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The Reliquary

By Bernard and Lucy Barton. With A Prefatory Appeal for Poetry and Poets

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We meet again! a sound to love,
E'en as we pass through time;
But link'd with hopes of heaven above,
Oh! how much more sublime!
Like fragrance from a fading flower,
Like music's passing strain,
The fleeting rapture of an hour,
When here we meet again!
'Tis cause of grateful joy to meet
With those we love below,
And feel they taste a bliss as sweet
As we ourselves can know:


Yet is that bliss like sunny gleams,
'Twixt frequent showers of rain,
So brief and bright its gladness seems,
When here we meet again.
All earth can give of good—is gone
Ere we know half its worth;
Some care or grief comes hurrying on,
Born with joy's very birth.
How oft the pleasure we would clasp,
We bring ourselves to feign:
Or when 'tis real, it shuns our grasp,
E'en while we meet again!
But those who meet in heaven, will find
Their happiness endure;
Union of deathless mind with mind—
As permanent as pure:
There all vicissitude is o'er,
Love—peace, for ever reign;
For they shall fear to part no more—
In heaven who meet again!