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Poems and Translations upon Several Occasions [by Mary Monck]

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From Petrarch.

Thoughtful, alone, thro' barren Wastes I stray,
Slow lingring Steps pace out the measur'd way:
With jealous Fear around my Eyes I cast,
To shun the Paths by human Footsteps trac'd.
Vain are all other Coverts to conceal
From sight of Men, the Torments that I feel:
A lifeless Figure, and a joyless Meen
Disclose the Fire that smother'd burns within.


The rocky Hills, and Streams, that silent flow,
The Groves, and Dales, are conscious of my Woe,
And only they the fatal Secret know.
But to howe'er remote a part I rove,
Or pathless Waste, or Hill, or Dale, or Grove,
I'm still pursu'd by my Companion, Love.