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The Vision of Prophecy and Other Poems

By James D. Burns ... Second Edition

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The Pilgrims grow weary because of the burden and heat of the day.

They struck their staves upon the ground,
Which rung beneath their tread,—
Still higher clomb the rounded sun,
And faster still they sped.
Their shortening shadows called to them
More bravely on to press;
And thus they cheered away the thought
Of toil and weariness:—
“O joy to enter through the gate!
O joy to be at home!
To hear the welcome shout,—At last
The wanderer hath come!”
Then silently they journeyed on,
And none his mate addrest;
But all the sweeter eve will be,
And welcomer the rest.
Their shadows shrink, the white sun darts
His fiery arrows down;—
O happy he who first may see
The marble-templed town!