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24. [Sonnet: On the River Tweed]
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24. [Sonnet: On the River Tweed]

Faire famous flood, which sometyme did devyde,
But now conjoynes, two Diadems in one.
Suspend thy pace and some more softly slyde,
Since wee have made the Trinchman of our mone.
And since non's left but thy report alone
To show the world our Captaines last farewell
That courtesye I know when wee are gon
Perhapps your Lord the Sea will it reveale.
And you againe the same will not conceale,
But straight proclaim't through all his bremish bounds,
Till his high tydes these flowing tydeings tell
And soe will send them with his murmering sounds
To that Religious place whose stately walls
Does keepe the heart which all our hearts inthralls.