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The poems and verse-translations of the Right Rev. Jeremy Taylor

For the first time collected and edited after the author's own text: With introduction. By the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart [in Miscellanies of The Fuller Worthies' Library]

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On the Feast of Pentecost, or Whitsunday.

Tongues of fire from heaven descend,
With a mighty rushing wind
To blow it up, and make
A living fire
Of heavenly charity, and pure desire,
Where they their residence should take:
On the Apostles sacred heads they sit,
Who now like beacons do proclaim and tell
Th'invasion of the host of Hell;
And give men warning to defend
Themselves from the inragèd brunt of it.


Lord, let the flames of holy charity,
And all her gifts and graces slide
Into our hearts, and there abide;
That thus refinèd, we may soar above
With it unto the element of love,
Even unto Thee, dear Spirit,
And there eternal peace and rest inherit.