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A Poem, in Twenty-Eight Books. By Joseph Cottle

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David and Bathsheba.

The Ark secured, slow from the festal space
(Where something of intemperance found a place)
David retires, his varied ways to trace;
His adverse years, and now his glorious state,
Till vanity arose, and thoughts elate:
At length he cried, scorning distrust and fear,
“My soul is turn'd to good, my heart sincere!
God hath approved my ways. Estranged from guile,
“Such worth as mine deserves my Maker's smile.
“And I, secure, will now my hours beguile.”


Oh! woeful state, when every fear is fled,
And Men, unarm'd, their path of peril tread!
David, alas, his warfare just begun,
Beholds the prize afar, and deems it won!
Oh! woeful hour, to depths despairing thrown,
When human might is left to war alone!
David (who felt the trust, to man denied,
For which the Prophets toil'd, the Patriarchs sigh'd,
And deem'd the force of his determined will,
Equal, alike, to shun or to fulfil)
Prosperous and confident, disdains to keep
The watch of fear, but, on the beetling steep,
Chooses, secure in strength, to lie and sleep,
Till, from the giddy height, he down is hurl'd,
The sad memento to a future world!
Oh! can that man who saw no sun arise,
Nor with it paid his morning sacrifice;
So late, who bade the altar's smoke ascend,
And Heaven adored, while Israel's tribes attend?
Can he whose prayers, as constant as the eve,
Rose, incense sweet—can he his Maker leave,
His watch remit, darkness for light exchange,
And thro' the realms of vileness, lawless range?


Can, who so oft the House of Prayer hath trod,
Who led devotion's round, and walk'd with God,
Whose many a righteous song, and holy strain,
Came from the heart, and touch'd the heart again,
And still shall cheer and charm while earth remain!
Can he descend from his celestial seat
To feed upon the husks which swine do eat?
Pride sent an angel host to realms of pain,
And confidence hath here her thousands slain!
Even David falls! Blot the disastrous deed
From memory's page, that none may mourning read!
Oh! sight of dread! Oh! depths of misery!
A Globe of Fire floats on the midnight sea,
On which appears—“Murder!” “Adultery!”
It sinks, and in the hour of silence deep,
Leaves the rack'd mind, unseen, to pause and weep!
Ahithophel, with transport in his eyes,
To Joab hastes. Wagging his head, he cries,
“Ah! Ah! This King whom I so lately made,
“With Abner (sent by thee to death's dark shade)
“What is he come to now! His vain parade,
“His praise of God, his Heaven-directed eyes,
“His zeal at morn and evening sacrifice,


“All like the bubble burst! Full well I knew,
“His heart was hollow, and his words untrue.
“Arch-hypocrite! I never made pretence
“To sanctity that laughs at sober sense;
“I knew it all a cheat, a lie profound,
“And spake and acted with the crowd around.
“But this ethereal spirit, he could raise
“One hour the halleluia shout of praise;
“The next, Oh! villainy, beyond degree!
“Could fly to murder and adultery!
“If seem thee meet, we now will pull him down,
“And to some nobler, wiser, give the crown.
“What dost thou think of me? Thou, by my side,
“Shalt half my power, and half my wealth divide.”
Joab replied. “Our King bath given this day
“Poor proof of piety, and fallen away
“Into enormous crimes, which I, even I,
“Rather than perpetrate would dare to die!
“But we must pity. Perhaps he may repent,
“But whether contrite tears, or not, be sent,
“Tho' I may blame (thus taught of loyalty)
“He is my Prince, and faithful I will be!”
This saying he indignant turns away,
And leaves Ahithophel, to rage, the prey.


Nathan draws near! To David thus he spake.
“Oh! King, if wrongs offend, to justice wake!
“There were two men who in one city dwelt;
“To one, a thousand fields their treasures dealt:
“Great store was his. The distant hill display'd
His flocks, his herds, while he, in pomp array'd
“Of high magnificence, too proud to bend,
“Saw crowds around his slightest glance attend.
“Near where he dwelt, a humble man abode,
“Who toil'd along life's steep and cheerless road.
“No flocks were his, no hills his treasure bore—
“A Little Lamb composed his only store.
“He found it in the bleak and boisterous hour,
“Up on the mountain top, a shrub its bower,
“Whilst, near, the Dam lay lifeless, stiff and cold,
“(A wanderer from some far and unknown fold.)
“Inspired with pity for the innocent,
“That friend had none, he bore it to his tent,
“Where, cherish'd with delight, by the same fire
“It sat, with children, round their common Sire.
“Of his own meat, the Father cheerful gave,
“And from his hand, it drank the crystal wave.
“It loved to warm his feet, around to play,
“And, as a daughter, in his bosom lay.


