University of Virginia Library

22. Decem remedia contra peccata venialia ut patebit inferus


Trin. Coll., O.2.40, fol. 104r.

We fynde wryttyn . X . thynges sere
That venial synnes for doys here
Theys . X . are thyes þat I now rede
Holy water & almes dede
ffastyng and howsyl of goddes body
Praer of þe pater noster namely
Seueral schrifte þat yche day may be
Blessyng of bysschop thorough hys dygnyte
And blessyng of preyst þat gyfen ys


Namely in þe endyng of þe messe
Knockyng of brest of man þat ys meke
Laste anoyntyng þat ys gyften to þe seke
Thyes . X . poyntes puttes venial synnes away
As men may here thyes clarkes say
But so many veniall synnes sere
May be gaderd to gedyr here
That thay may way on þe soule as hewy
As a noder syn ys dedly
That sles þe soule þat god myspays
And therefore þe poyt on thys says
De minimis granis fit maxima summa caballo &c
Als of many smale cornes ys mayd
To a hors a gret loyd
Ryȝth so many veniall synnes smale
may make a dedly syn all