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The Psalmes of David

The King And Prophet, And Of other holy Prophets, paraphas'd in English: Conferred with the Hebrew Veritie, set forth by B. Arias Montanus, together with the Latine, Greek Septuagint, and Chaldee Paraphrase. By R. B. [i.e. Richard Brathwait]

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Psal. 25. Ad te, Domine.

Davidis Acrostichon.


As, Lord, to thee I lift my soule,
Because I trust in thee,


My God: Let not confusion foule,
nor foes insult on mee.


Give not their hopes, that thee attend,
to take a shamefull staine:
Let shame confound them that offend,
and have no cause to faigne.


Direct mee, Lord, thy waies to know,
thy pathes to mee make plaine:
Within thy bounds my steps bestow,
and teach mee to containe.


How in thy truth to tread impart,
and make mee learne the way:
For of my health the God thou art,
whom I attend all day.


Zeale of thy kind compassions mind,
remember, Lord, that care:
Thy tender mercies make mee find,
for they for ever are.


Hold, on my youthfull faults forepast,
remember not to take;
Of mercie mind how much thou hast,
Lord, for thy goodnesse sake.


The Lord is good and righteous ey'd,
transgressors to instruct:
The sinners therefore will he guide,
and in their way conduct.


In judgement just to tread upright,
the humble he will stay:
And where they wander, wanting light,
will learne the meeke his way.


Continuall are the Lords pathes cast
in Truths and Mercies mold;
To such as keep his Covenant fast,
his Testimonies hold.



Lord, to thy Names great power herein,
let mee my pardon owe:
And on the greatnesse of my sin
thy greater mercie shew.


Make known the man with mind entire,
that feares the Lord: the way
That he shall choose he will inspire,
and learne him how to lay.


Now (goodnesse gotten to his hand)
his soule in good shall dwell:
His seed inherit shall the land,
that to his fathers fell.


Secret that from the Lord descends,
doe they that feare him find:
To such his Covenant he commends,
and makes them know his mind.


On Jah-the-Lord mine eies are set
continually to looke:
To bring my feet out of the net,
whose hand hath undertooke.


Prevent mee, and with gracious looke
thy face on mee reflect:
Whom solitary, poore, forsooke,
(discomforts all) deject.


The sorrowes of my heart enlarg'd,
my less'ned heart oppresse:
O set mee from these toiles discharg'd,
and free mee from distresse.


Remorse on mine afflictions cast,
regard how much I grieve:
Make even for all my faults fore-past,
and all my sinnes forgive.


Regard my foes insatiate,
what multitudes they lead,


That beare a heart-infected hate
against my harmlesse head.


Sustaine my helplesse soule alive,
and safe deliver mee;
But let not shame my fall contrive,
because I trust in thee.


True perfectnesse and right let dwell
with mee, that wait on thee:


Preserve, O God, thine Israel
from all his troubles free.