University of Virginia Library


“Sarazin,” quaþ charles þe king,
“Let ben al þi þretning.
Tel me nou alle & some
In what message artou come.”
Otuwel, þat noble kniȝt,
Answerede a non riȝt:
“Hider me sente king garsie,
Spaine is his, an[d] lumbardie,
& manye londes name-couþe,
Þat i ne mai nouȝt nemne wiþ mouþe;
Bi me he sente þe to segge,
Þou sscholdest cristendom a-legge,
& maken þine men in eche toun,
For to leuen on fire mahoun,
& þou & alle þine barons bolde,
Of him ȝe sschulle ȝoure londes holde,
Þanne miȝtou amenden ȝif þou wilt,
Þat þou hauest mahoun agult:
&, certes, bote it so bi-falle,
Garsie wele ȝiue þine londes alle,
To olecent of esclauenye,
Þe kinges sone of Ermenie,
Þat haueþ his .o. douȝter to wif,
Þat he loueþ as his lif;
Þous sschall all þi murþe a-doun,
Bote þou leue on sire mahoun.”