University of Virginia Library

XXV. A Song of Praise for Grace


O God of Grace, who hast Restor'd
Thine Image unto Me,
VVhich by my Sins was quite defac'd,
VVhat shall I render Thee?
Thine Image and Inscription, Lord,
Upon my Heart I bear;
Thine own I render unto Thee,
O God, my God most dear.


My self I ow Thee for my self
VVhom Thou didst make of Earth.
But Thou hast made me o're again,
Thou gav'st a Second Birth.
Twice born and twice Endu'd with Life,
I hast to come to Thee,
To pay my Vows, my Thanks, my Heart
VVith all Humility.



O was I Born first from Beneath?
And then Born from above?
Am I a Child of Man and God?
O Rich and endless Love!
VVhen I had broke the Tables, Lord,
New Tables Thou didst Hew,
And with thy Finger didst Engrave
Thy Laws on them anew.


Earth is my Mother, Earth my Nurse,
And Earth must be my Tomb.
Yet God, the God of Heav'n and Earth
My Father is become.
Hell enter'd Me, and into Hell
I quickly should have Run.
But O! kind Heaven laid hold on Me;
Heav'n is in Me begun.


This Spark will rise into a Flame,
This Seed into a Tree;
My Songs shall rise, my Praises shall
Loud Hallelujahs be.