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The Oath.

“An oath! an oath! I have an oath in heaven!”

“Blood on this hand!”—aye, not the generous stream
Which shed, or spent, alike we glorious deem!
“Blood on this hand!”—aye, that ensanguined stain
Which damn'd to endless pangs the first-born Cain!
Thou talk of valour! thou of honour's path!
Kicked into courage, cudgell'd by —!
Thou talk of oaths, to thee an idle song,
Thou “everything by turns, and nothing long!”
Thou scorn of those that use thee for their ends!
Thou tool of those thou darest not call “thy friends!”
Thou, who canst calmly brook, and pass it by,
The sneer scarce hid, the half-averted eye!
Thou talk of honour! Shame to man, to earth,
Shame to that generous land that gave thee birth!
Hence! in some desert hide that hateful name,
The good abhor thee, and the bad disclaim!