University of Virginia Library



Tell me not of heavenly eyes,
Suddenly glancing to surprize
(As the sun in days which are
Cloudy) eyes that watch and dare!
Tell me not of bosom'd snow,
With volcanic depths below
Of a heart whose hidden fires
Kindle uncontroul'd desires!
Tell me not of wisest ways,
And the subtlety bewrays
How love's waited for, and yet
Is not sure it will be met!
Tell me rather of a soul
Loving, but with such controul
O'er itself that it may be
Sure of its serenity!
Tell me of a form so fair
I scarce think of fairness there,
Knowing how it doth enshrine
All that love holds most divine!


Tell me of sufficient wit
Love need not be shamed of it!
Fair or foul, as others deem,
Thts is She I hold supreme.
Be she homely, ay! as true,
Thorough-loving, trusting through,
Though she have not heavenly eyes,
This is She as heaven I prize.