University of Virginia Library


Rejoice, sweet paragon of anxious duty!
That Heaven has raised thee an angelic friend,
Worthy to be its delegate, in shielding
Virtue like thine from undeserved distress!
Our bounteous Queen anticipates thy prayer,
And with the fond alacrity of pity,
Alarmed for innocence, will lend her aid
To save thy honored father.

My full heart


Would thank thee, gracious lady! as it ought;
But finds that gratitude, in souls made tender
By wrongs, is far more powerful than fear,
And drowns that voice, which terror could not stifle.

Fair stranger! there's attraction in thy youth,
Thy artless charms, and filial piety,
That binds thee to my bosom: and I feel
An anxious impulse, with maternal care,
To guard thy opening life from all that's evil.
Allow me then a parent's privilege
To be thy monitor!

Thou gentle sovereign!
Our foes, no doubt, who long have injured us
Beyond endurance, tell thee we are savage;
It is not so: the children of wild nature
Have hearts like a rich soil, where kind affections
Rise to the noblest height, and lavishly
Reward the liberal care, that bids them flourish.

Unguarded warmth, pure virtue's quick companion,
Is oft her secret foe: I would inform you
How you incensed, and how you best may soften
The offended King. But he approaches: go!
Leave me my friends, that I without restraint
May plead your cause, and win him to forgiveness!

(Exeunt Clyfford and Gwendylen.