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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
170 occurrences of ideology
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170 occurrences of ideology
[Clear Hits]


General: S. G. F. Brandon, Man and his Destiny in the
Great Religions
(Manchester, 1962); idem, Creation Legends
of the Ancient Near East
(London, 1963); idem, History,
Time and Deity
(Manchester and New York, 1965); idem,
The Judgment of the Dead (New York and London, 1968);
idem, Religion in Ancient History (New York, 1970); idem,
editor, Dictionary of Comparative Religion (London and
New York, 1970). Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, ed.
J. Hastings, 12 vols. (Edinburgh and New York, 1913), 6,
243-306; DieReligion in Geschichte und Gegenwart
(Tübingen, 1958), II, 1701-25. C. J. Gadd, Ideas of Divine
Rule in the Ancient East
(London, 1948). E. O. James, The
Concept of Deity
(London, 1950); idem, The Worship of the
Sky God
(London, 1963). R. Pettazzoni, The All-Knowing
(London, 1956). G. van der Leeuw, la religion dans
son essence et ses manifestations
(Paris, 1948).

Prehistory: H. Breuil and R. Lantier, Les hommes de la
Pierre Ancienne
(Paris, 1951). J. Maringer, The Gods of
Prehistoric Man
(London and New York, 1960). P. J. Ucko
and A. Rosenfeld, Palaeolithic Cave Art (London and New
York, 1967).

Egypt: H. Bonnet, Reallexikon der ägyptischen Religions-
(Berlin, 1952). J. G. Griffiths, The Origins of Osiris
(Berlin, 1966). H. Kees, Der Götterglaube im alten Aegypten,
2nd ed. (Berlin, 1956). S. A. B. Mercer, The Religion of
Ancient Egypt
(London, 1949).

Mesopotamia: M. David, Les Dieux et le destin en
(Paris, 1949). E. Dhorme, Les religions de
Babylonie et d'Assyrie
(Paris, 1945). S. N. Kramer, Sumerian
(Philadelphia, 1944).

Israel: W. F. Albright, Yahweh and the Gods of Canaan
(London, 1968). A. Lods, Israël: des origines au milieu du
viiie siècle
(Paris, 1932); idem, Les prophètes d'Israël et
les débuts du Judaïsme
(Paris, 1935). G. F. Moore, Judaism
..., 2 vols. (Cambridge, Mass., 1927). S. Mowinckel, He
That Cometh
(Oxford, 1956). W. O. E. Oesterley and T. H.
Robinson, Hebrew Religion (London, 1930). J. Pedersen,
Israel, Vols. 3 and 4 (London and Copenhagen, 1940). H.
H. Rowley, The Faith of Israel (London, 1956). H. Wilde-
berger, Jahwes Eigentumsvolk (Zurich, 1960).

Iran: J. Duchesne-Guillemin, Zoroastre (Paris, 1948). G.
Dumézil, Les dieux des Indo-Européens (Paris, 1952). F.
Spiegel, DieTraditionelle Literatur der Parsen (Vienna,
1860). G. Widengren, Hoch gottglauben im alten Iran (Lund,
1938). R. C. Zaehner, Zurvān: A Zoroastrian Dilemma
(Oxford, 1955); idem, The Dawn and Twilight of Zoroas-
(London, 1961).

Greece and Rome: L. A. Campbell, Mithraic Iconography
and previous hit Ideology next hit
(Leiden, 1968). Franz Cumont, Les religions
orientales dans le paganisme romain
(Paris, 1929). W. K.
C. Guthrie, The Greeks and their Gods (London, 1950). W.
Jaeger, The Theology of the Early Greek Philosophers
(Oxford, 1948). M. P. Nilsson, Geschichte der griechischen
2 vols. (Munich, 1950; 1955).

Christianity: S. G. F. Brandon, Jesus and the Zealots (New
York, 1968). E. Bréhier, la philosophie du Moyen Age (Paris,
1949). F. C. Copleston, Aquinas (Harmondsworth, 1955).
A. Grillmeier, Christ in Christian Tradition (London, 1965).
A. Harnack, History of Dogma, 7 vols. (London, 1894-99;
reprint New York, 1961). M. Werner, DieEntstehung des
christlichen Dogmas
(Bern and Tübingen, 1957).

Hinduism and Buddhism: E. Conze, Buddhism (Oxford,
1957). S. A. Dasgupta, A History of Indian Philosophy, Vol.
I (Cambridge, 1922), Vol. II (Cambridge, 1932). C. Eliot,
Hinduism and Buddhism, 3 vols. (London, 1954). J. Gonda,
DieReligionen Indiens, Vol. I (Stüttgart, 1960). E. J.
Thomas, The History of Buddhist Thought (London, 1949).
R. C. Zaehner, Hinduism (London, 1962).

China: Fung Yu-Lan, A History of Chinese Philosophy,
Vol. I (London, 1937). M. Granet, la pensée chinoise (Paris,
1950); idem, la religion des Chinois (Paris, 1951). D. H.
Smith, Chinese Religions (London, 1968).

Islam: M. Gaudefroy-Demonbynes, Mahomet (Paris, 1957).


D. B. MacDonald, The Development of Muslim Theology,
Jurisprudence and Constitutional Theory
(London, 1903).
A. J. Wensinck, The Muslim Creed (Cambridge, 1932).


[See also Buddhism; Christianity in History; Cycles; Deter-
minism in Theology; Dualism; Gnosticism; Hierarchy;
Islamic Conception; Neo-Platonism; Religion, Ritual in.]