A Collection of Emblemes Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither |
A Collection of Emblemes | ||
Illvstr. XXII.
[My hopefull Friends at thrice five yeares and three]
When Vice and Vertue Youth shall wooe,
Tis hard to say, which may 'twill goe.
Tis hard to say, which may 'twill goe.
My hopefull Friends at thrice five yeares and three,
Without a Guide (into the World alone)
To seeke my Fortune, did adventure mee;
And, many hazards, I alighted on.
First, Englands greatest Rendevouz I sought,
Where Vice and Vertve at the highest sit;
And, thither, both a Minde and Bodie brought,
For neither of their Services unfit.
Both, woo'd my Youth: And, both perswaded so,
That (like the Young man in our Emblem here)
I stood, and cry'd, Ah! which way shall I goe?
To me so pleasing both their Offers were.
Vice, Pleasures best Contentments promist mee,
And what the wanton Flesh desires to have:
Quoth Vertve, I will Wisdome give to thee,
And those brave things, which noblest Mindes doe crave.
Serve me said Vice, and thou shalt soone acquire
All those Atchievements which my Service brings:
Serve me said Vertve, and Ile raise thee higher,
Then Vices can, and teach thee better things.
Whil'st thus they strove to gaine me, I espyde
Grim Death attending Vice; and, that her Face
Was but a painted Vizard, which did hide
The foul'st Deformity that ever was.
Lord, grant me grace for evermore to view
Her Vglinesse: And, that I viewing it,
Her Falsehoods and allurements may eschew;
And on faire Vertve my Affection set;
Her Beauties contemplate, her Love embrace,
And by her safe Direction, runne my Race.
A Collection of Emblemes | ||