University of Virginia Library


Joy for the sturdy trees,
Fanned by each fragrant breeze,
Lovely they stand.
The song-birds o'er them trill;
They shade each tinkling rill;
They crown each swelling hill,
Lowly or grand.
Plant them by stream and way,
Plant them where children play,
And toilers rest;


In every verdant vale,
On every sunny swale;—
Whether to grow or fail,
God knoweth best.
Select the strong, the fair;
Plant them with earnest care,—
No toil is vain;
Plant in a fitter place,
Where, like a lovely face
Set in some sweeter grace,
Change may prove gain.
God will His blessing send;
All things on Him depend,—
His loving care
Clings to each leaf and flower,
Like ivy to its tower,—
His presence and His power
Are everywhere.