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Divine emblems

Embellished with etchings on copper, after the fashion of Master Francis Quarles. Designed and written by, Johann Abricht [i.e. Jonathan Birch

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[—Seductive World, we've had enough of thee!]

Seductive World, we've had enough of thee!
Beshrew thy power! my Sister must be free—
She is no slave of thine—nor master thou to me!


Thou didst allure us, with enticing sweets—
Before us placed thy gay delusive treats—
And trapped us with thy soul-destroying gilded cheats.



By subtle fumes, that o'er my senses stole,
Caution was lull'd—thou didst obtain control
Over my yielding Sister: whilst still slept her soul!


Awake, I gave thy opiates to the wind,
Dared thee to stay the unconsenting mind!
And the unwilling body must not be confined.
—I do retain her till she pays the debt
For jewels, feasts, and robes of golden net—
Down beds of Tyrian hue and costly mansions let.

—What she partook—thou didst invite her to,
And woful retchings she did undergo
From the seductive sweets!—the debt is false you know!



In the same rustic garb she's clad, as erst,
Ere your deceptive blandishments accurst
Enticed her wandering eye—and on her senses burst.
—She had her will, she wanted no decoy
To woo to pleasure and a life of joy—
Oh no! a world of pleasure is too choice a toy!

—Sister! thou would'st be free from thy disgrace?

—Oh yes!

—Thou would'st not while in leagues so base?

Oh no!

—Dost hear, thou fiend of double face?

—Now, Sister, break his bonds—try—do thy best!
Some severed bands thy willing will attest!
Behold! the Bridegroom comes—his pow'r will do the rest!


It is the Devil's part to suggest: ours not to consent. As oft as we resist him, so often we overcome him: so often we bring joy to the Angels and glory to God, who prepareth us that we may contend, and assisteth us that we may conquer.


For the Devil may suggest, compel he cannot.

S. CHRYS. sup. Matth.

I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: and though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God: whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another.

JOB, chap. 19, v. 25, 26, 27.

The Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.

LUKE, chap. 19, v. 10.