University of Virginia Library

Scena Quinta.

Enter Armelina, Bassanes, and Marullus.
I'me come to wait upon you Brother, and
To see how my dear Sister; your Clorina
Enjoyes her health. I found among your servants,


A generall sorrow as I pas'd along.
And you (me thinks) reflect distracted looks:
What is the reason of this Alteration,
Throughout your Family?

I am somthing troubled,
And now not in condition for discourse.

What is the matter, good Marullus! Though
Though may suppose some business, that hath fallen
Athwart his Expectation, hath distemper'd
Tis thoughts at present; yet I guess he is not
Sick. Therefore my afflicted mind misgives me,
That my poor Sister is not well; Resolve me,
Alas! I see some Malady hath taken her:
And he like a Good Husband suffers with her,
Grieves for her want of health: Is it not so?

Sweet Armelina! At this present leave me:
I at another time should fitter be,
To give you th'Entertainment you deserve;
According to the utmost of my power.

The gods be with you: My poor Company
Shall be no longer to you troublesome.
I hope to find my Sister in her Chamber;
And will go sit with her.

She is not there.

Where is she then? For I resolve to see her.


She's not in case to give you Entertainment,
Or to receive a visit.

Alas! You strike me
Almost as dead, as I suspect she is.
For Heavens sake teach me where to find her.

She is alive,
I pray you let that satisfy, and leave us.

Not for the World. I will not leave the house
Till I have seen, and spoken with Clorina.

My dear Marullus! Since this Lady is
So very importunate, She'l not be diverted,
Guide her I pray you to her Sister.

I must obey you; And fair Armelina
Shall wait upon you.

Exeunt Mar. and Armel.
Lead, and I follow you.

Now she will Curse me, and traduce my name,
Though (the Gods know) her Sister's in the blame.
He that refrains for fear of womens Tongs
To right himself, basely submits to wrongs.
