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[Farewell O Sunne, Arcadias clearest Lighte]

Farewell O Sunne, Arcadias clearest Lighte,
Farewell O Perle the Pore mans plenteous treasure,
Farewell O golden staff the Weyke mans mighte,
Farewell O Joy the Woofulles onely pleasure,
Wisdome, Farewell, the skilles mans direction,
Farewell with thee, Farewell all oure affection.


For what place now ys lefte for oure affection,
Now that of purest Lampe ys queynte the Lighte
Whiche to oure Darckned myndes was best Direction,
Nowe, that the Mynde ys Lost of all oure Treasure,
Now Deathe hathe swallowed up oure worldly pleasure,
Wee Orphantes lefte voyde of all publique mighte,
Orphantes in deede deprived of Fathers mighte,
For hee oure Father was in all affection,
In oure well dooynge placing all his pleasure,
Still studdying howe to us to bee a Lighte,
As well in peace hee was a safest treasure,
In warr his witt and worde was oure direction.
Whence, whence, alas shall wee seeke oure Direction?
When that wee feare oure hatefull Neighboures mighte
Who longe have gapte to gett Arcadian treasure,
Shall wee now fynde a Guyde of suche affection,
Who for oure sakes will thincke oure travell lighte,
And make his payne [to keepe us safe his] pleasure.
No; no, for ever gon̄ ys all oure Pleasure,
For ever wandering from all good direction,
For ever blynded of oure Clearest sighte,
For ever lamed, of oure surest mighte.
For ever banisht from well plaste Affection
For ever robbed of oure Royall Treasure.
Lett Teares for hym, therefore bee all oure Treasure
And in oure wailefull naming hym, oure pleasure,
Lett Hating of oure selves bee oure affection,
And unto deathe bend still oure thoughtes direction.
Lett us ageanst oure selves employ oure Might,
And putting oute of eyes seeke wee oure Lighte.
Farewell oure Lighte, Farewell oure spoyled treasure,
Farewell oure Mighte, Farewell oure Daynted pleasure,
Farewell Direction, Farewell all affection.