginia,

  • 765

  • Walnuts. See under Commodities.
  • Walsingham, Sir Thomas, 339.
  • Walter copy, 139.
  • Walter John, 90, 539.
  • Walter, Sir John, 336.
  • Walters, Edward.
  • Massacre at his house, 571.
  • Waneswell, 186, 188, 408.
  • Ward, John, Captain (Wards), 125.
  • Burgesses representing his plantation, 154.
  • Committee, 159.
  • Fishing trip to North Colony, 242.
  • Patent, 118.
  • Representative in General Assembly, 154.
  • Rights settled, 155–156.
  • Trade with Indians, 247.
  • Warde, William (Ward), 90, 337.
  • Warden, John.
  • Accounts, 183.
  • Wards, Master of the, 459.
  • Ware, Thomas (Warr), 90, 337.
  • Wariscoyack, 537, 550, 610.
  • Wariscoyack Bay, 246.
  • Warner, Richard.
  • In suit by company, 38, 39.
  • Warrants, 79.
  • By Governor in Virginia, 79, 444.
  • Company to pay, 467, 468, 676.
  • Concerning John Pory's fees, 250.
  • Defined, 345.
  • Examination of by Deputy, 346–347.
  • For voyage to Virginia, 135–136.
  • To the Lord Treasurer, 676.
  • See also Charters and Commissions
  • Warrestogack, 227.
  • Warwick, Earl of, 252, 332.
  • Committee, 149, 150.
  • Council for Virginia, 528, 534.
  • Suit against Edward Bruster, 418–423.
  • Warwicke. See under Ships.
  • Warwickshire, Colonists from, 309.
  • Washer, —, Ensign, 227.
  • Representative in General Assembly, 154.
  • Water, John, 337.
  • Waterhouse, —, 64.
  • Waterhouse, David, 59, 89, 336.
  • Waterhouse, Sir Edward, 89, 336.
  • Waterhouse, Edward.
  • A Declaration of the State of the Colony and
    ... a Relation of the Barbarous Massacre

    ..., 541–579.
  • Waterhouse, John., 566.
  • Water mill, 586.
  • Watkins, Evan, 571.
  • Wats, Laurence.
  • Massacred with his wife, 570.
  • Watson, Thomas, 89, 90.
  • Watson, Sir Thomas, 336, 339.
  • Watson, William, 61.
  • Wattey, William, 89, 336.
  • Watts, Sir John, 89, 335.
  • Wainman, Sir Thomas (Wayneman), 204.
  • Waynwright, Thomas, 65.
  • Webb, — (Webbe), 22, 66, 215.
  • Webb, Benedict (Webbe).
  • Accounts, 390, 391.
  • Webb, Edward, 89, 336.
  • Webb, Elizabeth (Webbe), 396, 405, 426, 674.
  • Webb, Rice, 89, 336.
  • Webb, Sandys, 89, 336.
  • Webb, Thomas, 63, 89, 336.
  • Webb, William (Webbe), 593.
  • Webster, William, 89, 336.
  • Wedmore, Richard, 538.
  • Welby, William, 90, 337.
  • Welch, Edward, 89, 336.
  • Weld, John, 90.
  • Weld, Sir John, 336.
  • Welden, William, Captain (Weldon, Weldinge),
    246, 254.
  • Commander of college and company ten-
    ants, 226, 227.
  • Letter to Sir Edwin Sandys, 262–265.
  • Patent, 643.
  • Wells, Thomas, 90, 337.
  • Went, John, 539.
  • Wentworth, Henry, 64.
  • Wentworth, Sir John, 89, 335.
  • West, —, Captain, 119, 120, 508.
  • West, Francis, Captain, 89, 335.
  • Commission, 75.
  • Council in Virginia, 483.
  • Massacre, 567.
  • Petition, 231.
  • Question about land, 248, 249.
  • West, Francis, Claybourne, William, et al.
  • Petition to the King, 580–581.
  • West, John, 89, 336.
  • West, Katherine, 89, 336.
  • West, Nathaniel, Captain.
  • Commission, 75–76.
  • Massacre, 567.

