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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
441 occurrences of love
[Clear Hits]

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441 occurrences of love
[Clear Hits]


Alhazen, Opticae thesaurus libri septem, trans. from the
Arabic by Friedrich Risner (Basel, 1572). Giambattista della
Porta, Magia naturalis (Naples, 1593); idem, De telescopio
(Florence, 1962). George Berkeley, Essay Towards a New
Theory of Vision
(London, 1709). René Descartes, La Di-
part of Discours de la méthode (Paris, 1637), in
Oeuvres de Descartes, ed. Charles Adam and Paul Tannery,
13 vols. (Paris, 1897-1913). Euclid, Optics, trans. Harry E.
Burton, Journal of the Optical Society of America, 35 (1945),
357-72; idem, Catoptrica, Euclidis quae supersunt omnia,
ex Recensione David Gregorii, M.D. (Oxford, 1703). Galileo
Galilei, Siderius nuncius (Venice, 1610), trans. E. S. Carlos
as The Sidereal Messenger (1880; reprint London, 1960). F. M.


Grimaldi, Physico-mathesis de lumine, coloribus, et iride
(Bologna, 1665). Christiaan Huygens, Traité de la lumière
(Leyden, 1590; Paris, 1694). Johannes Kepler, Paralipomena
ad Vitellionem
(Frankfurt, 1604); idem, Dioptrice (Augusta
[Augsburg], 1611). Marcus Marci de Kronland, Thaumantias
Liber, De arcu coelesti, deque colorum apparentium natura,
ortu et causis
(Prague, 1648). Francesco Maurolico, Photismi
de lumine et umbra, Diaphaneon
(Naples, 1611). Isaac
Newton, Opticks (London, 1704). V. Ronchi, Storia della
2nd ed. (Bologna, 1952), trans. V. Barocas as The Nature
of Light
(London and Cambridge, Mass., 1970); idem,
Galileo e il suo cannocchiale, 2nd ed. (Turin, 1964); idem,
Optics, the Science of Vision, trans. Edward Rosen (New
York, 1957); idem, Sui Fondamenti dell'acustica e dell'ottica
(Florence, 1967); idem, New Optics (Florence, 1971). E. Ro-
sen, “The Invention of Eyeglasses,” Journal of the History
of Medicine and Allied Sciences,
11 (1956), 13-46, 183-218.
Giovanni Rucellai, L'Ape (Venice, 1539). Colin M. Turbayne,
“Berkeley and Molyneux on Retinal Images,” Journal of the
History of Ideas,
16 (July-Sept. 1955), 339-55. Francesco
Sizi, Dianoia astronomica, ottica, physica (Venice, 1611),
trans. C. Pighetti (Florence, 1964).


[See also Astrology; Atomism; Experimental Science; New-
ton on Method; Idea; Platonism; Positivism.]