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Prince Lucifer

By Alfred Austin

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[The interior of the Church. Father Gabriel praying before the Altar.]
The tears are streaming down Thy face,
The blood is flowing down Thy side,
The cruel nails are in their place,
Where pale Thou hangest crucified.
Upon Thy brow the Crown of Thorn;
Nor John nor Magdalen is near;
But soldier's gibe and rabble's scorn,
The sponge, the hyssop, and the spear.


My Lord! My God! My Saviour dear!
Abandon not my flock forlorn!
What shall I do if Thou forget
Thy agony, Thy bloody sweat,
Thy swooning in Gethsemane?
O tend them now as, on that morn,
When Thou in Bethlehem wast born,
Thy spotless Mother tended Thee!