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The Internal Monitor.

Thou need'st not say, with mental Sighs, O Man!
Who will unfold Jehovah's mystick Plan?
Who bring the sacred Pandects from the Sky?
That we may hear, and with the Terms comply.
Who perch upon the Morning's early Breeze?
And waft it to us from beyond the Seas.
Or, who descend to the unmeasur'd Deep,
And fetch it where tremendous Waters sleep?
For in thy Heart the Word's divinely wrote,
Indelible and fair, without a Blot;


Speaks ev'ry Tongue beneath the Cope of Heav'n,
Extensive as the Light! to All 'tis giv'n.
Unto this Oracle Attention give,
Obey its Dictates, and thy Soul shall live.
Nor need'st thou say, Wherewith, alas, shall I
Approach the Great Eternal Deity?
Or how prostrate myself to gain his Eye?
Shall I before His awful Presence come
With Yearling-calves, in a full Hecatomb?
Will Rams in thousands please from Bashan's Soil?
Or, shall I give ten thousand Rills of Oil?
Shall my First-born be offer'd as a Toll,
The Body's Fruit ransom the guilty Soul?
No! none of these, Jehovah will delight;
Thy Heart is Conscious of the Thing that's Right.
The Rule is short—Be merciful, be just,
And humbly in thy Maker put thy Trust.