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A Hint to Husbands

A Comedy, in Five Acts

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Will a Hint do for every Husband? No:
Here and there one deserves a knock-down blow.
The surly chuff, whose malice can abuse
His gentle dame, will hardly hear the Muse;
Whilst you, whose untir'd patience still survives
Our curtain lecture, may endure your wives.
But, is the fault for ever with the men?
Not always—about nine times out of ten.
Why then, you'll say, do they expound the laws
So much in favour of the husband's cause?
Why did a certain Judge prescribe a stick,
Provided only 'twas not over thick?
Aye, why, indeed? I hope that learned brother,
When he took one stick, gave his wife another.
The sooty Hymen, who beside the Tweed
Rivets love's fetters on with holy speed,
Case-harden'd as his steel, heeds no complaints,
Nor cares what father fumes, what mother faints.
His rattling anvil stops Compassion's ears,
And the hot forge exhausts his source of tears;
Nothing to him, what future ills betide
The tricking bridegroom, or the truant bride:
When craft and folly play their desp'rate game,
If the knave cheats, the dupe must share the blame.
But when true love in equal union binds
Harmonious tempers and congenial minds,—
If Time's cold hand shall wither beauty's bloom,
And the gay features deepen into gloom,—
That is the husband's sacred hour to prove
The strength of honour, and the truth of love;
That is the time to guard, support, and raise
The drooping partner of his happier days,—
Like the firm oak, whose branches wide and strong
Shield the fond vine, that clung to it so long:
Then if his past experience can impart
A Hint to Husbands,—it will reach the heart.