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A Persian Hymn to the Sun.


Great Parent of Ethereal Lights,
Celestial Fire, Immortal Flame,
Be Thou propitious to our Rites,
And hear while We invoke Thy Sacred Name.


With Thine our Flames, and Incense rise,
Our Vows pursue Thee to the Skies,
And to Thee wing our Morning Sacrifice.


Impregnate with Thy Genial Ray
Earth's Womb, and bid it largely bent,
With Blessings crown the springing Day,
And savour with Thy Smiles, the tender Year.



To Thy refining Fires We owe
The shining Product of our Mould,
Ripen'd by Thee our Metals grow,
Our Mines are burnish'd into Gold.
'Tis from Thy Light our Jewels shine,
The Wealth, and Beauties of the World are thine.