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[by W. J. Linton]

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By now the party passes, with a shout,
Through King's front gate; he, having drawn aside
His window-curtain, look'd forth and espied
His pied acquaintance hammering at his door,
Clamorous to enter. Did I say before
He had that day from a long voyage return'd?
And in his early chamber the light burn'd.
Scarcely a-bed was he when all this din
As of police or burglars breaking in,


And he must rise and don his wearied clothes
(His bettermost suit unpack'd yet, I suppose)
To welcome these invaders, and with thanks:
Welcome as sudden floods that o'er low banks
Some unexpected thaw with thankless heat
Has brought unwanted. On his naked feet
Descends he, and assists them to a light;
Then turns to put him in more gueslly plight.
So enter they. And in a little while
King and his Wife bring down a cheerful smile
To help the gas; and all the game's a-blaze.