University of Virginia Library




Oh! give me a sweet and shady bow'r,
On the banks of a river, clear and bright,
And let not a ray of the sun have pow'r
To peep thro' the woodbines from morn till night.
Then sing me the songs that I used to hear,
In our own sweet home more fair than this;
And if on my cheek you behold a tear,
Sing on, sing on, for such tears are bliss!


When last we met in that lonely bow'r,
We knew not the meaning of such fond tears.
We are older now and mourn for some
Who shar'd in the pleasure of former years.
Ah! when I remember how oft they heard
That song in a shady spot like this,
Tho' a tear may fall from ev'ry word,
Sing on, sing on, for such tears are bliss!