  • 766

  • West, Sir Thomas.
  • Instructions orders and constituc̃ons ... to
    ... Sr Thomas West knight Lo: La Warr
  • See also Plantation, officers; De Lawarr,
    Thomas, Lord.
  • West Hundred, 76, 249.
  • West Indies, 219, 220, 243, 245, 301, 470, 543,
    556, 558, 563, 572, 574, 575, 641, 670.
  • History of, 561, 562.
  • Massacre in, 560.
  • Westcrowe, Jo., 89.
  • Westminster, 34.
  • Westminster, Dean of (John Williams), 459.
  • Westminster Palace, 435, 662.
  • Weston, —, 565.
  • Weston, Garret, 90, 337.
  • Weston, Sir Richard,
  • Chancellar of the Exchequer, 459.
  • Privy council, 510.
  • Westover, 567.
  • Westrowe, John, 336.
  • Westwood, Humfrey, 89, 336.
  • Wetwood, Randall, 89, 336.
  • Weyanock (Weyonack) 103, 152, 542.
  • Massacre at, 569.
  • Weynman, daughter of Sir Ferdinando, 62.
  • Weynman, Sir Ferdinando, 62.
  • Master of Ordnance of Virginia, 28.
  • Weynmane, Sir Francis (Weyneman), 62.
  • Wheat, William, 63.
  • Wheatley, Thomas, 89, 336, 592, 593.
  • Wheeler, Nicholas, 90, 337.
  • Sued by company, 43.
  • Wheeler, Thomas, 90, 337.
  • Whiniard, Jeremy, 433.
  • Whistler, Francis, 90, 337.
  • Whitaker, Alexander, Minister.
  • Drowned, 74.
  • Whitcombe, —, 62.
  • White, George.
  • Pardoned by Governor Argall, 74.
  • White, James, 89, 336.
  • White, John.
  • Accounts, 214.
  • White, Leonard, 89, 336.
  • White, Thomas, 89, 336, 539.
  • Minister for colony, 506–507, 583.
  • White Lion. See under Ships.
  • Whitehall, 459, 509.
  • Whitehead, Giles, 538.
  • Whitner, Francis, 59.
  • Whitney, Francis, Captain (Whittny), 145, 282,
    300, 621.
  • Whitson, John, Alderman of Bristol, 65.
  • Whittaker, —, Captain, 571.
  • Whittaker, Jabez, Lieutenant (Whiteaker), 226,
    246, 254.
  • Given plantation on company's land, 227,
  • Guest house for glass workers, 477, 494.
  • Guest house, reward for building, 489.
  • Letter to Sir Edwin Sandys, 441–443.
  • Whittingham, John, 90, 337.
  • Wickham, William, Minister, 74, 92, 119.
  • Widowes, Richard (Wydowes), 89, 336, 593.
  • Wiffin, David, 23, 59, 90, 337.
  • Wiffin, Richard, 89, 336.
  • Wight, Isle of, 465, 507, 619, 648, 660.
  • Wilcocke, John, 539.
  • Wilie, William, 539.
  • Wilkes, Edward, 89, 336.
  • Wilkins, —, 410.
  • Wilkins, —, Captain, 270.
  • Wilkins, Giles, 405, 426, 567.
  • Wilkins, John, 571.
  • Will and Thomas. See under Ships.
  • Willeston, Hugh, 89, 336.
  • Willeston, William, 90, 337.
  • Willet, —.
  • Accounts, 391.
  • Willet, John, 90, 337.
  • Willet, William, 90, 337.
  • Williams, —, Mistress.
  • Accounts, 404.
  • Williams, Edward.
  • Accounts, 185, 199, 206, 392, 404.
  • Account of A. B. with him for the ship
    Margaret, 384–385.
  • Accounts for voyage to Virginia, 292–293.
  • Charter Party, 193–195.
  • Williams, John, Dean, 459; Lord Keeper, 510,
    598–602, 653.
  • Williams, Lewis, 565.
  • Williams, Robert.
  • Massacred with wife and child, 565.
  • Williamson, —, 702.
  • In suit, 7, 10, 286, 287, 620.
  • Williamson, —, Doctor.
  • Council for Virginia, 482.
  • Williamson, Lawrence, 66.
  • Williamson, Sir Richard (Willinson), 89, 336.

