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The Fifte and Last Booke or Acte.
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The Fifte and Last Booke or Acte.


[Since Natures worckes bee good and Deathe dothe serve]

Since Natures worckes bee good and Deathe dothe serve,
As Natures worckes, why shoulde wee feare to dye?
Synce Feare ys vayne, but when yt may preserve?
Why shoulde wee feare that wch wee can not flye?
Feare ys more payne, then ys the Payne yt feares,
Disarming humane myndes of Native mighte,
While eache Conceipt, an ugly Figure beares,
Whiche were not evill well wayed in Reasons light.
Oure Owly Eyes wch dymmd with passions bee,
And scarce discerne the Dawne of Coming Day,
Lett them bee Clearde, and nowe begin to See,
Oure Lyfe ys butt a Stepp in Dusty Way.
Then lett us holde the Bliss of peacefull Mynde,
Since this wee feele, great Loss we can not Fynde.