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Seint Patrik com þoru Godes grace to prechi in Irlonde
To teche men hore riȝte bileue of Iesu Crist to vnderstonde
So fol of wormes þat lond he vond þat nomon nemiȝte gon
In some stude for wormes þat he nas ywemmed anon
Sein Patrik bad oure Louerd Crist þat þe lond delyuered were


Of þulke voule wormes þat non necome þere
Oure Louerd hurde is bone anon þat nemiȝte neuer eft come
No voul worm in Irlonde þat is lif him nas bynome
Ech tre[o] þat in þe londe grouþ & eorþe of þe lond also
Ne þoleþ no venim in none stude ney him be[o] ido
No voul worm necomþ þer ney þat nis anon lyfles
Bote a lite ssort euete and ȝute he is tailles
Muche clannesse & muche god wo so deþ him vnderstonde
For þe loue of sein Patrik oure Louerd dude to al Irlonde
A god mannes ssep was istole to sein Patrik com tiþinge
[He] het þat wo so it hadde inome aȝen it ssolde bringe
Þis godeman het so at churche ofte ac aȝen ne com it noȝt
In an heiday as þat folk to churche was ybroȝt
Sein Patrik het ȝif in þe churche eny musel were
Of þe ssep þat it ssolde blete among hom alle þere
Þo gan to blete inis wombe þat hadde þe ssep istole
Amang al is men þat it nemiȝte no leng be[o] ihole
Sore was þe þeof ofssamed þat men for þef him knewe
He was iknewe & merci bad & bicom god & triwe
Nou hadde sein Patrik a wone ofte and ilome
To aloute to euerich crois war he euer come
A day as he wende aboute preching in þe londe
Seint Patrik lotte to eche crois [] þat he sey awer stonde
Þait crois þat stod þat men iseye ac he ne say hit noȝt
Þer fore ne lotte he noȝt þer to [] men wondrede on her þoȝt
And esste why he nolde aloute [] to þe crois by him þere
Þis holi man byheld aboute [] and esste whar he were
He ne myȝte noȝt þat crois ise [] in gret þoȝt he stod
Gret wonder hadde þat folk þo [] and wende he were wod
Þo seide a uois vnder erþe [] ne misþenche ȝe noȝt


Þeȝ þe holi man ne se þat crois [] ne wondri ȝou riȝt noȝt
For it is for myne sunne þat myne bones lyggeþ here
As ich was ibured & mid ȝou speke þis holyman to skere
Sarazin ich was wile an eorþe in helle my soule is
For mine bones beoþ so ney þe crois he ne suchþ it noȝt iwis
As prechinge þis holyman þe contreie out soȝte
A wild stude he vond & bar þat no frut vorþ ne broȝte
Þei me sewe & sette þer al þing þer ne com noþing forþ þere
Sein Patrik bad oure Louerd ȝerne to wite wi it were