“To the Rich Man, it chanced, a Brother came,
“(Son of prosperity, and known to fame!)
“The Host exclaim'd, ‘Prepare the feast to day!
“My neighbour's lamb, regardless, bear away.’
“He took not from his own abundant store—
“He, from the poor man's arms his treasure tore!”
“Death!” David cried. “With ponderous fetters bound,
“His neck shall bend, his blood shall stain the ground!”
When Nathan thus. “Hath rage thy mind opprest?
Thou art the Man! On thee the charge doth rest!
“Thus saith the Lord. ‘I, from thy low estate,
“Least of thy Father's house, I made thee great;
“Freed thee from Saul, made smooth each rugged way,
“And gave thy hand the rod of power to sway.
“Why hast thou thus requited with disdain,
“Him, at whose thought alone all Monarchs reign!
“Thou hast despised my law, while crime on crime
“Hath mark'd the swift-revolving course of time.
“Adultery hath not scared thee. Filling, thence,
“Thy measure of disastrous influence,
“Thou hast run headlong in thy mad career,
“And murder'd one, thy friend, with Ammon's spear!


“Thou hast confirm'd, the scoffer's idle dream,
“And taught Heaven's foes their Maker to blaspheme!
“Sin must be link'd with penalty and shame!
“Who sows must reap, or good, or ill, the same!
“Now therefore—sorrow and perplexing care,
“Thy breast shall fill, thy aching head shall bear!
“Whilst (still to brand iniquity, like thine)
“Upon thy heart my face shall cease to shine!
“Hear, and remember, 'mid each sore distress,
“That thou hast fill'd thy cup with bitterness!
“Thy children shall arise, to fury wrought,
“And practice deeds which thou thyself hast taught.
“The sword, unsheath'd by thee, I now will take,
“To punish, but, in mercy, not forsake.”
The King thus answer'd. “From my towering height
“Low have I fallen to hopelessness and night!
“Who shall disperse the cloud of deepest shade,
“Or wash away the stain that sin hath made!”
Nathan replied. “The Lord hath mark'd thy tears:
“Thy grief he knows. Thy faltering voice he hears.
“Thou shalt not die! Now, to thy latest day,
“Watch ever! Seek for peace! For pardon pray!
“And cast thy trust on human strength away.”


Opprest with woe, David his mantle rent,
And thus, to Israel's Lords, the summons sent,
“Draw near! His friends, his foes, would David see,
“That he may tell to all his misery,
“And own the crimes (with self-accusing voice)
‘At which the Righteous weep, the Vile rejoice.”
The morn is come. Th' attentive concourse great,
With anxious hearts around their King await,
When David thus declared his wretched state.
“The still, the midnight hours, my anguish know!
“My restless pillow tells my weight of woe!
“And here, before you all, with Heaven in view,
“My garb I rend, my head with ashes strew!
“The crushing load of grief this breast sustains!
“You oft have met to chant your Monarch's strains;
‘Loud harps have join'd the chorus grand to raise,
“Whilst all was unison, and all was praise!
“Did I not then, sincere, the offering bring,
“And pour the song to Heaven's Eternal King?
“Bear witness, Oh! my heart, for thou canst tell,
“What joys were thine, to hear the lofty swell,
“Sent from unnumber'd voices, when the theme
“Ascribed all power and might, to God supreme


“Bear witness, Oh! my heart, if e'er the strain
“Told not thy thoughts, or dealt in language vain!
“Low have I fall'n! The foes of Heaven and man,
“Shout joyous, whilst my prostrate state they scan,
“Asking, with triumph in their heart and eye,
“‘Where is the Champion now of Piety!’
“Oh! woe. Oh! wretchedness of deepest kind!
“Horror, and darkness hang upon my mind!
“To Heaven, I dare not look, with such a stain!
“Earth ministers no solace to my pain!
“And must I fly to Hell? Oh! refuge vain!
“Pity your Monarch! Look on his despair,
“And whilst his grief you see, his sins beware!”
The Monarch upward look'd, while none replied,
When with the hand hard clasp'd, once more he cried.
“Great Lord of all! my sin, my wickedness,
“'Gainst thee have been, thee only! I confess,
“And mourn my crimes in th' depth of bitterness.
“Oh! let thy loving-kindness still prevail,
“And not, for me, the stream of mercy fail!
“Thou dost not empty sacrifice desire,
“Else should ten thousand bulls and rams expire;


“The poor, the bound, the contrite, thou dost prize.
“Nor wilt thou, Lord! the broken heart despise!
“Turn yet again! In pity look once more!
“The joy of thy salvation still restore!
“Make clean my heart, polluted in thy sight,
“And, Oh! renew, within, the spirit right!
“Purge me with hyssop! Thou, Oh, God! dost own
Truth in the inward parts, and truth alone;
“This would I offer! Guide me by thy hand!
“Free from blood-guiltiness, Oh! let me stand!
“Cast me not off! Almighty friend! look down!
“A burden'd conscience sooth! nor longer frown!
“With thy free Spirit, from my abject state,
“Oh! raise me up! On thee, I hope! I wait!
“Then will I softly tread till life shall end!
“Then shall the voice of gratitude ascend!
“Then shall transgressors learn, from me, thy ways!
And be my Harp devoted to thy praise!
“So, to the latest age shall sinners know,
“From my example (while o'erwhelm'd with woe)
“That when to Thee they turn, their only trust!
“Thou wilt not spurn the pleading child of dust!”