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So Alexander Newgate's keeper Curst
That out to Boner, Story, Cholmly, burst
I'm too much pesterd with these Hereticks
My Prison rid, my Prison rid. Thus kiks
Wretch like against Christ flock. But mark his End,
Gods Dismall stroke lights on him, which doth spend
His Vitalls, he now like a monster swells,
Not like a man, so rots within and smells,
None could endure the same: and so he dies.
His heir within three years his state left str---
Saying ill Got, ill spent, and going in
The Newgate market dropt down dead ------
His son in Law John Peter, Cruell Wretch
Blasphemous man, would oft such Wishes ---
Affirming truth or falshood: thus would ---
I pray God I may rot or ere I dy
If't be not true. And God did as he Cride
Granting the suite he rotted first then dide.
Dale the Promoter of Papistick vice
Was Eat to Death (as Avales said) of Lice.