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To my L. the King,

On the Christning His second Sonne IAMES.

That thou art lov'd of God, this worke is done,
Great King, thy having of a second Sonne:
And by thy blessing, may thy People see
How much they are belov'd of God, in thee;
Would they would understand it! Princes are
Great aides to Empire, as they are great care
To pious Parents, who would have their blood
Should take first Seisin of the publique good,
As hath thy JAMES; cleans'd from originall drosse,
This day, by Baptisme, and his Saviours crosse:
Grow up, sweet Babe, as blessed, in thy Name,
As in renewing thy good Grandsires fame;
Me thought, Great Brittaine in her Sea, before,
Sate safe enough, but now secured more.
At land she triumphs in the triple shade,
Her Rose, and Lilly, intertwind, have made.
Oceano secura meo, securior umbris.