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The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington

... digested into fovre bookes: three whereof neuer before published

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30 Of sixe sorts of Fasters.

30 Of sixe sorts of Fasters.

Sixe sorts of folkes I find vse fasting dayes,
But of these sixe, the sixt I onely praise.
The sicke man fasts, because he cannot eate.
The poore doth fast, because he hath no meate.
The miser fasts, with mind to mend his store.
The glutton, with intent to eate the more.
The hypocrite, thereby to seeme more holy.
The vertuous, to preuent or punish folly.
Now he that eateth fast, and drinkes as fast,
May match these fasters, any but the last.