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The hurricane

a theosophical and western eclogue. To which is subjoined, a solitary effusion in a summer's evening. By William Gilbert

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That, which the Heart lays waste!” I hear exclaimed
In choral harmony of Fair and Great.
“Ah! What avails to us, pure Nature's Spirits!
“The managed body and the managed tongue,
“Which chaunts no concord to soft Nature's notes?
“The managed foot, that dreads our shady brakes,
“And shuns our holiest, wildest, deepest walks?
“We give no music to the high-trained ear:
“Our concert loved is NATURE's voice Divine,
“And GOD's and LOVE's; One unison, that sounds
“Through every branch, and trembles in each leaf.
“Here oft, when man awakes not, hear we sweet
“The voice of GOD conversing in the Calm,
“And preaching of his inmost works Himself;
“Till all the Seraph glow in all his fires,
“And melts the high Society in one
“Enraptured Diapason's holy sound.