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Songs of sundrie natures

some of grauitie, and others of myrth, fit for all companies and voyces. Lately made and composed into Musicke of 3. 4. 5. and 6. parts: and published for the delight of all such as take pleasure in the exercise of that Art

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[Whyle that the Sunne with his beames hot]


Whyle that the Sunne with his beames hot,
Scorched the fruits in vale & mountaine:
Philon the sheperd late forgot,
Sitting besides a Christall fountaine,
In shadow of a greene Oke tree,
Vppon his pipe this song playd he:
Vntrue loue, vntrue loue, adew loue,
Your minde is light, Soone lost for new loue.


So long as I was in your sight,
I was as your hart, your soule, your treasure,
And euermore you sob'd, you sigh'd,
Burning in flames beyond all measure,
Three dayes endur'd your Loue to me,
And it was lost in other three.
Adew Loue adew loue vntrue loue,
Vntrue loue vntrue loue adew loue,
Your mynd is light, soone lost for new loue


Another shepherd you dyd see,
To whome your hart was soone enchayned,
Full soone your loue was leapt from me,
Full soone my place he had obtayned,
Soone came a third your loue to winne,
And we were out and he was in.
Adew loue, &c.


Sure you haue made me passing glad,
That you your mynd so soone remoued,
Before that I the leysure had,
To chuse you for my best beloued.
For all my loue was past and doonne,
Two dayes before it was begoonne.
Adew Loue &c.