  • 767

  • Williamson, William (Wilmson), 89, 336.
  • Willis, Richard, 618, 674.
  • Willmott, George, 592.
  • Willoby, Sir Percivall, 89, 335.
  • Wilmer, Andrew, 89, 337.
  • Wilmer, Clement, 64, 90, 337.
  • Wilmer, George, 64, 89, 336.
  • Committee for securing colonists, 97.
  • Wilmot, Sir Charles, 89, 335, 339.
  • Wilsford, Sir Thomas, 336.
  • Wilson, Felix, 89, 336.
  • Wilson, Thomas, 63, 89, 336.
  • Wilston, William, 337.
  • Wincopp, —,
  • Patent, 118.
  • Windebank, —, 662.
  • Winder, Francis, 571.
  • Windham, Hugh, 60.
  • Wind mill, 586.
  • Wine, Artificial.
  • Wines. See under Commodities.
  • Mr. Russell's project touching, 365–367.
  • Winkfeild, Maria, Captain (Winckfield), 89, 336.
  • Winkfield, Richard (Winckfield), 66.
  • Winne, Edmond, 89, 336.
  • Winne, Owen, Captain, 89, 336.
  • Winne, Peter, Captain.
  • Council in Virginia, 13.
  • Winne, Thomas, Captain, 90, 337.
  • Winston, Thomas, Doctor, 60.
  • Council for Virginia, 491, 498, 507.
  • Winter, —(Wyntour), 409, 410.
  • Winter, John, 539.
  • Winwood, Lady, 32.
  • Winwood, Sir Ralph, 89, 335.
  • Council for Virginia, 33.
  • Letter from Sir Thomas Smythe, 33.
  • Letter from Virginia Council, 31–32.
  • Winocke, 17.
  • Wirrall, Sir Hugh, 89.
  • Wiseman, Richard (Wyseman).
  • Council for Virginia, 603.
  • Warrant to pay, 467.
  • Witherall, Thomas, 62.
  • Withers, Anthony, 63, 66.
  • Withers, Edward, 423.
  • Wittingham, Thomas.
  • Appointed cape merchant, 23.
  • Wives. See Women.
  • Wodall, —, 120.
  • Woller, Edward, 59, 89.
  • Wolstenholme, Henry, 64.
  • Wolstenholme, Sir John (Worselnham), 64, 89,
    336, 523, 592, 593.
  • Accounts, 391.
  • Committee for securing colonists, 97.
  • Council for Virginia, 68, 509.
  • Defendant in Chancery, 598–602.
  • Figuring in Patent form, 594, 596, 598.
  • Gift of walnut planks to, 126.
  • Report, 139–144.
  • Wolstenholms, Sir T., 223.
  • Wolsten-Holmes Town, 506, 594.
  • Women:
  • Marriage laws of, 173–174.
  • See Planters, wives for tenants.
  • Wood, Ambrose, 63, 64.
  • Wood, Philip, 64, 538.
  • Wood, Thomas, 63, 89, 337, 539, 565.
  • Woodall, —, 649.
  • Woodall, John, 23.
  • Woodcott, James, 63.
  • Woode, —, Captain.
  • Council in Virginia, 13.
  • Woodiff, —, Captain, 247.
  • Woodleefe, John, Captain (Wood leafe), 139,
    151, 193, 248, 249, 292, 293, 398, 417.
  • Accounts, 186, 189, 392.
  • Agreement with Sir William Throckmorton
    and Associates, 201–207.
  • Bill for furnishings for the Margaret, 185–186.
  • Bond given, 195.
  • Commission, 199–201.
  • List of men sent for plantation under, 197–
  • Master and governor of the Margaret, 212,
    213, 377.
  • Ordinances direcc̃ons and Instructions to, by
    Sir William Throckmorton, Richard
    Berkeley, et al., 207–210.
  • Partner in Berkley Hundred, 272–273.
  • Remembrances for, 195–196.
  • Revocation of his commission by Sir Wil-
    liam Throckmorton and Associates, 374–
  • Transported 35 colonists to Virginia in the
    Margaret, 230, 413.
  • Umpire between George Thorpe and Wil-
    liam Tracy in Virginia, 378–379.
  • Voyage to Virginia begun, 110.

