University of Virginia Library

To Alexander Neuell.

The lytell Fysh,
that in the streme doth fleet
With brode forth stret-
ched Fyns for his disporte
When as he spyes,
the Fysshes bayte so swete,
In haste he hyes,
fearynge to com to shorte,
But all to soone
(alas) his gredy mynde,
By rash attempt,
doth bryng hym to his bane,
for where he thought
a great relyefe to fynde,

By hydden hooke,
the symple fole is tane.
So fareth man,
that wanders here and theare,
Thynkyng no hurt
to happen hym therbye,
He ronnes amayne,
to gase on Beauties cheare,
Takes all for golde
that glysters in the eye,
And neuer leaues
to feade by lookyng long,
On Beauties Bayte,
where Bondage lyes enwrapt,
Bondage that makes
hym synge an other song,
And makes hym curse
the bayte that hym entrapte.
Neuell to the,
that louest their wanton lookes,
Feade on the bayte,
but yet beware the Hookes.