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Seuen bookes of Epigrames written by T. B. [i.e. Thomas Bastard]

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Epigr. 37.

Svch was my griefe vpon my fatall fall,
That all the world me thought was darke withall
And yet I was deceiued as I knowe.
For when I proou'de I found it nothing so
I shewde the Sunn my lamentable sore.
The Sunne did see and shined as before.
Then to the Moone did I reueale my plight.
She did deminish nothing of her light.
Then to the stars I went and lett them see,
No not a starre would shine the lesse for me.
Go wretched man, thou seest thou art forlorne.
Thou seest the heauēs laugh while thou dost mourn.