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Fedele and Fortvnio

The deceites in Loue : excellently discoursed in a very pleasaunt and fine conceited Comoedie, of two Italian Gentlemen

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Scena secunda.


Scena secunda.

Enter Pedante and Crack-stone with the Beggers weede.
Come on Sir apace, what makes you so slacke?
Presently put me this Robe on your backe.

Now get you vp along the streete, and be not afrayde,
There shall you meete Victoria, in the apparell of her mayde.
Thinking you thus disguised, to be Fortunio,
Uery ready you shall finde her with you to go.
When you haue her, hold fast, for she will not resist,
Woe her, wed her, bedde her, and vse her as you list.
Either now or neuer, your desire you shall haue,
Or be reuenged on the entertainement that out of her window to you she gaue.

See the force of loue, how it is able for a neede,
To shrowde a braue minde in a base kinde of weede.
Maister Pediculus, or Pedantonie, I am not very prospect in your name,
If this geare fall out, I shall be bound while I liue, to thanke you for the same.

I would not be he that should so couragious a Captaine, and valiant Gentleman deceiue.
Therefore trie me, & trust me, for this time I purpose to take my leaue

Farewell little Pastrie,
If I may meete with Mistresse Victoriarie heer.
Thinking that Fortunio in this place, to her will appeare.
Either I will make her incant the former words that she spake,
When she defied me, & denied that she wild me to kil Fedele for her sake.
Or I will backe beate her, & belly beate her too too pitifully,
You know loue is a fire, and they say fire and water hath no mercy.
But first I will speake her faire, because to be plaine,
Commonly faire fooles make wordes and perswasions to be faine.

Alas how long in the streete shall I for my Pedante stay?
He promised to meete me heer, and steale me quite away.
Some body in the streete I heare, I trust the same is hee,
And so I doe perswade me, by the beggers weede I see.

I'le beleeue Pediculus againe another day,
For yonder in Alice tittle tattles parrell the Mistresse dooth stay,
O yt I had some of Pediculus Schoole-butter to make me a lip salue,
Or could but wet my tonge in his inkhorne, for women will herken when we speake braue.
O thou that carriest a ball of wilde fire in thine eye, to burne vp my heart,
What shall I say more, to set out my smarte.
The time will not suffer to shew my prosperitie,

Therefore I committe you to the Gods for lacke of breuitie.