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The lecture courses in Mechanics below presuppose the completion
of courses equivalent to Mathematics 100 to 105, inclusive, and Physics
200-1-2, and 250-1-2. Free use is made of the calculus, and no
student will be admitted to the classes, who has not a good working
knowledge of this branch of pure mathematics. In the laboratory
students verify the more important data and conclusions of the theoretical

500 Statics and Elementary Dynamics. [Thornton.]

Lectures 10-11, Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

This course furnishes a general introduction to Theoretical Mechanics.
The fundamental principles of the Kinematics of a particle
are followed by a study of the Newtonian Laws of Motion. On this
basis the more important propositions in the Statics of the material
particle, of the plane lamina, and of solid bodies in three dimensions
are then developed. Applications are made to the problems of equilibrium
of rigid bodies with and without friction and of flexible cables
and to the determination of centers of gravity by both elementary
and advanced methods. The principle of work and the
application of the law of virtual work to problems of equilibrium are
discussed and illustrated. The motions of material particles under
the action of constant forces are then considered and the cases of
uniform motion, uniformly varied motion, and projectile motion
are fully discussed. Special attention is given throughout the course
to illustrative problems, many of these being selected from the engineering

[Required, Fall, in Courses I, II, III, V (3); IV (4).]

501 Dynamics of a Particle. [Thornton.]

Lectures 10-11, Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

In this course the motions of material particles under varied forces
are systematically studied. Simple and compound harmonic motions,
motions in resisting media, pendulum motions, and planetary
motions are discussed and illustrated. Problems are introduced
freely and are drawn not only from the usual ranges of theoretical
mechanics, but also from the engineering and industrial applications


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of the science; as for example the acceleration and retardation of
railway trains under the varied traction of the locomotive, the motion
of projectiles through atmospheric air, the descent of heavy particles
through water in the processes of ore dressing and so on. The
course concludes with an elementary discussion of moments of inertia
and of the motions of revolving and rolling bodies under finite
and under impulsive forces.

[Required, Winter, in Courses I, II, III, V (3).]

502 Dynamics of a Rigid Body. [Thornton.]

Lectures 10-11, Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

This course offers an ampler and more rigorous treatment of the
motions of rigid bodies. Moments of inertia are investigated by
more powerful methods and the motions of rigid bodies about fixed
axes, parallel to fixed planes, and about fixed points are submitted
to both kinematical and dynamical analysis. Numerous applications
are made to the dynamics of machines. The inertia forces developed
in the moving parts are studied and the problems arising in
the balancing of engines, and in gyroscopic movements are used to
illustrate the fundamental doctrines of theoretical mechanics.

[Required, Spring, in Courses I, II, III, V (3).]

503 Strength of Materials. [Thornton.]

Lectures 9-10, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.

The fundamental laws of stress and strain, as developed from the
point of view of applied mechanics and illustrated by experimental
tests in the laboratory, are made the basis of this course. Systematic
studies are made of the strength and elasticity of ties and struts,
of beams of constant and of varied sections, of solid and hollow
shafts under torsion and bending, of helical springs, of columns under
both axial and eccentric loads, of struts and ties under lateral
loads, of reinforced concrete slabs and beams, of earth pressure and
retaining walls, and of the distribution of pressures in massive masonry
and in foundations. Attention is given not only to the classical
methods of solution, but also to the more modern accelerated
methods based on the principle of work and using graphical as well
as analytical processes. Illustrations are drawn throughout from
standard engineering practice. Especial care is given to the discussion
of the rules and formulæ on which laboratory tests of structural
materials must be based, and to the interpretation of actual

[Required, Fall, in Courses I, II, III (3); V (4).]

504 Hydrostatics and Hydraulics. [Thornton.]

Lectures 9-10, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.

