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or, Britans Second Remembrancer, bringing to Remembrance (in praisefull and Poenitentiall Hymns, Spirituall Songs, and Morall-Odes): Meditations, advancing the glory of God, in the practise of Pietie and Vertue; and applyed to easie Tunes, to be Sung in Families, &c. Composed in a three-fold Volume, by George Wither. The first, contains Hymns-Occasionall. The second, Hymns-Temporary. The third, Hymns-Personall. That all Persons, according to their Degrees, and Qualities, may at all Times, and upon all eminent Occasions, be remembred to praise God; and to be mindfull of their Duties

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Hymne XXIII. For him that undertakes a long-voyage.


Many are the Casualties and Hazzards of long-voyages. Therefore, this Hymn puts Travellers in minde of some things pertinent to their safety; and remembers them, whose Protection they ought to seeke.

Sing this as the 4. Psalme, &c.


Hee that a Voyage undertakes,
Had need be well prepar'd;


And (when his Countrey he forsakes)
Procure an able Gard:
For, perils are so rife become,
That (e're we be aware)
They often ceaze on us at home,
When we most watchfull are.


My Journey, therefore, in thy Name,
I, now ô Lord, begin;
That thou maist guide me through the same,
And prosper me therein.
Be thou my Pilot and my Guide,
My Guard, my Staffe, my Stay;
And, ev'ry thing for me provide,
That's needfull in my way.


To Pilgrims, thou, in Ages past,
Approv'dst thy selfe a Friend;
And, to their Pilgrimages, hast
Vouchsaf'd a blessed end.
The Father of the Faithfull Race,
His Son, and Grand-childe too,
Removed oft from place to place,
And, Thou didst with them goe.


The Patriarchs in Marchantwise,
For Food, to Egypt went;
Endev'ring their necessities,
By Travell, to prevent.
Thy blest Apostles (whom the Spheres,
Did, therefore figure out)
Were universall Travellers,
To preach thy Truth about.



Yea, when thy blessed Son, ô God!
Did in our flesh appeare,
(And made amongst us his abode)
His Travels, many were.
To Egypt, he a voyage made,
Ev'n in his tendrest age;
And other painfull Journeyes had,
To scape the Peoples rage.


Lord, make a voyage now with me;
Conduct, and guide me, so,
As Jsr'el guided was, by thee,
In Ages long agoe.
Like Iacobs Voyage, make thou mine,
With me thine Angell send;
And let thy face upon me shine,
Vntill my Journies end.


Twixt me and ev'ry perill stand,
That shall my life assaile
Vpon the Water or the Land,
And let them not prevaile.
Protect from Poyson, Fire, and Sword,
From theeves and beasts of prey:
From unexpected Sicknesse, Lord,
And Stormes upon the way.


From all extreames of Cold and Heat;
From all Infectious Aires;
From Wants or Torments overgreat;
From Bondage, and Despaires:
From their Despight that Goodnesse hate,
And mischiefes doe intend:


From Flattrers, and a Faithlesse-mate,
Thy Servant, Lord, defend.


Preserve me sober, and Discreet,
Just, humble, meek and kind;
That, such as would ensnare my feet,
No powre thereto may finde.
Make cleane my heart, and keep my Tongue,
That I nor think, nor say,
What may be to anothers wrong;
Or mine own life betray.


Throughout my Travels give me grace
Discreetly to avoyd,
The Sins, and Errors of the Place,
wherein, I am employ'd.
And, let me those things only learn,
Which to thy praise may be,
My Countrys good, someway, concern,
Or truly profit me.


To these intents, thine Ayd afford;
Thy daily blessing, daign,
And, bring me in due time, ô Lord,
In safetie back again.
That, I may joyfull praises give
Vnto thy holy Name;
And others, (who thy love perceive)
Assist me in the same.