  • 768

  • Woodshaw, James, 566.
  • Woodshawe, Thomasin.
  • Petition to Governor of Virginia, 681–682.
  • Woodward, Richard, 571.
  • Woogan, Devereux (Woogam), 90, 337.
  • Woolcher, Thomas, 569.
  • Wooller, Edward, 336.
  • Wooller, John, 90, 336.
  • Woolman, Thomas, 539.
  • Worcester, Earl of, Lord Privy Seal, 459.
  • Worcester, Henry Parry, Bishop of, 89, 335.
  • Worgan, Philip, 538.
  • Worrell, Sir Hugh, 336.
  • Worselnham, Sir Garroway (Worsnam).
  • Accounts, 391.
  • Worselnham, Sir John (Worsnam).
  • Accounts, 391.
  • Worselnham, Sir John, et al.
  • Draft of committee report of company, 139–
    144. See also Wolstenholme.
  • Worsley, Sir Richard.
  • Patent, 241.
  • Worsly, Sir Bowyer.
  • Figuring in Patent form, 629, 631, 633.
  • Patent, 643.
  • Worth, Philip, 571.
  • Wotton, 187.
  • Wright, John (Write), 89, 336, 567.
  • Wrote, Samuel, 60.
  • Committee for Somers Islands, 603.
  • Council for Virginia, 482, 491, 498, 528, 534.
  • Court for Somers Islands, 603.
  • Wroth, John (Wrothe), 89, 336.
  • Committee, 149, 150.
  • Council for Virginia, 68, 491.
  • Court for Somers Islands, 603.
  • Notes from Lists showing Total Number of
    Emigrants to Virginia, 536–537.
  • Wroth, Sir Robert, 89, 335.
  • Sued by company, 45.
  • Wyatt, Lady, 677.
  • Voyage to Virginia, 690–692.
  • Wyatt, Sir Francis, 62, 493, 512, 549, 617, 652,
    666, 681, 682, 684, 695, 699.
  • Commended to Council in Virginia, 490.
  • Commissions, 535–536, 609, 610, 611, 622,
    654–655, 656–657, 664–665, 678–679, 695–
    696, 697–698, 700–701.
  • Council in Virginia, 483.
  • Governor in Virginia, 528, 588, 590.
  • Indians, dealing with, 549–550, 583–584.
  • Proclamations, 658–660, 703–704.
  • To forward supplies to Dutch sawmill
    workers, 487.
  • To watch trade, 527.
  • See also under Plantation, officers.
  • Wyatt, Haut, Preacher, 485.
  • Wye, William.
  • Accused, 281–285, 286–287, 288–289.
  • Commission, 144–146.
  • Decree absolving him, 701–702.
  • Defense against company, 620–622.
  • Master of Garland in suit, 693–694.
  • Sued by company, 281–289.
  • Wylicocke, Thomas, 539.
  • Wynne, Edmund.
  • Patent, 643.
  • Xerles, Thomas, 566.
  • Yate, Ferdinando, 197, 209, 213, 230, 293, 294.
  • Accounts, 184, 199, 404, 436.
  • Appointed Ancient of company in Virginia,
  • The Voyage ... to Verginia 1619, 109–114.
  • Yardlie, Lady, 537.
  • Yeardley, Sir George (Yardley), 59, 90, 145, 159,
    162, 164, 168, 177, 200, 202, 208, 222, 258, 337,
    380, 412, 415, 436, 441, 442, 443, 472, 489, 609,
    611, 686, 705.
  • Accounts, 97, 189.
  • Accounts of voyages to Virginia, 195–196,
  • Agreement with Sir William Throckmorton
    and Associates, 206.
  • Argall's influence, 119.
  • Burgesses to be chosen, 241.
  • Certificate of arrival of Berkley planters,
  • Certificate of arrival of the Margaret in
    Virginia, 230.
  • Commissions, 656–657, 678–679.
  • Concerning governor's perquisites, 584–585.
  • Council in Virginia, 483, 528, 588, 590.
  • Defended by John Pory, 250–252, 255, 305.
  • Great Charter sent by, 158.
  • Indentures, 130–134.
  • Instructions to him as governor, 98–109.
  • Land granted by, 432–434.
  • Letter, 248–249.
  • Letter from Sir Edwin Sandys, 190.
  • Letter from Sir William Throckmorton and
    Associates, 136–137. 212.

  • 769

  • Letter concerning Argall's letters from Lord
    Ritch, 152–153.
  • Letter from Treasurer and Council for Vir-
    ginia, 146–148.
  • Letter from Virginia Company not delivered
    to him by William Wye, 282.
  • Letter to New Magazine Company, 449–450.
  • Letters to Sir Edwin Sandys, 118–122, 122–
    129, 297–300, 450–451, 452–453, 462–464.
  • Letter to Sir Henry Peyton, 29–31.
  • Massacre, 568, 569.
  • Opachancano's distrust of, 228.
  • Partner in Berkley Hundred, 272–273.
  • Patent, 643.
  • Poole, the interpreter, 253.
  • Praised by the company, 527.
  • Praised by John Rowe, 464.
  • Quarrel with Captain William Powell set-
    tled, 445.
  • Quarrel with Sir Thomas Smyth, 216–218.
  • Reward for service, 102–103.
  • Summoning of General Assembly, 153, 154.
  • To turn over to Sir Francis Wyatt Gover-
    nor's land and tenants, 471.
  • To waive his authority in Berkley planta-
    tion, 398.
  • Wind mill, 586.
  • See also under Plantation, officers.
  • Yeardley, Sir George, and the Council in Vir-
  • Letter to the Earl of Southampton and the
    Council and Company for Virginia, 424–
  • Warrant for Lieutenant Saunders, 444.
  • Yeardley, Ralph, 258.
  • Apothecary, 222.
  • Yeaw, Richard, 568.
  • Yeoman, Robert, 566.
  • Yeomans, —.
  • Accounts, 185.
  • Yeomans, Simon, 90, 337.
  • Yeomans, William, Vicar, 207, 539.
  • Young, William, 90, 337.
  • Younge, Nicholas.
  • Suit in Admiralty Court, 692–695.
  • Zouch, Edward, Lord, 90, 236, 337.
  • Covenant with Lord De La Warr, 77.
  • Lord Warden of Cinque Ports, 77.
  • Warrant for John Fenner, Captain of the
    Silver Falcon, and Henry Bacon, Master,
    to Pass to Virginia, 135–136.
  • Zouch, John, 339.