The fundamental laws of the equilibrium of fluids are studied and


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applied to such illustrative problems as are furnished by the pressures
in boiler shells and tanks, the stability of reservoir walls and
dams, and the equilibrium of floating bodies. The elementary principles
of the movement of fluids are then discussed and applied to
deduce rules for efflux from orifices and weir notches, for flow in
pipes and open canals, and for gauging the flow of water in both
natural and artificial channels. The views of modern hydraulic engineers
are fully discussed and their bearings on professional practice
are carefully explained. A great variety of problems, drawn
as far as possible from current practice, is incorporated into the
course. Many of these are assigned to the class for independent
solution. Care is taken to make the tests executed by the student
in the hydraulic laboratory adequate illustrations of the theoretical
principles expounded in the lectures.

[Required, Winter, in Courses I, II, III (3); IV, V (4).]

505 Hydraulic Motors and Pumps. [Thornton.]

Lectures 9-10, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.

The course is based upon the principles of angular and linear
momentum, and the laws of action of hydraulic motors and pumps
are developed from these principles. Only such attention is given
to the older types of hydraulic machinery as their historic interest
justifies. The body of the course is a careful study of the modern
types of the turbine as a motor and as a pump. The principles of
action of these machines are systematically developed and their operation
is illustrated from examples taken from the current practice.
Free use is made of problems, and the student is required to design
hydraulic machinery and to predict the performance under test of
such machines. The inertia effects of moving masses of water on
the conduits which carry them are also examined, and the methods
for limiting the consequent strains are explained.

[Required, Spring, in Courses I, II, III (3); IV, V (4).]

506 Stability of Structures. [Thornton.]

Lectures 10-11, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday.

In this more advanced course in the principles of applied mechanics
careful studies are made of the continuous girder, of the cable
in its applications to aerial lines for electrical and power transmission
and to suspension bridges, of the elastic arch as a structural
elements of the hook and ring and chain, of thin and thick pipes under
fluid pressure, of the analogous problems arising in shrinkage and
forced fits, of whirling discs and cylinders, and of vibratory strains
and stresses arising in beams and shafts and other structural elements.
Free use is made of the principle of least work in the analysis of
complex structural problems. Illustrations are drawn as far as possible
from standard modern engineering practice.

[Required, Winter, in Courses I, II, III (4).]


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507 Canal and River Engineering. [Thornton.]

Lectures 10-11, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday.

A study of the general laws of river flow, of the standard methods
of gauging such flows, and of the works needed for the control of
floods, serves as an introduction to the discussion of canalized rivers
and canals as elements in a system of internal navigation. The
principles upon which are based the construction of locks and their
accessories, the design of weirs and navigation passes, and the
erection of movable dams are carefully studied. Illustrations are
drawn from such works of national importance as the Isthmian canal,
the Erie canal, and the canalized rivers of the United States. The
design and construction of hydraulic works for power development
is also a part of this course. Practical problems in hydraulic design
and field exercises in guage measurements constitute a part of the
required work.

[Required, Spring, in Courses I, II, III (4).]

553 Tests of Materials. [Thornton, Hancock and Instructor.]

Hours 10-1, Saturday; and by appointment.

Testing the Materials of Construction; including tensile and compressive
tests of wires, rods, and bars for strength and elasticity;
transverse tests of timber and cast iron; torsional tests of metal;
and tensile and compressive tests of cements and mortars, stones
and bricks and concrete.

[Required, Fall, in Courses I, II, III (3); IV, V (4).]

554 Friction and Lubricants. [Thornton, Hancock and Instructor.]

Hours 10-1, Saturday; and by appointment.

This laboratory course includes experiments on sliding friction,
journal friction and belt friction; on the viscosity and density of
lubricants; and on the friction of machines.

[Required, Winter, in Courses I, II, III (3); IV, V (4).]

555 Hydraulics Laboratory. [Thornton, Hancock and Instructor.]

Hours 10-1, Saturday; and by appointment.

This course includes measurements of efflux from orifices and
weir notches, the experimental study of pipe friction, and the determination
of the specific gravities of the materials of engineering.
Practical exercises in stream gauging are also required.

[Required, Spring, in Courses I, II, III (3); IV, V (4).]