University of Virginia Library



On the eastern hill's steep side
Spreads the rural hamlet wide;
'Cross the vale, where willows rise,
Further still another lies;
And, beneath a steeper hill,
Lies another further still:
Near them many a field and grove—
Scenes where Health and Labour rove!
Northward swelling slopes are seen,
Clad with corn-fields neat and green;
There, thro' grassy plains below,
Broad and smooth the waters flow;
While the town, their banks along,
Bids its clustering houses throng,


In the sunshine glittering fair;
Haunts of Business, haunts of Care!
Westward o'er the yellow meads
Wind the rills thro' waving reeds;
From dark elms a shadow falls
On the abbey's whiten'd walls:
Wide the park's green lawns expand;
Thick its tufted lindens stand:
Fair retreat! that well might please
Wealth, and Elegance, and Ease.
Hark! amidst the distant shades
Murmuring drop the deep cascades;
Hark! amidst the rustling trees
Softly sighs the gentle breeze:
And the Eolian harp, reclin'd
Obvious to the stream of wind,
Pours its wildly-warbled strain,
Rising now, now sunk again.


How the view detains the sight!
How the sounds the ear delight!—
Sweet the scene! but think not there
Happiness sincere to share:
Reason still regrets the day
Passing rapidly away;
Lessening Life's too little store;
Passing, to return no more!