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The Sea-King

A metrical romance, in six cantos. With notes, historical and illustrative. By J. Stanyan Bigg

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“'Twas not for this I left my sea-girt cave,
Where the winds and wild-waves sing,
And voices numberless,
On the rapt sense their music press
Till the crystal arches ring,
And dizzy, dance in wild excess
Of harmony, and happiness.
'Twas not for this I trod the cheerless shore,
And breathed the air of this unhappy earth;


And not for this to those of mortal birth
My golden harp I bore.
Lovely maid I came for this,—
To cheer thy soul with harmony;
For this I left my bower of bliss,
For this I came to visit thee;
If thou wilt listen I will sing,
About a wondrous man, Ragnar the dread Sea-King.”