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Elegia. 3. To his Diana.

If the secretnesse of my thoughtes,
Were opened to you,
Or if else my dolorous heart,
Had of speaking the vsage:
Or (warrier) if my constancie,
Were painted in my visage:
Or that if ye knewe my torment,
How it is great and true.
Or, or if any golden wordes,
In well composed verse,
Could liuelelie shewe the picture,
Of an amourous rage:

Then should I without doubt amo-
lishe a Tigers courage.
And moue to pittie (warrier) if
it were the vniuerce.
But since wordes, neither can prescribe
My amore, nor my paine:
Tyme shall it selfe, witnesse how much
Both are in me certaine:
And that of my passioned soule,
The Diuine great loyalties:
Doo the sacrednesse of all o-
thers, I of the Gods passe:
And more then the syluer maie-
sties, of your Christall face,
Underneath, tother Phebes, doo
Excell all other Beutæs.