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The Works of Mr. Robert Gould

In Two Volumes. Consisting of those Poems [and] Satyrs Which were formerly Printed, and Corrected since by the Author; As also of the many more which He Design'd for the Press. Publish'd from his Own Original Copies [by Robert Gould]

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SONG XXII. Nothing wanting to Love.
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SONG XXII. Nothing wanting to Love.


Yes, Silvia, I was told but now,
While on your Breast I lay
My Head, and thus obsequious bow,
I fool my Fame away;
That Glory, while thus close I joyn
My Lips and glowing Cheeks to thine,
Stars wide and cries she'll ne'er be mine.


Let the false World true Passion blame,
And Heav'n's best Gift despise;
I'd rather be the Fool I am
Than, without Love, be wise:
Fame, Glory, and what e'er we find
That captivates th'Ambitious Mind,
I have 'em all if thou art kind!