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SCEN. 5.

Enter Albertus, and Others.
How far is't to his Quarters now?

A little way, Sir.

Be sure that all the Soldiers march in order,
And on their lives no outrage to the Country.
Let all be done in silence. No Scouts return'd yet?

Not any, Sir.

I am jealous of this Court, the King enclined
But little, suspition could not mingle with his nature,
The Princesse has confirm'd him sure; we act
On the uncertain'st Stage, the strangest parts


That ever yet were play'd, I would the world
Would take it so. We have now stept
Beyond the power of Retreat or Fortune,
The one's too poor for us, and we for t'other.
We are like tired Gamesters with ill Cards
Weary to hold the game, and yet play on
To save if not to win; perhaps
If we prevailed, Ambition would as well
Play on the game as now we do,
Though from a modester designe.
How little ought man to be trusted then
With power in this world, when even the things
He aims to thrive by are the crimes of Kings,
Good Princes, like best Juglers, still find first
The lesser sleights of others. How now,
What news?

Enter Mess.
As we were scouting on the way,
Which leads unto Cracovia, we espied
The Body of an Army moving within
Two hours march.

Ha, it must be so—she has don't.
Bid instantly Botiscay march with haste,
[exit Mess.
For fear we are hindred joyning with my son.
Amidst these crimes a little policy does well,
It must be so, all we can hope for now will be to make
But good conditions—
—To put it to the venture of a day were madnesse,
We can have no supplies, they may have more.
And yet—I know not what to think,
Distractions mingle with my thoughts,


And we still lose our judgments with successe.
Our resolutions waited on us then
Like servants wanting wages. All Mankind
Is one of those two Cowards,
—Either to wish to die
When we should live, or live when we should die.
Some fear, some wish, too early, or too late
Most fall, yet none must chuse his Fate;
Those that prepare for every storm, do seldom cast
Themselves away,
It is but bravely sinking at the last.
