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Vulgar Verses

By Jones Brown [i.e. A. J. Munby]

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Coster Emily.

'Tis a Saturday night, and the market is gay
Wheer our Emily stands with her stall:
Theer's a deal o' bright faces out Oakenham way,
But hern is the brightest of all.
Her tidy hood-bonnet sits well on her head
And shelters her silky brown hair;
An' her eyes is as blue an' her cheeks is as red
As the best 'at you'll find i' the fair.
Her inna too thin an' her inna too stout—
Her's a sizeable wench as her stands;
I could like to be th' apron 'at clips her about,
If it's whiter a deal till her hands.
Her hands is as busy as busy can be,
Such a many good customers come;
And some on 'em takes it an' munches it, see,
And some on 'em carries it home.
It's good, is the fish what our Emily sells;
It's welly the best of its kind:
You can see for yourself how delicious it smells,
An' it tastes just as good, to my mind.


I shall goo for a penn'orth, or maybe for two,
I shall eat it a pretty good while;
For it inna so much for the fish, as I goo,
It's moor for our Emily's smile.
Her smiles like the sunshine, all over her face,
An' I reckon it comes from inside;
For her heart is a sweet an' a sunshiny place,
Wheer a shadder med never abide.
Eh, lad, but her lips is the way to her heart!
An' I think, of a evening like this,
I could chance for to make an uncommon good start,
If I nobbut could come at a kiss.
I'll do it! I'll hide me in-under yon wall,
An' I'll wait an' I'll wait till her come:
When her's pack'd up her dishes an' baskets an' all,
Her'll be off wi' her barrer, for home.
Then I'll slip into sight, wi' a civil good-night,
An' I'll offer to wheel it along:
Her'll maybe say, “No, lad, my barrer is light,
An' I are as loosty an' strong;”
But I'll have it; I'll wheel it up Haddleby road,
An' when we're atop o' the hill,
I'll pertend as I'm blown wi' yon bit of a load,
An' I'll stop, an' I'll kiss her—I will!


Aye—that'll be t' first, but it winna be t' last;
Us'll come to be sweethearts, you'll see:
An' theer's two 'ull be one, afore soommer is past—
That's Emily Coster, an' me!