University of Virginia Library

Scena prima.

A Banquet set forth: Then enter Polidacre, Antiphila, Servants and Musitians.
You will pardon a sudden entertainment.

I hope we need not complement.

You do instruct me.
Sit down (my sweet Antiphila) and taste.
Fill wine:
All health and happiness to you (dear Mistris.)

A true return of loyal thanks.

Play a more merry tune: I do abhor
What ever relisheth of melancholy.
Sing, the spheres are dull—
Apply it to your self that best deserve it.


The Spheres are dull, and do not make
Such Musick as my ears will take:
The slighted Birds may cease to sing,
Their chirpings do not grace the spring:
The Nightingal is sad in vain,
I care not to hear her complain:
While I have ears and you a tongue,
I shall think all things else go wrong.


The Poets feign'd that Orpheus could
Make stones to follow where he would:


They feign'd indeed, but (had they known
Your voice) a truth they might have shown.
All instruments most sadly go,
Because your tongue excels them so:
While I have ears, and you a tongue,
I shall think all things else go wrong.

Tis pretty.

Reiterate again your yielding, Lady,
And once more let your breath perfume those words.

Sir, I am yours.

And I my fair Antiphila's, your tongue
Hath made me happy.

May your joy last long.

Exeunt omnes