University of Virginia Library


Last Night I heard the Dog-star bark,
Mars met Venus in the Dark;
Limping Vulcan heat an Iron Bar,
And furiously made at the great God of War.
Mars with his weapon laid about,
Limping Vulcan had got the Gout;
His broad Horns did hang so in his light,
That he could not see to aim his blows aright.


Mercury the nimble Post of Heaven
Stood still to see the Quarrel;
Gorrel-belly'd Bacchus, Gyant-like,
Bestrid a Strong-beer Barrel:
To me he Drank,
I did him thank,
But I could drink no Sider;
He drank whole Buts,
'Till he burst his Guts,
But mine was ne're the wider.
Poor Tom is very Dry;
A little Drink, for Charity:
Hark! I hear Aeteon's Hounds,
The Huntsman Hoops and Hollows;
Ringwood, Rockwood, Jowler, Bowman,
All the Chace doth follow.
The Man in the Moon drinks Clarret,
Eats Powder'd-Beef, Turnep, and Carret:
But a Cup of Malligo Sack
Will fire the Bush at his Back.