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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
125 occurrences of enlightenment
[Clear Hits]

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125 occurrences of enlightenment
[Clear Hits]


1. General Studies. J. Collins, God in Modern Philosophy
(Chicago, 1959); idem, The Emergence of Philosophy of
(New Haven, 1967). J. Dillenberger, Protestant
Thought and Natural Science
(New York, 1960). C. Fabro,
Introduzione all'ateismo moderno (Rome, 1964), trans. A.
Gibson as God in Exile: Modern Atheism (Westminster, Md.,
1968). R. Kroner, Speculation and Revelation in Modern
(Philadelphia, 1961). W. Schulz, Der Gott der
neuzeitlichen Metaphysik
(Pfullingen, 1957).

2. Renaissance Studies. S. Dangelmayr, Gotteserkenntnis
und Gottesbegriff in den philosophischen Schriften des
Nikolaus von Kues
(Meisenheim, 1969). S. Greenberg, The
Infinite in Giordano Bruno
(New York, 1950). P. O. Kristeller,
Eight Philosophers of the Italian Renaissance (Stanford,
1964). J. Nelson, Renaissance Theory of Love (New York,
1958). R. Popkin, The History of Scepticism from Erasmus
to Descartes
(New York, 1960; rev. reprint 1968). F. Wendel,
Calvin: Sources et évolution de sa pensée religieuse (Paris,
1950), trans. as Calvin: The Origins and Development of
His Religious Thought
(London, 1963).

3. Modern Studies. J.-L. Bruch, la Philosophie religieuse
de Kant
(Paris, 1968). F. England, Kant's Conception of God
(London, 1929). H. Gouhier, la Pensée métaphysique de
(Paris, 1962); idem, la Pensée religieuse de
(Paris, 1924). T. Greene and J. Silber, “Introduc-
tions” to the Greene-Hudson translation of I. Kant, Religion
within the Limits of Reason Alone
(New York, 1960), pp.
ix-cxxxiv. R. Grimsley, Rousseau and the Religious Quest
(New York, 1968). R. Hurlbutt, Hume, Newton, and the
Design Argument
(Lincoln, Nebraska, 1965). J. Jalabert, Le
Dieu de Leibniz
(Paris, 1960). R. Lauer, The Mind of Voltaire
(Westminster, Md., 1961). A. Leroy, la Critique et la religion
chez David Hume
(Paris, 1930). F. Manuel, The Eighteenth
Century Confronts the Gods
(Cambridge, 1959). J. Orr,
English Deism: Its Roots and Fruits (Grand Rapids, 1934).
B. Rousset, la Perspective finale de “L'Éthique” et le
problème de la cohérence du spinozisme
(Paris, 1968). E.
Sillem, George Berkeley and the Proofs for the Existence of
(New York, 1957). N. Smith, “Introduction” to his
edition of D. Hume, Dialogues concerning Natural Religion
(New York, 1947; reprint 1963), pp. 1-123. J. Yolton, John
Locke and the Way of Ideas
(Oxford, 1956).


[See also Deism; God; Holy (The Sacred); Neo-Platonism;
Religion; Renaissance Humanism; Theodicy.]