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Once upon the Throne together
Telling one another Secrets,


Sate Sulaymán and Balkís;
The Hearts of both were turn'd to Truth,
Unsullied by Deception.
First the King of Faith Sulaymán
Spoke—‘However just and wise
‘Reported, none of all the many
‘Suitors to my palace thronging
‘But afar I scrutinize;
‘And He who comes not empty-handed
‘Grows to Honour in mine Eyes.’
After this, Balkís a Secret
From her hidden bosom utter'd,
Saying—‘Never night or morning
‘Comely Youth before me passes
‘Whom I look not after, longing’—
‘If this, as wise Firdausí says, the curse
‘Of better women, what then of the worse?’